There are many choices in life, and there are many shortcuts you can take.

But Descartes deeply understands that some shortcuts cannot be taken.

Cutting corners on weapons can cause serious problems.

But the problem is that if some methods, methods, and materials cannot be changed, then Descartes has no way to manufacture 98k in a serious manner.

As a result, he will not be able to complete the tasks assigned to him above.

Descartes is indeed a famous scientist. With his participation, he really made a decent gun.

It's just that this kind of firecracker is very different from the 98k. It is only similar in shape. It borrows some design concepts from the 98k, and the technical indicators are far from reaching it.

The whole body is forged by hand, which consumes a lot of manpower and material resources.

Fortunately, there are a large number of craftsmen here, and there are sufficient steel and logistics, otherwise there is really no way to make it easily.

The barrel is very thick, and the butt also imitates the 98k, and is designed in that shape.

The design inside is completely different.It looks somewhat similar to the Mini rifle.

After it was manufactured, Descartes experimented with this firearm, but the experimental results were far from satisfactory, both in terms of rate of fire and range, far inferior to 98k.

But this is the best standard they can achieve.

This is also impossible. In the west without industrialization, it is very difficult to build 98k by hand.

After the sample gun was manufactured, Descartes sent it to Louis XIV.

After Louis XIV's experiment, he was extremely dissatisfied, and called back to ask Descartes to redo it.

After Descartes retracted the gun, he started busy again, which made him feel extremely bad.

He was not the only one in a bad mood, Zhang Xianzhong was also there.

As the last bandit leader in the Ming Dynasty, he is now living in a very difficult situation.

When he was in Daming territory, he lived a very chic life. It can be said that he could do whatever he wanted, even if he was chased and killed by Sun Jie like a dog, but on the way of fleeing, he still had a good life.

And now he is in the jungle of Burma.The humidity and heat here made him extremely uncomfortable.

The most important thing is that among the soldiers in his hands, due to the mosquito miasma, there are only a few people left.

This little person is now tortured to the point of losing his human appearance.

Sun Kewang, the most loyal son, also ran away with a group of people not long ago, and directly threw Zhang Xianzhong away.

This annoyed him immensely.

However, after being annoyed, he had no choice but to endure it.

In a dense forest at the junction of Myanmar and Daqin, Zhang Xianzhong held a broken bowl and sipped broth.

The taste of the broth wasn't great, it was a bit salty but more bitter.

This is the coarse salt that he asked his subordinates to make with local methods.

It’s impossible not to eat salt, even though it tastes bitter, you have to resist eating it.

The camp tent above the head was so dilapidated that it could only cover the rainwater. As for keeping warm, don't even think about it, there is no possibility at all.

Wearing a uniform, but also tattered, unshaven, no different from a savage.

While drinking, I felt a lot of anger for no reason, and threw the bowl in my hand to the ground.


The thick bowl shattered, and Zhang Xianzhong cursed, "Damn it, who would have thought it would be reduced to this point, it's a damn thing!"

The followers outside the room heard the commotion inside and hurried in.

The curtain was lifted, and two ashen-faced, skinny minions, like two monkeys, looked at Zhang Xianzhong worriedly.

For the rest of these people, Zhang Xianzhong is their spiritual totem.

Zhang Xianzhong's life is their greatest hope.

Man, strictly speaking, should be a herd creature and a herd creature.

If Zhang Xianzhong died suddenly, then they would also die.

There must be a leader who leads them.

It is not necessary for this leader to have much ability, nor does it need this leader to lead them to prosperity, as long as there is this leader, then they can live, if not, they can only die.

"My lord, what's the matter?"

A taller minion looked at Zhang Xianzhong worriedly, and hurriedly asked.

Sitting on the tattered bed, Zhang Xianzhong looked at the two minions who walked in, and asked, "How much food do we have left? Where are we now?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, we still have enough food for ten days. As for where we are now, I don't know." The minion said.

Zhang Xianzhong patted his thigh and sighed plaintively: "Ah, once the sea was too difficult for water, except Wushan is not a cloud. When will I be able to return to Shaanxi? I ​​really have enough of this shitty place!"

This sentence by Yuan Zhen was originally used by him to describe love, but it is especially appropriate to describe his situation at this time.

Myanmar has high mountains and dense forests, and the wind and rain are erratic.

Just a second ago, it was sunny and sunny, but at this moment, big raindrops were falling from the sky.

There was a strong wind again, blowing hula hula.

The camp was forcibly reclaimed in a small forest. The strong wind blew through the treetops, and the whistle sounded was like ghosts, which was particularly infiltrating.

Thick black clouds completely covered the sky, and the wind and rain swept across the earth.

The stream next to the camp swelled and flooded most of the camp in an instant.

In Zhang Xianzhong's tent, the water was halfway up.

I fell down some time ago and injured my leg. The wound has not healed yet, and the wound is still painful. Now I am soaked in cold water, and the pain is piercing.

"What kind of bullshit is this? Damn it, hell!"

Zhang Xianzhong cursed and chattered endlessly, like a wronged little daughter-in-law.

The two minions hurriedly packed up the tents. If the flood of this level was not cleaned up quickly, they would probably be washed away by the flood in a short while.

The rain in the sky was getting stronger and stronger, and the wind was getting stronger, and the camp was quickly flooded.

Fortunately, there are no tall mountains here, just some low hills, otherwise they would die without a place to bury them when the mudslides came.

After the tents were put away, Zhang Xianzhong was walking in the water with the help of several guards in his coir raincoat.

Suddenly stepped on a stone, lost his footing, and fell into the water.

The flood poured into his mouth frantically, making him struggle with choking.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, the guards picked him up from the flood.

"Damn it!"

He cursed again in a low voice.

The water was getting bigger and bigger, and Zhang Xianzhong walked aimlessly in the flood with the rest of his hands.

It's just that I don't know where the road ahead is, and I don't know where the future is.

"God, you are really nothing, you only bully ordinary people like us, what a damn thing!"

Zhang Xianzhong, who choked on water, pointed at the sky and cursed.

God seemed to have heard his curse and rewarded him with more rain.

It was like water flooding a golden mountain, and it quickly rose to the chest.

Water was everywhere in a daze, and Zhang Xianzhong felt sad from it.

Intense grief enveloped him, tears mixed with rainwater and fell into the rainwater.

This method can only be used to cover up his fragility. If he cries loudly, it will only destabilize the hearts of those followers who follow him.

Weeping and crying, I suddenly thought of Li Dingguo who was forced away by him back then.

"If the fourth child is here, why am I here, why am I here!" Zhang Xianzhong sighed helplessly.

Ainengqi and Liu Wenxiu, who were walking not far from him, were like mud monkeys, moving slowly in the water.

The coir raincoat on his body was useless at this moment, it was soaked in water.

Zhang Xianzhong only has more than 3000 old, weak, sick and disabled people. These people walked silently in the water, moving forward aimlessly.


At this time, Myanmar was in the Toungoo Dynasty, so it got its name because it was in Toungoo.

Taungoo is located on the right bank of the Sidang River and is a suitable place to live.

In the north of Taungoo City, there are more than 30 people stationed, of which 10 are well-equipped soldiers.

This army is exactly the manpower of Tang Wang Zhu Yujian, who came here after fleeing from Yunnan to Burma.

The previous emperor of the Toungoo Dynasty was Mang Da, who was kind to the Ming Dynasty and planned a place for him to stay there.

Not long ago, Mangda's brother Mangbai launched a coup d'état, killing his elder brother and inheriting the position of emperor at the same time.

Mangbai is a cruel, bloodthirsty, money-hungry, and lustful person, and he single-handedly contributed to the cursed disaster in history.

On July 18th, the [-]th year of Shunzhi, King Mangbai of Burma sent a message to Zhu Youlang, Emperor Yongli of the Southern Ming Dynasty who had fled to Burma, asking him to cross the river tomorrow and make an oath to make friends with him by drinking the cursed water.

Zhu Youlang and some ministers all saw that there was a fraud in it, but they dared not refuse to go under the fence of others, so they had to order some civil and military officials such as Ma Jixiang, a scholar of the university, and Mu Tianbo, the minister, to go to the appointment.

In the morning of the next day, Ma Jixiang and others came to the tower of the Burmese army garrison, and were immediately surrounded by three thousand Burmese army regiments.When Mu Tianbo saw something happened, he immediately grabbed his knife and resisted. In the end, because he was outnumbered, all 42 officials, big and small, were killed.Immediately, the Burmese army rushed to Zhu Youlang's residence, chasing and killing more than 300 followers.

Later, Zhu Youlang and his relatives and followers were placed in a small house. After Wu Sangui arrived, Wu Sangui personally hanged Zhu Youlang with a bowstring.

In history, Zhu Youlang's lack of strength in his hands, coupled with Mangbai's greed, and Wu Sangui's army suppressed the situation, resulting in the "curse water disaster".

Today, in Dongyu City, south of the station, the person in charge is Mangbai.

Ascending to the emperor's position with the Slaughter Palace Change is not justified, and no one knows if he will be like him in the future and take the opportunity to get rid of him.

The most urgent task at the moment is to obtain the canonization of the Kingdom of Heaven in order to obtain the orthodox jurisprudence.

In the past, this celestial kingdom was Ming Dynasty, but now it is Daqin.

In fact, after Mangbai seized power, he once asked Zhu Yujian to have him conferred on him as the Emperor of Ming Dynasty.

For Mangbai, ordinary people in the country don't know the changes in the world today, and using the Ming emperor as a gimmick can naturally deceive others.

At this time, Zhu Yujian still has 30 people in his hands, and his strength is strong. It is not so easy to think about ZTE Daming, but it is no problem to temporarily separate one side and move on standby.

It stands to reason that at this time Zhu Yujian is stationed in Myanmar, as a guest, it is all right to give Mangbai a legitimate status, but he has the idea of ​​replacing him in his heart, so he is naturally unwilling to be canonized, so he refuses because "the matter is not right".

Not only Zhu Yujian, but also the ministers around him had the same opinion.

What made Mangbai most scruples was the hundreds of thousands of people who followed Zhu Yujian into Burma, which always made him uneasy.

Especially seeing that Zhu Yujian had no intention of returning to the Central Plains, Mangbai was afraid that the Nanming monarchs and subjects would stay here, like his Nanzhao ancestors, and become the new master of Burma in the future.

A while ago, after he failed to ask Zhu Yujian to canonize him, he sent people to Daqin, hoping to get the canonization from Daqin.

This is simply a big joke, how could Sun Jie canonize him?It is enough not to reward him with tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, so how can he be canonized?
The envoys sent out were naturally mud cows into the sea, and there was no movement.

The decree of Daqin's canonization was delayed, and Zhu Yujian's soldiers and horses were fighting hard in the north, waiting for the opportunity to go south.

All the soldiers and horses in Mangbai's hands add up to less than 5 people, so how could he be Zhu Yujian's opponent?

Mangbai hadn't had a good day since ascending to the throne.

But the current Zhu Yujian is much better than him.

In the simple palace built of mud and wood, Zhu Yujian looked at Mu Tianbo, Lu Zhenfei and others who were sitting below, and said: "In the south of the curse water, King Mangbai of Dongyu killed his elder brother. As the king who was conferred by Daming himself, we You must investigate!"

This sentence lays the groundwork.

Compared with history, they are in a good situation today.

Mu Tianbo, who was sitting below, showed a cruel smile, "Your Majesty's words are absolutely true, mere recklessness should be destroyed with thunder!"

"I believe that our main goal should be to unite all the forces that can be united, and a recklessness is not a problem.

But he still has tens of thousands of troops in his hands. If the two armies fight, there will be losses. We should think of a way to minimize the losses! " Lu Zhenfei said.

His words aroused Zhu Yujian's approval.

"That's true. Now Bandit Sun is very powerful. If we lose too much, it will only encourage Sun Bandit's arrogance. We must find a way to minimize the loss." Zhu Yujian said.

There was a drizzle of rain outside the palace, and these people talked a lot.


The next day, the rain did not stop, and the people sent by Zhu Yujian entered Dongyu City.

The envoy stood on the main hall of the palace, looked at Mangbai without squinting, and said in a steady voice, "The great thief in the world is the grandson of Shaanxi. Go and form an alliance with drinking the cursed water to show friendship!"

The difficulty of cursing water is just around the corner, it's just an exchange of identities.

Mangbai's face suddenly turned livid. The emperor who became emperor after the coup naturally knew what Zhu Yujian was trying to do.
Fearing Zhu Yujian's identity and strength, he still held back the anger in his heart, and refused in a calm tone: "My lord, I am just a small king of the Toungoo Kingdom, how dare I spy on the Central Plains? Now, I am in poor health and cannot go there. , and ask the envoy to go back and explain the situation!"

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