Imperial Beast: The pet is just for me to bond

Chapter 120 Defeating the Lava Wurm First 【Subscription】

Chapter 120 Defeating the Lava Wurm First 【Subscription】

Forced to retreat by the magma ball, Ah Bao and the lava dragon confronted each other again,
Ah Bao arched his body slightly, posing in the three-body posture of Xingyiquan, like a beast about to hunt.

Of course, it's a beast in its own right.

The lava dragon on the other side exhaled thick smoke mixed with sparks from its mouth and nose, and gently flicked its tail that was free from Ah Bao's restraint.

The two sides wrestled just now, and it felt severe pain in its tailbone. Just now it felt that its tail was almost torn off.


Abao's attack was useless, but Chen Wen laughed.

Today he is here to collect points, if the opponent is too weak, Ah Bao will not be able to show his strength yet.

Only by going back and forth and playing well can we get more points.

Chen Wen pointed out: "Try its defense!"

Since quick battles are not enough, Chen Wen is going to try it out first.

Ah Bao stomped on the ground and rushed over.


The lava dragon was not afraid at all, and directly rushed towards A Bao.


It let out a low growl, then stretched its neck suddenly, and directly covered A Bao with its bloody mouth.

There was a cracking sound from the ground, and in an instant, Ah Bao turned like a refracted lightning, and blasted towards the side of the lava dragon.

In the past, the lava dragon would definitely use tail flick, but there was still a faint pain in the tailbone, which made it choose to let go of this opportunity to counterattack.

Lava Wurm missed the opportunity, and Po had the opportunity to attack.

Ah Bao passed by the giant lava dragon. Seeing that there was no threat, he turned his body violently, and the bear fist containing ferocious inner strength bombarded the lava dragon's body heavily.

Like a heavy hammer beating a drum, there was a dull sound where the lava dragon and Po's fist collided.

Immediately, the Lava Wurm couldn't help but staggered, but quickly stabilized his figure again.

The two sides staggered past and faced off again from afar.

The narrator saw the needle and said: "The two sides fought for two rounds. It seems that the iron-eating beast has the upper hand with its amazing agility and reaction. However, the lava dragon has a strong body and has not suffered any injuries. If it continues, the iron-eating beast's energy will be consumed. It's going to be big."

His partner said: "There is no need to worry about this, after all, player Chen Wen's talent can restore the state of an iron-eating beast."

Chen Wen glanced at the Lava Wurm, and found that this guy took a heavy punch from A Bao, and he didn't seem to have suffered any damage.

"As expected of Yalong, this defense is beyond specification!"

Chen Wen quickly made a judgment, and then reminded A Bao in his heart: "Hit it on the head, overturn it or use dark energy."

Hearing this, Ah Bao rushed towards the lava dragon again.

This time it didn't use the eight steps to catch the cicada, and now his use of Anjin is still not free to send and receive, and it is not easy to use when moving at high speed.

Although he suffered a loss in the last round, the Lava Wurm didn't believe in evil and ran towards Po again.

How can a mere black and white dumpling scare its great lava dragon?

The crimson eyes were fixed on A Bao's round head, and the running lava dragon's mouth was already dripping with saliva.

Ah Bao had expected it a long time ago, and the aura erupted under his feet, and he dodged to the side in an instant.

Zhou Xu, who had been observing silently, took the opportunity to command: "Side impact!"

The Lava Wurm did not hesitate to adjust its center of gravity and crashed into Po on the right.

For a moment, it was as if a huge stone was pressing on Ah Bao.

Ah Bao is preparing to attack at this moment, and there is no way to avoid it.

But it didn't want to avoid it either.

The black bear bears the mountain!

Ah Bao's legs were slightly bent, the fists he was about to throw back were retracted, and his arms were erected like beams.

Peiran's huge force was suddenly transmitted from the lava dragon's neck to Ah Bao's arms, and a violent sound erupted during the collision.

A'bao's figure shook, and there was a sudden wave of flesh, and the ground under his feet cracked.

Even so, Ah Bao stood firm.

When it was in the sixth stage of the mortal body, it had to back off when it was hit hard by the rock giant elephant, but now it was able to safely prevent the side impact of the lava dragon in the seventh stage of the mortal body.


The camera quickly switched between the lava dragon's collision and the inside of Po's feet, explaining the force of the impact, and the sound of gasping and swallowing saliva resounded in the auditorium.

After forcefully receiving the side impact from the lava dragon, Ah Bao stepped back, taking advantage of the situation, causing the lava dragon to shift its center of gravity.

The lava dragon's center of gravity is to the right, in order not to fall to the ground and move its limbs quickly, it wants to stabilize the center of gravity.

Ah Bao followed the Lava Wurm with his footsteps, and quickly released his fists.

A Bao's body was like a big bow, his back trembled, and his fists shot out like sharp arrows.

In an emergency, Zhou Xu shouted: "Lava shield!"

In an instant, a dark red light bloomed between his brows, and then a dark red aura emerged from the head of the lava dragon blessed by his talent, quickly forming a lava helmet.

Bang!Bang!Bang! ——

Ah Bao's arms waved into afterimages, punching the lava dragon's head one after another.

In an instant, the lava dragon's ears heard continuous dull sounds, and the newly formed lava helmet was also cracked by Ah Bao's fist.


Suddenly there was a crisp sound amidst the continuous muffled sound, and the crack in the lava helmet instantly expanded.

The fist wrapped in a thick khaki aura pierced through the air and hit the lava dragon's head.

The next moment, a black shadow appeared on the stage, grabbing the tail of the giant lava dragon and retreating, making Ah Bao's fist miss.

There was a crisp sound of sonic boom in the air, and a ray of aura as condensed as a sharp arrow shot out from Ah Bao's fist, and it had been shot for more than three meters before it began to dissipate in the air.

The audience was silent for a while.

After a while, the auditorium boiled up.

"Fuck, this iron-eating beast is too fierce!"

"How many punches did it punch just now? I only saw a black shadow."

"If it weren't for the referee's shot, it feels like the lava dragon's head will explode!"

"Yeah, that last punch must be very powerful!"

"Speaking of which, what was the last punch? Magic skills?"

"It's not like, is it fist strength?"

"I heard that Neijiaquan has punch strength, but is there really someone who can punch out of the body?"

"What's outrageous is that it's a pet beast, or a cub!"


After seeing the Lava Wurm lying on the ground, dizzy, the referee announced, "Match [-], Chen Wensheng!"

No one in Shudu No. [-] Middle School conceded defeat just now, but he judged that the victory and defeat had already been decided, and decisively let his pet beast take action, avoiding the tragedy from happening.


Zhou Xu was stunned for a while, then let out a long breath.

"Thank you!"

He bowed deeply to the referee, and then quickly cooperated with the medical staff to send Lava Wurm to first aid.

When he stepped off the stage, he looked back at Chen Wen.

He was still careless.

He knew that Chen Wen's Iron Eater was very strong in close combat, but he didn't expect it to be this strong.

If he had known this earlier, he should have let the lava dragon attack from afar.

But after thinking about it, he shook his head again.

The iron-eating beast was very fast and possessed the rock armor, so the lava bombs couldn't hurt it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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