Jinling is a good place. Tang Ruowang had been here before, and he thought this place was good at that time.

The gentle Jiangnan is like a gem, full of beautiful scenery.

Although there are still many garbage or refugees in Jinling at the end of the year, compared with the West at that time, it is actually much more prosperous.

Even in the whole of the West, there is no better city than Jinling.

If it wasn't for preaching, Tang Ruowang would not have gone to the north.

In fact, before Sun Jie took Jinling, there were many churches here, and many missionaries preached here.

These missionaries were all taken over by Sun Jie in the end.

People who are knowledgeable and can be used by themselves are either brought to Chang'an or sent to various government offices to be used as intellectuals.

If you cannot be used by yourself, there is only one way.

Go to Yama to report, chat with Yama, and talk about the difference between the Western god of death and Yama.

With soldiers and guns in his hands, Sun Jie was naturally not afraid of these people's resistance.

If they resist, reward them with a knife.

Standing outside the city gate of Jinling, Tang Ruowang's face was full of emotion.

After several years, I finally came back today.

The time spent in Jinling before is still vivid in my mind today.

The ancient city wall is still the same as before, with little change.

Following Jiang Yanghao into the city gate, a brand new world appeared in front of Tang Ruowang.

This is a world that is completely different from Chang'an, and it is also somewhat different from when I arrived in Jinling.

"Everyone, line up and come with me to meet His Majesty. After the meeting with His Majesty, I will make arrangements for you."

Jiang Yanghao looked at the people walking behind and shouted.

Xinfu, formerly known as Batavia.

After being captured by the Zhou Dynasty, Sun Jie changed his name.

Later, Sun Jie appointed Zhou Chao as the governor of the new mansion, to oversee the big and small matters of the new mansion.

So far, here has become another territory of the empire.

In the future, this place will become the place since ancient times.

In fact, as early as the Tang and Song Dynasties, there were people from the mainland here and there.

In modern times, there are quite a few sunken ships unearthed here.

The old Hong Kong Propaganda Department was also recovered by Sun Jie, and its name in the Ming Dynasty was restored.

Both places are guarded by soldiers.

Sun Jie summed up the lessons of the Ming Dynasty and adopted a strict racial plan for the new government and the old port.

The local aborigines, who are obedient and obedient, move into the reform area, learn Chinese and the corresponding etiquette, and learn to be Daqin people.

If you resist, you can only go to the sea to be with sharks.

Their backward culture and customs were completely destroyed.

During the first period of time, there were still many rebels from the natives of Xinfu and Old Port. Later, these rebels were harvested one crop after another.

Today, only obedient citizens are left behind.

The Zhou Dynasty also expanded around the new mansion and the old port, occupying all the places suitable for living.

Among them, killing and conquest are naturally indispensable.

This is unavoidable. From ancient times to the present, external expansion has always been full of killing and blood.

Today's Xinfu is a large, wealthy and prosperous place.

There are more than 20 people living here, and it is a super big city.

Southeast Asia produces precious stones, silver, and spices. With these things as the driving force, the people naturally attracted them.

In fact, behind this, there is Sun Jie as the driving force.

If you want to completely occupy a place, you must ensure that there are a large number of people living in these places. Only in this way can you firmly occupy this place.

The more people you have in your hands, the more things you have to do.

Zhou Chao has a big forehead recently, and he is disturbed by a lot of troubles.

The governor of a place is still alone overseas. It seems to be a good job, but when you look into it, it is far less easy than an inland official.

He had to decide many things by himself, and a slight mistake would often have extremely bad effects.

Being bored in the governor's mansion, I had no choice but to take my entourage out to play around and relax.

Java does not have four seasons. It is located near the equator and is hot all year round.

Not long after walking, Zhou Chao was covered with sweat.

Stopped halfway up a hill, feeling the wind blowing in front of you.

This wind carries the salty taste of sea water, which is quite different from Chang'an's.

Looking to the north, he thought of the yellow land where he was born.

The loess there, the millet there, and everything there are his fondest memories.

In this life, most people want to go back to their hometown. If they can't do it anymore, Zhou Chao plans to go back, buy a small house, and raise a few sheep or cattle.

"I don't know when His Majesty will attack Lu Song. It's been so long, and there is no reaction at all!"

Zhou Chao suddenly looked to the northeast again, with a worried expression on his face.

After such a long time, it stands to reason that Luzon should also be attacked.

Java is more powerful than Luzon, why did it take so long without even the slightest reaction?
Today's Luzon is still in the hands of Frangji, but maritime commerce has been cut off for a long time.

Their merchant ships can't sail to Asia at all. As soon as they leave Luzon Island, they will be sunk by the fleet in the hands of the Zhou Dynasty.

But there was no order from Sun Jie to attack, and he didn't dare to act rashly.

Overseas Governor, you must be cautious in your words and deeds.

The lonely overseas minister is the most sensitive identity.

Of course, Sun Jie has his own plans for Luzon Island.

The reason why he has not attacked is because he wants to use Luzon Island as a place to hone recruits.

When the time is right, it will naturally be eliminated.

It's just a piece of fat around your mouth, you can eat it whenever you want.

A few hurried figures suddenly appeared at the foot of the mountain, they were the guards of the governor's mansion.

Judging from their anxious appearance, there should be something wrong.

Zhou Chao took the people behind him and walked towards them quickly.

When they came in front of them, one of the guards hurriedly said: "My lord, there is something urgent, something urgent!"

The ease on Zhou Chao's face disappeared in an instant, replaced by tension.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Chao asked.

"My lord, I won't be able to explain this matter for a while. You'd better go back. After you go back, you will understand." The guard said anxiously.

Seeing this, Zhou Chao didn't ask any more questions, and hurried down the mountain.

When he came to the gate of the Governor's Mansion, he rushed in without looking back.

I just walked to the yard and saw a few blond and blue-eyed Hongyi people standing there.

These Hongyi people are not tall, and the tallest is only 1.6 meters five.

In fact, in the Middle Ages, Westerners were not even as tall as Easterners.

In 1848, when the British army was drafted, one tenth of the recruits were young and strong, and their height was less than the required 1.58 meters.

The reason why Westerners give people the stereotype of being tall is simply because they industrialized early and the food industry is developed.

The modern Sun Jie can be considered tall, but compared with many high school students, he is slightly inferior.

These people are Hongyi sailors and missionaries who surrendered to Xinfu before, and they are taller than ordinary Hongyi.

But compared with the soldiers in Sun Jie's hands, it's not enough to see.

"Sir, something happened!"

A Hongyi missionary named Mo Liqi walked up with a solemn face, holding a heavy Bible in his hand.

Zhou Chao saw the Bible in Mo Liqi's hand at a glance, so he asked, "What's the matter? Why are you still holding the Bible when you come out?"

Mo Liqi was a Red Yi missionary in Batavia before, and later surrendered to the Zhou Dynasty.

The Zhou Dynasty originally wanted to cut off all these red barbarians, but this Mo Liqi could speak Chinese and write, which was still somewhat useful, so he stayed.

Like many people, Mo Liqi was also afraid of death. He didn't want to die, so he abandoned his ideals and behaved under Zhou Chao's subordinates.

The day before yesterday, Xinfu arrived with a merchant fleet from Yangzhou, saying it was going to the west for trade, passing by Xinfu to replenish supplies, and at the same time, Xinfu soldiers were conducting the final round of inspection and inspection.

Not long ago, after Zheng Zhilong came back, Sun Jie drew a map of Zheng Zhilong's route and distributed it to various places, and at the same time encouraged businessmen to go to the west to do business.

Although Sun Jie wants to attack the West, he still has to do business, and the money he keeps is not profitable.

Tea, porcelain, these things are still in high demand in the western world, and Sun Jie will not give up of course.

But the west was set up by Zheng Zhilong, and it must not be able to swallow this bad breath.

If the strength is not good, or the things you sell are wrong, you will definitely be targeted by those red-eyed patients in the West.

Therefore, there are strict requirements on ships heading to the west and the goods they sell.

Generally speaking, if you want to go to the West, you must first report an application to the government.

After the application is approved, the formation will be carried out according to the number of merchant ships, and then escorted by the navy to the west.

Of course, the escorting navies are those newly formed fleets, and the main purpose is to train and accumulate experience.

Because the place to go is special, there will be strict requirements on the goods.

Textbooks, advanced materials, and key mechanical parts are all things that are forbidden to go out.

Before departure, there will be a special inspection in Yangzhou.

Just in case, to prevent fish from slipping through the net, the fleet will also conduct a final round of review and verification in Xinfu.

Not long ago, the first merchant fleet to the west set off from Yangzhou.

The day before yesterday, this fleet stopped at the port of Xinfu.

The staff on the port routinely inspect these merchant ships.

This Mo Liqi was originally only in charge of translation, and he had nothing to do with reviewing the goods.

But he was afraid that he would be killed by the Zhou Dynasty because he was worthless and useless, so he applied to the Zhou Dynasty to participate in the inspection of the goods.

Maybe God favored him, he randomly checked a ship, and found a lot of Bibles from the ship.

He was very familiar with the bible. After surrendering to the Zhou Dynasty, all his bibles were destroyed. After searching for the bible, he thought of his previous bible.

So, he opened the Bible with emotion.

There was no problem at the beginning, but after flipping through it, something was wrong.

Some content seems really confusing, not only jerky and difficult to understand, but also extremely tongue-twisting.

As a theologian, Latin is the foundation, and Moliqi naturally understands Latin.

But he doesn't know Latin as well as Tang Ruowang, and when he sees these uncommon words, he finds it difficult to understand them for a while.

Although there is a problem of religious division in the West today, Moliqi of various Bibles knows something about it. Although I am not absolutely sure, the content of the Bible is not very similar to the original content of the Bible.

Sometimes context makes little connection.

The last paragraph still said that the light of God shines on the earth, and the next moment it said that "force is not the reason for maintaining the motion of objects, but the reason for changing the motion of objects."

Moliqi didn't understand these words at all.

If there were only one or two passages, Moliqi didn't think anything of it, only that it was a "pirated" Bible.

But the more you turn back, the more inexplicable words there are.

There are also "during the smelting process, depending on the temperature of the iron, structures such as ferrite, austenite, and pearlite will be produced, and these structures will undergo transformation during quenching", "the so-called quenching is to heat the steel to the critical temperature above."

These contents Mo Liqi didn't know what he was talking about at all, but he keenly discovered that these contents were definitely not the contents of the Bible, and there must be unknown things in them.

So, he hurriedly came to Zhou Chao with the Bible in his arms.

Mo Liqi said: "My lord, the thing is like this"

Mo Liqi explained what happened in detail.

Listening to what Mo Liqi said, Zhou Chao vaguely sensed a hint of conspiracy.

Zhou Chao was not a student of Daqin University, and he hadn't studied these issues specifically, so he didn't know what Mo Liqi was talking about.

But his keen intuition told him that this matter was not as simple as it seemed.

He took the Bible over and looked through it carefully.

However, he couldn't understand the content on it at all. The words on it were like ghost symbols, inexplicable and confused.

"Which ship was this Bible found on? When this Bible was found, what else was found?" Zhou Chao closed the Bible and asked again.

"Except for this Bible, nothing else was found. On the ship I was on, there was only this Bible!"

Molly replied.

"Let's do this first, you first translate the wrong parts of this Bible, and after a few days after the sun goes down, translate all the wrong parts of this Bible." Zhou Chao said.

Mo Liqi patted his chest, and said solemnly: "Follow your lord's order!"

After Mo Liqi left, Zhou Chao personally took people to the port.

Today, finding this kind of thing on a ship does not mean that there is a problem with the entire fleet, but it also shows that there are ghosts in the fleet.

This is the last line of defense to the west, and the Zhou Dynasty must guard it well without any accidents.

Today's Xinfu Port has been expanded by the Zhou Dynasty to a huge size, and the port is also very prosperous.
The scale of this fleet is huge, and the merchant ships are generally not high, and they are basically lucky ships.

Looking at the fleet in the setting sun, Zhou Chao felt a little more worried.

At the same time, Tang Ruowang, who had not been in Jinling for a long time, fell asleep.

This is a house not far from Sun Jie's residence, it is a collective dormitory.

But each of them had their own room, and Tang Ruowang was lying on the bed alone.

Flip left and right, can't sleep horizontally or vertically.

I kept thinking about his Bibles.

"Should be able to send it to the West? If not, then there's going to be a real problem, I hope.

God will bless us, victory will be ours! "

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