Stop, I'm about to become a boss!

Chapter 56 Goodbye Great Summoner

Chapter 56 Goodbye Great Summoner
Chapter 56 Goodbye Great Summoner

"Miss this way?"

"Huh?!" Iris snapped back to her senses.

The old man who was leading the way observed her expression and asked, "Miss, you seem to be in a bad mood. Do you need to rest for a while?"

"No, no, no." Iris waved her hands again and again, "I'm just thinking about something, it's fine."


The old man nodded and continued to lead her into the depths.

Iris patted her face, and slowly exhaled the turbid air in her chest and abdomen.

"Nothing happened just now, nothing happened."

In constant self-hypnosis, she finally followed the old man to the real entrance of the secret realm.

This is somewhat similar to the room where they conducted the test. It is surrounded by pitch-black walls, and there is not a single gap that can be patched together, as if it was cut out from a whole to make a room.

"I won't go in with you in the future." The old man smiled gently, "I wish you good luck, miss."

"Thank you."

Iris bowed to thank her, and immediately walked inside.

After a period of dizziness, she opened her eyes and subconsciously wanted to look around.

However, at this glance, her knees gave way and she almost fell to the ground.

The surrounding darkness seemed to be eternal, and it seemed that someone could vaguely be heard singing songs that ordinary people could not understand. When she was about to fall, a ray of silvery-white light particles from nowhere spread out from far to near. The great avenue, holding her up from the darkness.

In the next second, in the vast and mysterious No Man's Sky, bits and pieces of hazy light came slowly and turned into stars above the night, trying their best to drive away the confusion for the girl.

"This is."

Iris tried to reach out to touch the light, but passed through it without stopping.

It's really strange that you can provide yourself with a foothold, but you can't touch it.

Iris slowed down and stood up straight again.

"Next, what should I do?"

No need for her to do anything.

The light under her feet flowed slowly, sending her to the unknown stars in an instant.

Under her gaze, the stars gradually converged their shimmering light, turned into an ordinary crystal ball, and then shattered into thousands of fragments. images of middle-aged men.

"Hello, junior." The man nodded gently to the girl, and introduced himself, "My name is Fabre Klein."

"Fabre Klein?!"

Miss Knight was slightly taken aback.

She is too familiar with this name.

The No.30 sixth leader of the Blossom Knights, born in 370 six years ago, has made great military achievements throughout his life, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he was the strongest in the Blossom Kingdom at that time.

It's a pity that when he went to crusade against the riot in the abyss, because he wanted to quell all the turmoil for future generations by relying on his own strength, he went to the darkest place alone, and as a result, there was no more sound.

But isn't this the site of the Academy of Magic?Why does the head of the Knights commemorate this place?

No one could answer her question.

Not to mention that Fabre is now just a conscious body without the ability to act independently, the important thing is.
"I don't seem to be the 'knowledge' you expected to see." Fabre's image smiled softly, "In this case, follow your inner desire and go deeper."

With a big wave of his hand, Iris saw herself retreating quickly, and returned to the middle of the stars in the blink of an eye.

Iris blinked.

Knight Leader was right.

Although what Fabre left here must be precious, it was not what she wanted.

Firstly, she is no longer able to learn the skills of the knight order, and secondly.
She was just picked in place of some guy who couldn't get in the door.

Just before entering the secret realm, Linton used some means to speak in her brain, which frightened her, thinking that her thoughts had been invaded.

As the saying goes, you can kill me, but you can't watch my browsing history.

Not to mention the brain that contains countless secret memories.

Fortunately, Linton then explained a series of strange theoretical knowledge such as "adjust the soul wave to the same frequency and share the sound transmission", "can't read the memory, put 1 hearts" and so on, although I can't hear it. I understand too well, but at least I can confirm that necromancers can't peep into their own thoughts.

Otherwise, it is estimated that she is not in the secret realm now, but she will dig a hole in some garden, jump down consciously, and then cover herself with new soil and insert a sign.

After rearranging her thoughts, Iris silently recited in her heart

"Hey, hey! What should I do next?"

There was no reply for a long time.

Because Iris is only a one-way signal transmitter and cannot reversely contact the terminal, Linton cannot receive her information.

Fortunately, her wait did not last long.

【Sorry, I just found a quiet place and kept you waiting】

Iris replied angrily: "It's okay, I just missed the instruction from the head of the Knights, it's okay, I don't care at all, really."

【That's good】

"Hey, is that how you comfort people?!"

【Don't you care? 】


Iris was so angry with this bastard that she almost bit her white teeth, but she couldn't find anything to refute.

[Just kidding, Iris, if you really come across an opportunity, don’t worry about other things, you just need to use your strength—grasp it tightly]

"Che, do you need to remind me?" Iris' tone was blunt, "But a bastard asked me, what can I do?"

"If I go to him, how can you get what you want?"

【Thank you, but】

[My ultimate goal of coming here is to improve my own strength. If you have the opportunity to comprehend superior skills, it can be regarded as indirectly achieving the goal.]

【After all, we】

"Stop, stop, stop!!" Iris covered her red and slightly hot delicate ear tips with both hands, and shouted loudly: "What are you looking for, tell me quickly!!"

The mind paused for a while before the voice came again.

[Actually, I don’t know how to operate it, but since this secret realm will make choices for us, let it do its thing]

【Let's see what kind of knowledge it will choose for us】

Ripples like water waves slowly rippled in the void, spreading far, far away.

Suddenly, Iris felt her direction suddenly reversed, and the stars moved accordingly.

Barely holding her body steady so as not to fall, before she had time to complain, she saw a somewhat familiar figure standing in front of her.

She stared blankly at the old man, a little surprised, but within reason.

"That's right, as an existence who can leave his name in the long history of the Blossoming Kingdom, he has also served as the dean of the Magic Academy. How could he not leave his own image here?"

Youyou sighed, and Iris bowed slightly.

"Hello, Mr. Bobby Wendell."

 Thanks to "Yan Yize", "Useless and indifferent" and "Book Friends 20210514142956442" for their rewards of 100 starting coins, thank you very much! !
(End of this chapter)

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