The back door of my house can last until the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 321 Raising the Han Banner on Mount Fuji

Chapter 321 Raising the Han Banner on Mount Fuji

The news of the fall of Osaka spread to Edo at a rapid speed.

After learning the news, Tokugawa Iemitsu spit out a mouthful of old blood and passed out again.

Clouds began to hover over the Tokugawa shogunate, and everyone seemed to know what the ending would be.

If the situation is allowed to develop like this, failure will become a certainty.

Tokugawa Iemitsu failed to wake up for a long time, and the Tokugawa shogunate fell into chaos.

Ota Zizong felt that he was ashamed to meet Tokugawa Iemitsu. After fleeing Osaka, he committed seppuku in a secluded place to comfort Tokugawa Iemitsu.

After Mitsuhisa Shimadzu took Osaka, in order to shock the hearts of the world, he launched an indiscriminate massacre in the city.

No matter whether it was common people or high-ranking officials, none of them could escape from his hands, and they all became the ghosts of his subordinates.

The extremely prosperous Osaka Castle was turned into a white ground by him, and the smell of blood in the air became more and more intense.

The weakness of the Tokugawa shogunate was seen by people all over the world, and those who were unwilling to submit to the Tokugawa shogunate also rose up one after another.

The entire Wa country was in chaos in an instant, with smoke everywhere, and wars continued.

The weapons that Mitsuhisa Shimadzu relied on were also under the control of Sanjian Asaga, and the country of Wa began to expand.

His advantage is not there, and he has become the most common name in the Wa country.

Wars continue, gunpowder is everywhere, and more and more lives are wasted in the dust.

The upper-class nobles were fighting each other, and under the bewitching of the spies sent by Sun Jie, they all revealed their vicious nature.

At the same time, the country gradually calmed down, and Sun Jie finally pulled out his hand and began to attack the Wa country.


On the fourth day of October in the fourth year of China, Sun Jie arrived in Jinling and ordered people to build a tall altar outside the city for sending troops to sacrifice to heaven.

No one knows why Sun Jie put this matter in Jinling.

It's a cool autumn day, with wind and clouds blowing.

Standing on the high platform, Sun Jie looked at the flag waving in the wind, filled with emotion in his heart.

Under this hot land, there are hundreds of thousands of innocent souls.

Although they are not in the same time and space, their hatred and hatred have already traveled through time and space and through the ages.

A square tripod is located on a high platform, and a few thick sticks of incense burn quietly inside.

Sun Jie held a bowl of wine and stood in front of the tripod.

Holding the wine in his hand, he looked at Jinling in front of him.

"Although it has been 300 years, I have not forgotten this grudge. Today, I, Sun Jie, swear that I will not pay back the pirates until I break them, so as to accuse those who have died."

Sun Jie muttered in his heart, and then spilled the wine in his hand on the ground.

The cloudless clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and the wind gusted and blew in all directions.

Flying sand and rocks, covering the sky and the sun, seem to be telling grievances.

Sun Jie pointed to the sky with both hands, and shouted angrily: "I stain the emperor's sky with blood, and I promise not to pay back the Japanese pirates!"

The wind gradually stopped.

Heaven and earth have returned to peace.

Behind them are [-] soldiers who are as neat as a forest, they are as motionless as a mountain, looking at Sun Jie.

After a while, Sun Jie turned around, looked at all the soldiers, and shouted: "Today, the troops will be dispatched to destroy the Japanese pirates. I hope you will be able to fight the enemy bravely and make great achievements in battle!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

The soldiers shouted loudly, and the voices were louder and louder.

A few days later, these soldiers headed for the country of Wa in boats.

The [-] troops, under the command of Zhao Dading, went to the country of Wa.

The first place to land was the Satsuma clan closest to North Korea.

On the ironclad ship Beiping, Zhao Dading stood with his hands behind his back.

Looking at the rough sea ahead, he let out a long breath.

"The military flag is raised on Mount Fuji, and orchids are drunk under the cherry blossom trees. This time, it will be determined by one blow!" Zhao Dading's eyes were firm.

These two poems were given to him by Sun Jie before he set off. The main purpose was to warn him that he must fight the enemy bravely in the country of Wa.

The Satsuma domain had already arrived in Edo, and there was only one step away from success, but this short step became a gap that he could never bridge.

Not long after he took Osaka, Yamagi Asaga ran away, and at the same time began to sell weapons from Daqin to other daimyos, which caused the Satsuma clan's advantages to disappear.

Nabeshima Katsushige dare not buy, but some people dare to buy.

Careerists like Mitsuhisa Shimadzu can be found all over the country.

They don't care about Mitsuhisa Shimadzu's revenge, and now it's troubled times, and everyone wants to be the second Iemitsu Tokugawa.

In fact, in order to maintain his own advantage, Mitsuhisa Shimadzu has been dispatching people to monitor the mountain Asaga to death after he got the weapon.

But this is useless, the weapons in Shanjian Zhaohe's hands are many times stronger than their weapons, but they are just some chickens and dogs, how can they stop them?

It didn't take much effort for Sanjian Asaga to break away from the Satsuma clan, and at the same time, he sold the weapons from Daqin to other daimyos.

Mitsuhisa Shimadzu had tested the weakness of the Tokugawa shogunate before, and the other daimyos also became restless after they got the weapons of Sanjian Asaga.

A few daimyos who didn't deal with the Satsuma clan saw this Shimadzu Mitsuhisa attacking the Satsuma clan when he sent troops to the Tokugawa shogunate.

There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests.

No one will sit back and watch the Satsuma family dominate, everyone wants to be the one at the top of the pyramid.

Once Mitsuhisa Shimadzu takes Edo, then he will occupy Dayi.

No one would just watch Mitsuhisa Shimadzu become the second Ieyasu Tokugawa. Those who were at odds with Mitsuhisa Shimadzu started stabbing in the back and attacking Satsuma.

The backyard caught fire, and Mitsuhisa Shimadzu had to retreat and return to the division, so he could only give up Edo, which was at his fingertips.

As the so-called one-shot, and then decline, three and exhausted.

After he returned to Satsuma, the advantages he had accumulated before disappeared instantly.

Everything has become a void.

On the sea outside Satsuma, there are several ships of Satsuma floating.

Not long ago, ships from other feudal states came to harass. In order to prevent it, Mitsuhisa Shimadzu sent many ships to cruise on the sea to warn.

These ships are just some very backward house boats, and they can only serve as a lookout.

This morning, the sea fog filled the air.

An Anzhai boat floated quietly on the sea surface. Suddenly, the sailors on the boat heard roars.

They hurriedly looked in the direction of the roaring sound, and in the thick fog, they vaguely saw a huge monster.

The roar became louder and louder, and under their gaze, a huge steel battleship appeared in the field of vision.

They were terrified right away, and hurriedly controlled the Anzhai boat and fled to the shore.

This steel battleship is exactly the Beiping where Zhao Dading is.

"My lord, did you sink the enemy ship ahead?!"

The chief of staff came behind Zhao Dading and asked.

"Let them go back and let them know we're here!" Zhao Dading looked contemptuous and didn't care.

(End of this chapter)

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