Chapter 242
Zong Ze didn't disturb his parents' cultivation.

Getting started with qi refining is a critical moment, and for many monks with low qualifications, it may even take several months to overcome this hurdle.

The reason why Abai was able to complete the introduction to Qi refining in less than a day was because he was born with a fire spirit root, and it would be more effective with less effort if he practiced it with the fire-type kung fu.

Besides, although Abai is a young man, he has a high degree of acceptance and can easily enter the state.

As for Lao Zong and Lao Yan, the same is true. The top-rank qualifications are already considered to be quite good qualifications.

In addition, the exclusive exercise "Dao Wen Jue (Volume [-])" given by "Written Cultivation of Immortals" fits extremely well.

Now there is Mo Ke, the Nascent Soul Stage boss, personally pointing out that it is not impossible to complete the introduction of Qi refining.

You must know that the only weakness of Lao Zong and Lao Yan lies in their age and fixed thinking.

Age affects part of their aptitude, and the solidification of thinking will reduce their ability to accept.

But now, obviously, it won't be long before Lao Zong and Lao Yan can complete the introduction to qi refining.

Mo Ke noticed Zong Ze's arrival, she didn't stop humming and reciting the main points of the exercises, but winked at Zong Ze playfully.

Regarding this, Zong Ze just smiled, and he stretched out a finger to gesture, signaling her not to stop.

Then he quietly walked to his bedroom.

Now he has some understanding of the Thousand Hearts Temple, but that is only about the origin of the Thousand Hearts Temple's orthodoxy.

In essence, the original orthodoxy of the Thousand Hearts Concept may not have any direct relationship with the black-robed Taoist behind the scenes.

After all, the Taoist in black robe was probably a branch disciple developed later.

Zong Ze lowered his head in thought, and then sat down in front of the desk.

I took out my phone and had to search it again.

By the way, talk to the blogger who wrote the story of the blackening of the disciples of Qianxin Temple.

In recent years, with the rise of self-media, many anecdotes are not limited to mainstream media and magazines. Many self-media will compile or collect stories in various related fields in order to obtain traffic after publication. support.

The same is true for the story about the blackening of the younger disciples of Qianxinguan, which has a lot of fabrication.

But since it is related to the Thousand Hearts Temple, and the orthodoxy of the Thousand Hearts Temple was indeed passed down for a period of time within the Hakka cultural circle of the Xia Kingdom, there may be some kind of secret hidden in it.

Zong Shen thought of this and thought it was very possible!

Through keyword search, he quickly found the story on his mobile phone.

The publishing platform is the bib, which is relatively simple.

He directly wrote down the publisher's nickname and avatar, and after logging in to the bib, he found the target after a simple search. It was a bib named "Tea Mountain Forester".

Zongze looked through its historical blog posts and photos.

It was found that this was another guy who stopped changing.

The most recent post was a like record two years ago. The original PO that was liked was a piece of information about tea sales, which seemed to have no reference value.

The most recent release was stuck six years ago, that is, in 16.

The record is a story in Jiangxi Province and Guoxing County.

Guoxing County, also known as "Jiangjun County", is an old revolutionary base.

Looking back, the blog posts published by the "tea mountain forest guard" in that year were almost all anecdotes and anecdotes about the southern Jiangxi region, including the Hakka cultural circle in Jiangxi Province.

It seems to be beautified and fabricated after a fairly detailed collection.

"Maybe this blogger once learned about the Thousand Hearts Temple from some local cultural records?"

"I have to find a way to contact him!"

Zong Ze rubbed his chin and muttered to himself.

His chin hadn't been shaved for a long time.

The short stubble is a bit tricky.

It's a bit funny to say, as his cultivation base and physique continue to improve.

It is not only his body that has become stronger, but also his hair, stubble, and skin...

He can now understand why the fur materials on those powerful monsters can be used as materials for refining Qi, let alone monsters. According to the current situation, Zong Ze will continue to practice. Sooner or later, the beard he will pull out Can make magic weapon...

Of course, this description is a bit exaggerated, because when his beard can make treasures, it must be when his cultivation has reached a certain level.

Zong Ze suddenly smiled, and he opened the private chat of the scarf, leaving his contact information.

There are many bib accounts that have not been updated for several years, and most of them are in the state of abandoning bibs.

After all, there has been such a saying on the Internet.

That is:
"Women's restroom with bib, post bar men's restroom, Zhihu story club, Baidu advertising network..."

From a certain point of view, Zong Ze still agrees with this statement.

More than ten years ago, when he was still studying, bibs were very popular, and almost everyone had a bib account.

If you want to eat melons or discuss hot news, you can have it on your scarf.

Even when traveling at that time, if you encounter a car accident on the highway, don't panic and open the scarf to search, maybe you can see the news from the young lady at the scene.

We must know that at that time, even personal navigation terminals such as AutoNavi and Baidu Map were not yet popular.

Most of the cars are only dull classic machines Kay Rucker.

Google and Tiger have rudimentary map navigation services on mobile phones, but they are far from as convenient as they are now.

So the scarf also had a glorious time.

But a few years later, when Zongze was in junior high school and high school, the stinky rice circle culture prevailed, and some sailor bloggers who received dirty money from abroad led to a drastic change in the atmosphere of bibs.

All kinds of poisonous chicken soup and articles instigating equality between men and women emerge in endlessly.

Those sugar-coated articles gradually changed the mentality of every bib woman.

The same is true for post bars, but although post bars are a bit fancy, they are not as foul-smelling and ignorant as bibs when it comes to major issues of right and wrong.

As for Zhihu, it's pure storytelling.

His friend Fatty Wang Changcheng used to earn some money by writing articles for Zhihu.

The inner monologues of green hat reversals, urban successful people, and the rich second generation were made up a few times, then added to hide, and finally included in Yanxuan by the editor.

As long as the story is strong enough, the emotions are full, and the logic is a little self-consistent.

As for whiteness, needless to say, the first few search results must be advertisements and purchases.

But as long as you have a certain ability to distinguish the network, you can find the information you want to retrieve.

In short, although the Internet in Xia Kingdom did not start early, it is a country with a large population. After these years of development, the network ecological environment has already formed its own line.

There will always be middle-aged people or little ghosts who have just joined the Internet and strayed into the quagmire of those routines.

Only a real Internet dude can keep the world awake.

Therefore, he basically does not comment on or participate in topic discussions on these platforms. The current trend on the Internet is easy to be biased, including some public opinion and Internet violence.

Of course, it cannot be denied that the Internet is indeed a powerful voice tool in the new era.

But it can also easily become a sharp sword in the hands of people with ulterior motives.

This is especially true now that online disinformation is so cheap.

Just like the previous ULE Fighting Association, Xu Xiaodong basically relied on motivating emotions, playing gimmicks, and playing scripts to attract enough traffic.

Zong Ze's principle is to just watch and not comment, and he will never allow himself to be a drop of water in the tide.

It does not matter whether these waves are man-made or naturally evolved.

These apps are always just a tool for him to look up information, and he doesn't have such a strong desire to express, trying to make others agree with his point of view or change a person.

It takes a certain amount of self-control to do this.

If you think about the difficulty of persuading an adult in reality, you will know how feeble the persuasion and arguments on the Internet are, just save this energy and be yourself.

Zong Ze curled his lips, he seemed to have lost his mind unknowingly.

After leaving a private message, he was actually pessimistic about whether the "Chashan forest guard" would reply.

Over the years, many people have uninstalled the scarf, or just occasionally come up to eat a melon.

Either way means that it is impossible to log in for a short period of time.

Unless Zongze is lucky, but he never pins things on pure hope.

So he was going to check the watch list and like records of "Tea Mountain Forester", trying to find some clues.

Judging from some previous developments, this old man is not only keen on collecting anecdotes.

And his essence seems to be selling tea, or the kind of self-produced and sold.

Southern Jiangxi is close to northern Fujian, and it is also a mountainous and hilly area, even the soil and rainwater climate are similar.

It is also a natural tea growing area, but it is not as famous as the three provinces of Fujian, Zhejiang and Kunming, but the scale of the tea planting industry is actually not small at all.

He is going to search along this line, maybe he can find the promotional account on the bib.

Use this to find Douyin or contact information, and then trace active accounts such as WeChat.

Someone actually has a lot of experience on how to collect information on the Internet.

The Internet has memory, which he had already fully realized when he was in elementary school.

When he was in high school and college, he could even rely on some simple basic information about a girl he saw at school to find more key information through major social platforms, and even communications tied to personal information such as phone calls information.

As long as you give him some clues, he can quickly find more critical things.

Just as he was rolling up his sleeves and preparing to be a famous Internet detective again, his phone vibrated suddenly.

A WeChat notification popped up.

"Journey to the Woods has sent you a video"

Seeing this prompt, he quickly clicked and jumped back to the WeChat interface.

A new video is loading, with a quote attached below.

"I hope you are mentally prepared before watching."


Seeing this sentence, Zong Ze raised his eyebrows.


"I'd like to see what kind of strange power and chaos can make such an old man full of adventure and travel spirit have such fear."

"And so far, four years have passed for that trip to the Thousand Hearts Temple for Journey in the Forest."

"It can be seen that the scene he saw in the left side room of Qianxin Temple was unforgettable for him."

Zong Ze said in his heart, this is a kind of self-thinking and cross-examination.

The key to his thinking about things.

He raised a finger and tapped the table rhythmically.

This period of time is relatively long, so the download will take a certain amount of time. He stared at the progress bar on the chat interface.

After about ten seconds, the video was completely downloaded.

He clicked on the video expectantly.

The picture was relatively dark, and it returned to normal after shaking for a while.

The figure of the elder brother of "Journey in the Woods" appeared, and the headlight on his chest shone into the house.

This period of time happened to be followed by the section that was edited out.

"This old man is so authentic, he really specially cut this material and sent it to me."

Zong Ze sighed a little, obviously it was something that scared him to death, but the old man from Journey in the Woods still satisfied his request.

He returned his attention to the video itself, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

The screen changed, and Journey in the Woods stepped into the left side room.

Under the illumination of the lights, one can see three coffins of different sizes, two large and one small!
Each coffin is very simple, not even oiled, it is the pure wood color, faintly whitish is not considered luxurious.

This kind of coffin is different from those that often appear in film and television dramas.

As if carved by yourself, the edges are mortise and tenon.

Zong Ze looked puzzled, he didn't know where the fear was.

Just three coffins shouldn't be enough to frighten Journey in the Woods, with doubts in his heart.

He continued to read patiently.

Facts have proved his idea, the old brother of Journey in the Woods was not intimidated.

He continued to walk forward and walked completely into the side room with his headlight on.

At first his eyes were focused on the coffins, but then the angle of view began to shift.

The side house is not too big, but compared to the right side, it is quite well preserved.

There was a small table next to it, and there were several porcelain bowls on the table, and there was a lump of charred black stuff in each bowl, like rotten food residue.

There is also a small incense burner on the table.

In front of the stove, there is a statue of the same type of figure curled up standing.

In addition, there are several groups of equally simple wooden cabinets beside it.

Just when Journey in the Forest was about to open the wooden cabinet, a sudden change happened!
The coffins suddenly trembled.


Since each coffin is placed in the air, there are benches and wooden frames underneath.

When the coffin trembled, the room was filled with "cracking" sounds.

It looks like some kind of monster is grinding its teeth, and the windows in the side room are all sealed,

The doorway and his headlamp were the only sources of light.

At this time, Journey to the Woods was considered courageous if he didn't run away immediately.

When he was about to check, the coffin suddenly emitted a gray light, which even covered the headlights.

After the gray light dissipated, Zong Ze heard the wailing of Journey in the Forest.

(End of this chapter)

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