The surrender of Tsarist Russia is not a good thing for Liang Hailong and Zhang Jie, and it will affect their credit.

In order to be able to establish credit, they boldly provoked wars on the border.

In the spring, these soldiers and horses of Nuer Gandusi began to train frequently, and even continued to create friction in the border area.

This situation quickly reached Sun Jie's ears.But he didn't overly restrict these things. Soldiers all want to make meritorious deeds. If they are not allowed to make meritorious deeds, problems will arise if they keep holding back.

So, Sun Jie acquiesced to their approach, and even started to deliver goods there.

What the emperor did naturally aroused the excitement of the soldiers, and they became more and more courageous, and began to march into the interior of Tsarist Russia.

Tsarist Russia's army was very poor, after all, they failed to stop the attack of soldiers like Sun Jie.

That's right, the weapons used by the Tsarist Russian army are just ordinary matchlock guns, so how can they compare with Sun Jie's weapons?

Alexei was pinned on by his father, but he was powerless to save the country.

Those princes and nobles had contacted Sun Jie a long time ago, and this battle was already doomed.

Moscow, here is the seat of the Tsar.

The summer wind blew past Alexei. He knelt on the ground, holding the seal of Tsarist Russia in his hand, his head hanging low.

Alexei was very sad, with tears of pain on his face.

Behind is a defeated Moscow.

Next to him were the princes and nobles. They were not as sad as Alexei. For them, it didn't matter whether they surrendered or not, as long as they could survive.

When Sun Jie's soldiers took the tsar's seal from Alexei, at this point, tsarist Russia perished.

This country that will become a torrent of steel in the future will perish at this moment, and the future will have no meaning for them.

The soldiers did not kill these princes and nobles. These people are useless and meaningless. Sending them back to the country as mascots is the best choice.

In Tsarist Russia, there are not many places suitable for living.

After Moscow was taken, the soldiers marched on those livable places.

In the spring of the second year, it occupied the entire territory of Tsarist Russia.

The only factors that affect the march are the weather and the season.

After taking Tsarist Russia, some soldiers were transferred to the Construction Corps under Sun Jie's arrangement.

The military system is the same as usual, but the method has changed.

According to the merits of the soldiers, the land was distributed.

However, the imperial army did not stop.

The Legion of the South, finally moving.

Zhu Yujian and others squatting in Southeast Asia should also clean up.

These people have been in Southeast Asia long enough, and it's time to clean up.

Today, the army of the empire is already invincible in the whole world, and it's just a matter of picking up Zhu Yujian and holding hands.

When Sun Jie's marching order was issued, the Southern Army began to march.

The high mountains and dense forests can't stop the march of the imperial army at all. Under the crush of the imperial army, any obstruction is futile.

Zhu Yujian was a bit courageous, seeing that there was no hope of restoring the country, he hanged himself to die for the country just like Emperor Chongzhen back then.

The same is true for his minister Lu Zhenfei, who died for the country together.

After destroying Zhu Yujian, the imperial army continued to move forward and swept across Southeast Asia.

Five years passed in a flash. During these five years, the imperial army conquered the entire world, surrounding the entire earth, and almost all territories were under the rule of Daqin.

When the world was unified, Sun Jie finally unified the whole world just like the first emperor unified the six kingdoms.

Just when the empire was unified, Sun Jie imitated Qin Shihuang back then and issued a more pure policy of burning books and burying scholars.

"All the territory of the empire uses Chinese characters and speaks Chinese.

All Western classics were destroyed.If someone hides it privately, he will be punished as a crime of rebellion!
This law has continued for thousands of years and cannot be changed.

The history of the West has been completely changed.The ancient saints of the West, erase all traces!


In this world, people from no other country can respect history and the ancients as much as people in this land.

It is precisely because these people admire history and the ancients that they understand how cruel Sun Jie's methods are.

This is even scarier than killing people, it's killing people!
When it is time to use violence, use violence.

For a moment, the whole world became noisy again.

The classics in the West and even in all places were all destroyed, almost everything was translated into Chinese characters, and a lot of private goods were even stuffed inside.

No one is willing to change their name, no one is willing to deviate from their ancestors, no one is willing to change their living habits, and no one is willing to learn a language that is not their own.

However, their dissatisfaction was in vain.

When the swords and guns were on their heads, they also had to bow their heads.

If you dare to resist, you will die.

Those libraries, personal collections, royal collections, etc. in the Western world were all destroyed one by one, and all were reduced to ashes.

Such a policy has aroused the resistance of those Western scholars, but their resistance is ridiculous.

Time flies by, 30 years have passed in the blink of an eye, and Sun Jie is also entering old age.

In the past 30 years, the population on this land has increased by an unknown number of times.

Under the demographic dividend, the industrial development is extremely rapid.With his back against the portal, Sun Jie created one miracle after another.

All kinds of high-rise buildings are built all over the country, and the people all over the country are getting richer and richer.

Civilian industries developed rapidly, and items such as cars and refrigerators flew into the homes of ordinary people.

Most of the traces of the past in Japan, North Korea, grasslands and other places have disappeared, and people in these places are increasingly identifying with this land.

Sun Jie's sons were entrusted to America, Oceania, the West and other places. After these sons passed, they spared no effort to assimilate the people here.

So many years of hard work have not been in vain, most people in the West have spoken Chinese.

As for English and other languages, they have begun to be forgotten.

In the past few years, the world has basically been peaceful, without any major wars.

Although there are still some remnants of the former dynasty in the West who want to restore the country, but they are just a mantis who speak Chinese.

All the places in the world are the territory of Great Qin.

Although it may be divided later, it is unified in this moment.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, no matter where it is, it will illuminate the territory of the empire.

This is an empire where the sun never sets, this is a very powerful country, and this is a very terrifying country.

The sense of national pride is bursting at this moment, anyone in the world is proud to settle in the Central Plains
All in all, this is a country that has never been seen, and is the most powerful country in history.
Sun Jie's prestige has also reached a very high level.

So far, global unity.

Great Qin Dynasty.

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