Chapter 215 The Gunfight in the Dark Night
The school uniforms worn by these black uncles are almost the same as those in China, there is almost no difference.

Sun Jie had seen this situation on video sites before, and thought it was just a sensational video, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be true.

Zhang Lun looked at Sun Jie's puzzled look, and explained: "Not far from the airport, there is the largest clothing wholesale market in this country. Many clothes are collected from China, and most of them are second-hand clothes. Things that no one wants can be highly sought after by them here.

Back then, when I first started doing business here, I started my business by reselling clothes. Now that I have accumulated some wealth, I am thinking about changing industries! "

"I see!"

Sun Jie nodded thoughtfully.

After Zhang Lun greeted those black uncles, he took Sun Jie and got into an MPV.

These two employees from Zhang Lun came here to meet Zhang Lun.

The car is not bad, although it is in Africa, it is still relatively luxurious.

Sure enough, as long as you have money, you can live anywhere.

If you have no money, no matter where you are, you are poor.

Although the car is good, the road condition is not good.

When he was about to leave the city, Zhang Lun's employees parked the car in front of a house and replaced it with a pickup truck outside the house.

The originally spacious place suddenly became crowded. Sun Jie and Zhang Lun sat in the back. The small space made Sun Jie a little depressed.

As for those black uncles, they all huddled in the back compartment.

Pulling people in pickup trucks is strictly prohibited in China, but in Africa, this is not a problem at all.

This kind of operation was unexpected by Sun Jie. The big MPV looked very good, but now, it has changed so much.

Zhang Lun explained with some embarrassment: "The road conditions in Africa are not good. If you drive an MPV, the car will easily get stuck in the mud. The passability of a pickup truck is much better than that of an MPV!"

Sun Jie also accepted this statement and said nothing more.

When the car drove out of the urban area, the asphalt road stopped abruptly. What greeted them was a dirt road full of potholes, full of dirt pits, and muddy places of all sizes.

Sun Jie experienced what is called a roller coaster feeling, and he has never been tortured like this before.

The speed of the pickup truck was extremely slow, and it was necessary to hold on to the handrail of the car. If one was not careful, there would be an intimate contact with the roof of the car.

Sun Jie's butt barely hit the seat a few times, and would be bounced up from time to time.

Sometimes, the car would become tilted, and Sun Jie could only hold onto the handrail as hard as he could to keep his body upright.

Sun Jie, who was sitting in the car, was completely disturbed. It was really hard to imagine what kind of state the black buddies behind the car were in.

From time to time, you can still see dilapidated trucks running on the road. These cars are so dilapidated that you can even see the engine inside through the front of the car.

Just like that, they pulled a lot of goods and drove cautiously.

I am not afraid that the car will be crushed by this weight of goods.

You can even see the car that was in an accident on the side of the road, just lying there.

You can also see a few black children climbing up and down on the old cars, groping for something.

As I was walking, the front was suddenly blocked.

It turned out that the road ahead suddenly sank, and the road became impassable.

He didn't know how far the traffic jam was, so Sun Jie got out of the car, and when he looked around, he saw a dense traffic jam in front of him, and he couldn't see the end at a glance.

The wind blowing was hot and dry, and Sun Jie's clothes were soaked in sweat.

Sun Jie withdrew his gaze and stopped thinking about these things.

What a tormenting day.

After waiting for almost three hours, the road finally opened.

The sun also gradually set on the western mountain.

The car stopped in front of a small hotel, and there was no village or shop behind it.

There is only such a hotel in a radius of dozens of miles.

The hotel is not big, just a small three-story building, dilapidated and dilapidated in China.

Zhang Lun knew the owner of this hotel and had arranged the room in advance.

Zhang Lun and Sun Jie slept in the same room. This is a house with nothing, just two hard beds. The bedding on them is full of dirt and emits an unpleasant smell.

Sun Jie lifted the bedding, only to see this black mark was printed on the bed.

Enduring the nausea in his heart, he sat on the edge of the bed.

Zhang Lun looked at Sun Jie and said with a smile: "You will get used to it gradually in the future. Although the environment here is not good, you can make a lot of money. You wait for me here for a while, and I will get something to eat!"

After Zhang Lun left, Sun Jie stood by the bed and looked outside.

There is red soil on the ground and lush vegetation in the distance.

It is close to the equator, and the geographical environment is superior. If agriculture can be developed, many people can be fed.

Some people say that black men in Africa are lazy and don't want to farm. They would rather go to the woods to pick fruits and dig cassava roots.

This is also right and wrong.

Black buddies are generally very lazy, like a monk ringing a clock for a day.

But there are also hard-working Hei brothers, but hard-working Hei brothers can't farm the land.

Because the rich land they can see is the land of the owner.

Although much of the land is deserted, it is owned by an owner.

In every habitable place, the arable land belongs to the chief and the tribal leader.

If you want to open up wasteland, you must first obtain the consent of these people.

Even if they agree, when the food is planted and harvested, they have to guard against those lazy black buddies coming to fight the autumn wind.

All these have created this "culture".

Just as Sun Jie was thinking wildly, the door creaked open.

Zhang Lun came in with two plates.

Inside is an indescribable food, like bread, but it's so black, it's like a burnt tree root.

Zhang Lun was used to this, put the two plates on the bed, and called Sun Jie to come and eat.

Sun Jie sat by the bed, looking at the unidentifiable food, he was in trouble.

"What is this? Can it be eaten?"

Sun Jie still asked that sentence.

Zhang Lun didn't care, picked up a piece of black bread, and showed it to his mouth.

"This is local black bread. Because it has not processed gluten and the technique is wrong, it is like this. You can eat it if you can, but don't think how delicious it is!"

Zhang Lun took a bite, pushing his cheeks back and forth.

It seems that to eat this thing, you need a pair of good teeth.

Sun Jie also imitated Zhang Lun, picked up a piece of black bread and ate it.

Rough and hard to swallow.

Rao Sun Jie had eaten black steamed buns in the late Ming Dynasty, but he still felt that the black buns in front of him were not for human consumption.

The only one who can eat this thing without any effect is a donkey.

Sun Jie only ate a little, this food can fight hunger, and it takes up space in his stomach.

After dinner, Zhang Lun went out again.

It was also completely dark, and Sun Jie sat in the dark room.

There is no electricity here, and if it is illuminated at night, the tenant can only figure out a way.

Not long after, Zhang Lun pushed the door open again.

With the moonlight in the sky, Sun Jie saw a black cloth bag in Zhang Lun's arms.

Zhang Lun walked up to Sun Jie and threw the black cloth bag on the bed next to him.

Said: "This is for you, stay well, spend the night here, and be careful at all times.

Although there is no major turmoil in this country, there are many people who seek wealth and murder in small rural areas. "

Sun Jie took the black bag, and as soon as he touched it, he knew what was inside.

It was a pistol with several magazines and some loose bullets.

I was a little surprised in my heart. I came to Africa for the guns.

Now that I finally saw the real thing, the uneasiness in my heart finally dissipated a lot.

"Don't ask where this thing came from, the water is deep here!"

Zhang Lun sat on the bed opposite Sun Jie.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, he took out the gun and watched it carefully.

The pistol is not big, slightly bigger than the palm of your hand.

Brown handle with a five-pointed star carved on it.

The two letters "PM" are engraved on the barrel.

"Is this the Makarov pistol?" Sun Jie thought.

Before coming to Africa, Sun Jie did his homework.

Among the weapons scattered here, Soviet-made weapons are the most.

When Big Brother disintegrated, it was also the time when the arms dealers made a fortune.

The weapons accumulated over the years were sold all over the world.

A considerable part of it was sold to Brother Hei.

The Makarov pistol, a pistol developed in 1940, has a magazine capacity of 12 rounds and uses 9 x 18mm pistol bullets.

It was one of the main guns used by the military and law enforcement agencies at that time.

When Big Brother disintegrated, there was a huge amount of this gun preserved.

It is not surprising that it can be seen in Africa now.

This kind of gun is outdated by the times and does not fit the current environment.

But for Sun Jie, it couldn't be better.

Take it to the end of the Ming Dynasty, and the bullets fired are still deadly.

Being backward is not terrible, no matter how backward it is, it is still more powerful than those earth-made weapons that Sun Jie used before.

Sun Jie sat on the wall, playing with the pistol.

This is the first time I have seen a real gun, and I am getting familiar with it quickly.

According to the information found in the previous documents, Sun Jie quickly mastered the use of this firearm.

It's just limited by the environment and can't shoot experiments.

Putting the guns under the bedding, Sun Jie lay on the dirty bed, watching the night sky quietly.

In the second half of the night, the dry heat has disappeared, replaced by shade.

Suddenly, a gunshot was heard.

Especially in this dark night.


There was the sound of a gun being loaded.

I saw Zhang Lun holding the same firearm and leaning towards the window.

Carefully look outside.

Sun Jie did the same, picked up the pistol, released the safety, loaded the bullet, and came to the bedside.

Zhang Lun looked at Sun Jie who was approaching, lowered his voice, and said, "The most important thing to do business here is to save your life. Although you can make money here, it is also very dangerous.

For so many years, many people who came out with me died.Money is easy to earn, but life is easy to lose! "

His voice was low, but his breathing was steady.

Apparently, it's getting used to it.

If there was no life on him, Sun Jie would be the first to not believe it.

Unless it is a person who often encounters this kind of thing, it will not be so peaceful.

But Zhang Lun was also very surprised by Sun Jie's current reaction.

According to the situation introduced by Liu Jianghe, Sun Jie is just a young and promising young man who has never been abroad.

In his opinion, even though Sun Jie is very capable, he has never been abroad, and he has never seen the darkness of this world. It is reasonable to say that he should be very nervous or panic when he encounters this kind of thing suddenly.

But he never thought that Sun Jie was calmer than him.

That steady breathing even made Zhang Lun feel that Sun Jie was an old fox.

"Boss Sun is so calm, it seems that he should have experienced this kind of thing before!" Zhang Lun replied casually.

Sun Jie shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter whether you have experienced it or not.

The important thing is, what should we do now?I've never been here before, and I don't know much about the situation here. Boss Zhang should already have a plan in mind! "

Zhang Lun didn't bother with this topic anymore, he said: "This kind of situation can happen every now and then, but most of them should be fine. As long as we stay safe and don't run around at night, nothing will happen. Big question!"

Sure enough, it didn't take long before the gunshots gradually died down.

As dawn pierced the night in the eastern sky, the gunfire died away completely.


Zhang Lun let out a long breath, turned off the safety, and ejected the loaded bullet.

Same goes for Sun Jae.

After finishing his work, Sun Jie shook the gun in his hand and said, "If I'm not mistaken, this should be a Makarov pistol, right?"

"Expert, you can recognize the origin of this gun at a glance!"

Zhang Lun praised.

At the same time, he began to doubt Sun Jie's identity in his heart.

There are so many types of pistols that it is difficult to recognize the origin of a pistol if you have not touched it before.

Especially this pistol is far away from the present time.

"I've played an fps game before, and I've seen this gun in the game!" Sun Jie laughed casually.

"I don't know where Boss Zhang got this gun from?"

Sun Jie said casually.

This is probing.

It doesn't matter if you can say the best, but if you can't say it, it doesn't matter.

It's still a long time, so don't be afraid of anything.

"It's no secret that I bought it from the hotel owner! How can I open a hotel in such a wild place without a guy in my hands?!"

Zhang Lun didn't hide anything either, he made it clear about the gun's origin.

After figuring this out, Sun Jie didn't ask any more questions.

"It's still early, take a break!" Zhang Lun put the pistol under the bedding and lay down on the bed again.

So did Sun Jie, lying on the bed.

He rested his arms on his pillow, his mind racing.

"Golden Gate seems to be able to teleport living people, shouldn't it be possible to train some dead soldiers and teleport them here, so that we can have an extra guarantee when buying guns!
After all, it's not uncommon to be black and white here. "

A long time ago, Sun Jie knew that Jinmen could teleport living people.

Although Sun Jie has not transmitted a living person in this way, he has transmitted artificial insemination test tubes for breeding pigs.

Logically speaking, this kind of thing can be teleported, and people should have no problem.

After all, humans are also made of cells.

However, Sun Jie did not make up his mind hastily.

"I still have to study it more carefully. After all, this is a big deal. Unless you are very sure, you can't act rashly!"

(End of this chapter)

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