Firepower is king.

Chapter 264 This is a matter of principle

Chapter 264 This is a matter of principle
One side of the villa hotel is the river, and the other side is the road. If someone is secretly monitoring the hotel's every move, it can only be on the side of the road.

The road is very wide, and across the road, there are countless available houses to monitor the hotel which is not too high.

If a sniper is targeting this hotel in the distance, it is really disturbing to think about it.

When I thought of the possibility of being killed by a bullet from nowhere, and no one could be found in the end, the tension immediately came up.

This damn sense of oppression, just knowing that Ortloff had found a few snipers, was enough to make Gao Guang more and more nervous.

Gao Guang let go of the curtains and stood a little further away from the window, and then he didn't even want to enter the house on this side of the road, what if someone used a bazooka.

It's almost six hours. I just hope that Sanji can find the hiding place of Ortloff this time. No matter what he wants to do, he should act first, and we can't live in such a dreadful life again. up.

Gao Guang knocked on Musa's door. Now Musa is gradually getting busy, but he must still see him every day. After entering Musa's door, Gao Guang said very seriously: "Brother, don't you You're already here, let's move to another place."

"Did something happen?"

Musa still doesn't know exactly what happened, he only knows that Gao Guang has been busy recruiting troops these days.

"I've been targeted. Ortlov of the Tiger Mercenary Group wants to kill me. It's too dangerous for you to be with me. Find a safe place to live."

Musa was silent for a moment, then he spread his hands and said, "Why don't we stay in another hotel?"

"I can't leave until the situation is clear. You go first. If you need to change places to live, of course I will leave."

Gao Guang couldn't say that he was afraid of being shot if he went out now, so he couldn't move for the time being.

The enemy is dark and we are clear. This situation cannot continue forever. Gao Guang will definitely not stay in this hotel and expose himself to the enemy. However, if you want to change places, you have to plan and step by step, and you can’t swagger just go.

Musa didn't say much, he knew that Gao Guang's daily life was accompanied by danger, so since he couldn't help, it's best not to be a burden.

"Okay, I will leave tomorrow, no, I will leave tonight, I will ask my uncle to send someone to pick me up and protect me to leave."

Musa had always been a wise man, and talking to wise men didn't take much effort.

Gao Guang left Musa's room with satisfaction, and then he said to several employees who had already put on bulletproof vests: "It will be six hours, and Sanji hasn't found Ortlov yet. I guess he can't find him." arrive."

If you find it, you will be notified as soon as you find it, and Sanji doesn't need to check in to report, so there is no news yet, and it won't come suddenly in a few minutes.

Half a day passed, and the part-time informant Sangji found swept away the row of buildings opposite Gao Guang and the others, and found nothing unusual.

You can't rush into people's homes to search, and the method of purely asking questions can't guarantee that it is really safe, so the money is not spent, but the investigation effect is really not very good.

It's not much, it's just outrageous to be so nervous.

Finally, Sanji called.

"Oh hey, I'm sorry, I still haven't been able to find out what happened to Ortloff."

With a completely unexpected answer, Gao Guang let out a sigh of relief and said, "Then did you find any useful information?"

"Well, according to unconfirmed information, the current tiger mercenary group has about [-] people, not many people, most of them are Russians, and the majority are Eastern Europeans. The informant said that he saw at least three sniper rifles, So there are only [-] people but there are three snipers."

"What does unconfirmed mean."

"The informant said he saw Otloff, they came out of the Baghdad airport with guns, which means they went through the pmc transport channel, and someone helped them, but the informant could not provide any evidence to prove that he said It's true, so I can't confirm."

Gao Guang let out a breath and said, "Is there any more?"

"The sniper Ortlov found is easier to confirm the identity. Just check that the sniper who was active in the labor market has disappeared. So far, there are six snipers who have not shown up since yesterday. Their strength cannot be said to be very strong, but at least they are qualified snipers, Mad Dog, think about it, if there are at least nine sniper rifles aimed at you, this situation..."

The pressure is too strong.

Gao Guang gasped, and said, "Uh, I might have to change my place of residence, I can't just wait for Ortlov to call."

"Yes, about the commission, um, give me another twelve hours, can I reduce it to [-] US dollars this time?"

Timeliness, timeliness, every time you procrastinate for a few hours, you will lose [-] yuan. Does Gao Guang care about this money?

"Twenty thousand! Or another way, if you message me before nine o'clock at night, I'll pay you one hundred thousand, and if you message me before twelve o'clock, I'll give you thirty thousand."

Sangji said in great distress: "No, I don't accept floating prices. We are in the intelligence business, and we pay attention to the fixed price. That's fine. Before this time tomorrow, I will definitely give you the location of Otloff. If you can’t do it, I’ll help you for free, but [-] really can’t be less.”

Gao Guang didn't want to get entangled with Sangji on such details.

"Okay, give me news as soon as possible. I will also use my own channel to find Ortlov. If there is news through my channel first, I will notify you."

Still had to put pressure on Sanji, Gao Guang hung up the phone, and immediately said to Paul: "Hi, Paul, you've seen Otloff, right?"

Paul nodded, and then he whispered: "Yes, I know what Ortloff looks like, he is not too tall, but he is very strong, he has a big beard, he likes to wear sunglasses, and there is a spot on the corner of his mouth It's a small scar, but it's still noticeable."

Paul was called by Ortloff to come to Baghdad, but when Paul arrived, the tiger mercenaries were all beaten by the highlight, so Paul turned around and cast the highlight.

The relationship between them is amazing.

Gao Guang also went to the doctor when he was ill. He said to Paul, "Do you still have Ortlov's phone number? Although he may not need it, who knows for sure."

Paul said with a bitter face: "I saved it in my mobile phone, and I wrote it in my notebook for insurance, but I lost my mobile phone and notebook, boss, have you forgotten?"

What else can Gao Guang say, of course he knows why Paul turned into a lobster in the sun, because he was even cheated of his clothes.

There is nothing more to say, just continue to wait for the news.

Then only half an hour later, Sanji called again.

Gao Guang was overjoyed, he connected the phone, and said impatiently, "Any news?"

Sanji's voice sounded a little ethereal, and he said vaguely: "Well, something happened, because of professional sensitivity, I think this thing may be useful to you."

"What's the matter? You said."

Sanji was silent for a moment, and then he said seriously: "Just now, a famous seller of stolen goods in Baghdad told me that he had a sniper rifle that he wanted to sell. Now there is no suitable buyer, and he asked me if I could sell it for him. go."

Sniper rifles, now Gao Guang hears the word allergic.

"A sniper rifle again?"

"Yes, a sniper rifle with an ordinary white light sight on the gun, but there is a very expensive external thermal imaging in a separate box, a laser rangefinder, forty rounds of ammunition, the gun is AWM, but the whole set The sniper equipment needs at least $[-] or more, he wants to sell it for [-], and the rest is mine."

Gao Guang said without hesitation: "Buy it! I'll pay, but ask where the gun came from!"

Sangji breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Don't ask, if this gun came from Luzheng, he wouldn't ask me to shoot it, and the gun should go to an arms dealer instead of an intelligence dealer, so since he dare not sell the gun to someone who is willing to take it The person with the gun, it means that this gun cannot appear on the Baghdad arms black market, if I am not wrong, this gun was cheated by a fellow villager."


"Yes, a liar who often uses fellow villagers as an excuse, and the sellers often receive stolen goods from fellow villagers. Well, if it weren't for the predicament you are facing now, I would not have revealed this to you."

Fellow countryman, fellow countryman, they all became a code name.

Gao Guang couldn't help but glanced at Paul.

There are quite a few victims in the hands of this fellow. The Black Sea Mercenary Group has followed him, and it has not been a few days since Paul was deceived.

It doesn't matter that the fellow has more victims now, but the problem is that he cheated a sniper rifle, and at this juncture, whoever owns the gun has to be checked along the way.

Gao Guang made up his mind, and then he said in a low voice: "Seize that dealer, I have to ask him."

Sangji immediately said: "Impossible, absolutely impossible! If I want to do this kind of thing, do I still have to hang out in Baghdad in the future? Man, I will never betray my customers, so this thing can only be done by you , I can't help you."

"Okay, I'll do it myself, you give me the name and phone number of the dealer, and I'll find a way to get him."


Sangji rejected Gao Guang's unreasonable request, and then he said in a low voice: "I can help you contact the dealer, I said that you are willing to pay a lot of money to buy the life of the fellow, as long as you give the starting price, he is willing to sell the fellow , If you agree, I will help you connect, if you don't agree... I can't help you, mad dog, I will never betray my client."

It means that Sanji can clearly tell the sellers that someone wants your partner’s life. If you think it can be sold, you can quote a price. If you don’t agree, I will increase the price.

Sangji is just an intermediary, he will not directly disclose the information of the stolen goods to Gao Guang, but there is no problem if the seller is willing to sell the stolen goods.

Sanji is a very principled intelligence agent. This is called fair business and reasonable matchmaking. Isn’t that what intelligence agents do, and they don’t violate professional ethics at all.

Gao Guang thought about it for a while, and he thought it was all right, so he immediately said: "Okay, I bought his gun for [-] yuan, and then you tell the dealer that I want to buy the life of the fellow by the way, and ask him to set a price. No, don't wait for him to make an offer, just quote directly, I will authorize you, and I will give you any amount!"

Direct authorization, as long as the price is not too outrageous, Gao Guang will give it.

Sangji also let out a long breath, and said, "Is there an upper limit? For example, fifty thousand, or less than one hundred thousand."

Gao Guang said without hesitation: "Within [-] yuan, you decide to pay it directly. I believe in you. If the other matter is completed, I will pay you [-] yuan for your hard work. I can't keep you busy."

 Jiageng couldn't bear it for a few days in a row, and there are two updates today.

(End of this chapter)

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