The back door of my house can last until the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 208 Extinct His History, Destroyed His Articles

Chapter 208 Extinct His History, Destroyed His Articles

When people are frustrated, they often miss their original glory.

If you don't have glory, then you will recall the glory of your ancestors.

Recalling this glory can indeed make them temporarily forget the pain for a while.

But this is not a long-term solution. When the dream wakes up, the reality will only be more cruel.

On the way, Buhe recalled the Yuan Dynasty more than once.

However, when the cold wind woke him up, he realized that he was so unbearable.

The glory of the ancestors has nothing to do with him.Apart from hating why I live in this era, I have almost no other feelings.

The horses advanced slowly, the summer wind suddenly picked up, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the big raindrops slammed on the ground frantically.

If it was in the past, Buhe would still feel that this year is a good year, at least there is still rain in the sky.

But now, he has no such thoughts in his heart.

What does the abundance of water and grass have to do with him?
I just hope to live until the world is peaceful.

"Abu, where should we go?!"

Manzhu Xili behind him looked distressed. He hadn't bathed for several months, and his body was full of stench.

Bu He turned his head, pointed to the guidebook, and said in a low voice, "Go to the south to have a look, there is always a way out!"

Manzhu Xili had already guessed what Buhe was talking about, opened his mouth slightly, panted for a long time, and then asked incredulously: "Abu means, surrender, surrender?"

Bu He smiled bitterly and said, "Otherwise? Is there a second way?"

"But, but, can this work? There is a deep hatred between us and them! Big brother, died at their hands, can we just surrender so easily?" Manzhu Xili looked hesitant.

It's really that this method is too outrageous, so outrageous that I can't believe it even when I am full of beads.

At any rate, he was the tyrant of the grassland back then, but now he surrenders as he says, and he is still in such a hurry.

The gap is really too big.

Not to mention, Wu Keshan was defeated by Sun Jie when he followed Huang Taiji to the south.

Because Wu Keshan didn't come back, and the news from Huang Taiji was ambiguous, so Buhe and the others didn't know the specific situation of Wu Keshan at all, thinking that he had already died in battle.

Sun Jie's artillery fire was so fierce that they could only run for their lives, and no one cared about looking at others.

It's no wonder that Manzhu Xili thinks this way, after all, Horqin and Sun Jie have never faced each other directly.

Surrendering at this time is a bit abrupt.

"The tribes on the grassland don't have a deep hatred with anyone? With Nurhachi? With Huang Taiji?

Didn't you just marry your daughter back then?Who can tell clearly about the things in this world?
Always live! "

Buhe's sigh sounded on the grassland.

The pouring rain muffled his voice.

The world is dark, and the surrounding fields are vast.

A series of dilapidated tents were erected on the grassland.

Bu He sat in the tent, listening to the sound of rain.

The air was so humid that firewood could not be ignited.

When the wind blows, it is very cold.

Wrapped in a few more smelly sheepskin jackets, I sat quietly on the narrow bed.

The matouqin sounded outside again, and someone was singing the song of departure.

The rain finally stopped, and Horqin was north of Yansui town.

A white flag was erected at the front of the team, and Bu He held the white flag and headed for Yansui Town with a full bead ceremony.

The soldiers in Yansui Town soon discovered them.

Because they didn't know the purpose of Horqin and the others, they sent some Ye Bu Shou over to investigate.

Looking at the armored cavalry rushing forward, Bu He knelt on the ground.

The white flag was planted in front of him, he kowtowed to the front, and shouted: "The guilty minister Buhe, kneel down to meet the king's heavenly soldiers!"

Chinese is fluent, and most of the leaders of Monan Mongolia can speak Chinese.

After all, from the end of the Yuan Dynasty to the end of the Ming Dynasty, they all dealt with the Central Plains.

Yebushou surrounded Buhe and Manzhu Xili, and the extra soldiers bypassed them and continued to investigate forward.

After searching around Horqin and finding no danger, he finally breathed a sigh of relief these nights.

The leader of this team who never stopped at night jumped off his horse, stood in front of Buhe and Manzhu Xili, and asked with a frown: "You mean, you want to surrender?!"

Bu He raised his head with a submissive attitude, "Yes, we want to surrender!"


On the grassland, more than a dozen nights, holding command flags, ran towards the city wall of Yansui Town.

The leader of the camera shouted loudly: "The Tartars have surrendered, surrendered!"

The sound spread far away, crossed the Loess Plateau, and drifted into Xi'an Mansion.

Sun Jie sat in the study, looked at the military newspaper sent back from Yansui Town, and laughed loudly.

"I didn't expect that just after Jiannu was cleaned up, some people surrendered. I have to say, Horqin and the others really know the current affairs!"

Sun Jie put down the military newspaper in his hand, looked at Lu Xiangsheng standing in front of him, and said, "Order Yansui Town to prepare them to collect weapons, and at the same time, closely monitor the Horqin tribe.

Before they are completely subdued, they are not allowed to enter and station. "

"The minister obeys the order!"

Lu Xiangsheng saluted and accepted the order.

"By the way, at the same time, ask Yansui Town to bring Bu and their father and son over as soon as possible." Sun Jie ordered.

To surrender, one must have the attitude of surrender.

Especially this time, Horqin asked for nothing and surrendered unconditionally.

This is not the same as when Arutai surrendered to Daming, and before Buhe surrendered to Nurhachi.

Alutai said it was a surrender, but it was more like a waste of time.

When Buhe surrendered to Nurhachi, the troops in his hands were not bad. Although the strength of the tribe was not as strong as that of Jiannu, they still had the power to parry.

Now, if Horqin faced Sun Jie, he would die without knowing how to die.

The Jiannu who are so much stronger than them are dead, let alone them.

Sun Jie's order was spread to Yansui Town on the same day.

Buhe and Manzhu Xili did not say anything, and they followed the soldiers and horses of Yansui Town to the south.

According to Buhe, if Sun Jie wanted to kill them, he would kill them on the spot, so why waste so much time.

Indeed, Sun Jie did not intend to kill their father and son.

Compared with the sins committed by Jiannu, Horqin has been submissive to Daming for nearly a hundred years.

Besides, since they all surrendered, there is no need to kill them all.

To deal with the grassland, or the alien race, Sun Jie had already made plans.

That is assimilation.

Exterminate its history and destroy its writing.

If things go well, it will take four to fifty years, one or two generations, to solve the problem.

Not everyone can be assimilated. Those who are obstinate, do a lot of evil, and refuse to change after repeated admonitions have only one end-death.

Shun, live; Reverse, die.

The knife rests on the neck, it's not up to you.

The soldiers and horses in Yansui Town didn't make things difficult for them, they drove a truck and took them all the way south.

Buhe and Manzhu Xili had never seen such a magical thing before. Standing in the carriage, they looked around like two curious babies.

The hand holding the carriage was still shaking, and the body was also trembling.

"This iron horse is really powerful. After running for so long, I haven't seen a rest!"

Bu He looked at the car below him with emotion, and was amazed.

It seems that I have forgotten that I am already in the enemy camp, and I am still in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery along the road and the cars under me.

Sometimes, I have to admire the character of these prairie people.

Let's say hold grudges, and hold grudges too.Don't remember it, don't remember it.

The current Buhe has already forgotten about his eldest son.

Manzhu Xili supported the carriage, and sat down slowly.

As a young man, he was not as courageous as his father.

Shutting tremblingly in the carriage, panting heavily.

"This thing is too powerful, too powerful!" He repeatedly exclaimed.

The soldiers beside him burst out laughing.

Although it sounds a little harsh, but among the most enjoyable things in the world, watching people make embarrassment is definitely one of them.

Of course, Buhe and Manzhu Xili could see the soldiers in the car laughing at them.

But they didn't pay much attention to it. If they couldn't even bear this sarcasm, what's the point of surrendering?
In fact, as they continued to travel south, the eyes of the two of them became more and more insufficient.

The concrete road from Yansui Town to Xi'an Mansion started to be built after Sun Jie took Yansui Town. Although it has not been completed yet, it has been repaired a long way.

Before leaving the Loess Plateau, the car has already embarked on the concrete road.

This flat road was something they had never seen before.

Especially the gray-black cement on the avenue made them even more amazed.

"What are these things? Why is it like this? And it looks so flat, and it doesn't feel any bumps when walking on it. It's really amazing!"

Bu He lay on the side of the carriage, looking down at the road.

Manzhu Xili also looked like this, with a surprised expression on his face.

When people have no worries about the future, they tend to temporarily forget the difficulties they are currently encountering.

Buhe now has no worries, because in his opinion, as long as he surrenders to Sun Jie, Horqin will have a way out.

There is no big crisis, and the mood will naturally be much more comfortable, and I am also interested in seeing the strange things I have seen along the way.

"Okay, you two don't do this anymore, you will know what the world is like when you arrive at Jingzhao Mansion!"

The commander of the soldiers escorting them patted Buhe on the shoulder and said with a chuckle.

Bu He raised his head, looked at the soldier commander, smiled, and shrank back into the carriage.

The distance from Yansui Town to Jingzhao Mansion is not long, but it is not short either.

Although Buhe has never walked this road, but at this moment, he feels that this road is extremely short.

Within a few days, the car stopped outside the city gate of Jingzhao Mansion.

Looking at the city in front of him, Buhe's heart was full of emotion.

Once upon a time, I dreamed of returning to the Central Plains.

In the dream, gold and iron horses interweave on the land of the Central Plains.

After waking up from the dream, it was the cold reality again.

Originally, I thought that in this life, I would follow Huang Taiji into the Central Plains, and use the horseshoe under my crotch to measure the path my ancestors traveled.

He never expected that when he set foot on the land that his ancestors had conquered, it would be like this.

The soldiers who escorted him quickly led them into the city and arranged them in a specially reserved post house.

Not long after they moved in, an unexpected person appeared in front of them.

It was Wu Keshan who was captured by Sun Jie a long time ago.

Compared with Wu Keshan back then, now he is thinner and darker, his face is more than a circle smaller than before, and his obese body looks more muscular.

During such a long time in Jingzhao Mansion, his life was not very easy.

Sun Jie didn't kill him, so he had a lot to do.

Work as a coolie on the construction site, move bricks and cement for others, dig holes and fill soil.

The famous Wu Keshan Taiji in Horqin is sometimes not as good as a wild dog on the side of the road.

At least Dingo is at ease.

There is no reward for a good job, and a whip for a bad job.

During the first period of time, he was often whipped.

From time to time, they would be picked up by the foreman, tied to a wooden stake, and severely whipped.

He is also knowledgeable, and after being captured by Sun Jie, he surrendered as a bachelor.

He even took the initiative to help Sun Jie identify those high-ranking officials among Jiannu. If not, he would have been chopped down by Sun Jie long ago.

In the post hall, the father and son stood there quietly, looking at each other.

Bu He kept rubbing his eyes, thinking he was dreaming.


Wu Keshan had tears in his eyes. He never thought that he would see his father again in this life.

"You, are you Wu Keshan?"

Bu He trembled, with a look of disbelief.

"It's me, Abu, it's me!"

With a plop, Wu Keshan knelt down in front of Buhe.


Holding Buhe's thigh, he began to cry bitterly.

Bu He quickly helped Wu Keshan up, and shed tears together.

The situation here soon spread to Sun Jie.

For this kind of situation, Sun Jie could have expected it.

They didn't bother too much, and they were left to control them in the post house for the time being.

Their future life is predictable, basically isolated from the grassland.

From now on, he can only live in Jingzhao Mansion, and can only live an ordinary life like ordinary people.

Sun Jie had already arranged the way to deal with it.

Separate the princes and nobles of the grassland tribes from the ordinary herdsmen.

In fact, herdsmen basically have no feelings for family and country, and no tribal honor or disgrace.

Many of the herdsmen in Horqin were snatched from other tribes. As long as no princes and nobles intervene, these herdsmen will not have any hatred for Sun Jie.

This is the rule on the prairie, whoever has the strongest troops has authority.

The princes and nobles of the prairie tribe were born obediently, and they were placed near Jingzhao Mansion, and they were given a few acres of Susukida to live in peace in the future.

If there is rebellion or rebellion, report to Lord Yan in advance.

As for ordinary herdsmen, they were resettled near the side wall, and adopted the lijia system at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. One hundred households was one li, and the length of the li was set.

The head of the village is an officer who understands the Tazi dialect in the army, leading fifty soldiers to prevent problems before they happen.

At the same time, schools are set up in each mile to teach Confucian culture.

Confucian culture is good, and it is most suitable to teach these people.

As for the teachers who teach them, there is no need to worry at all.

Daming is so big, the most indispensable thing is scholars.

Sun Jie is still imprisoning a large number of captive gentry scholars, and these people can just come in handy.

Let them hone their mouths on the grassland.

(End of this chapter)

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