Rebooting you shine like a crystal

Chapter 34 Office 1 Day Tour

Chapter 34 Office Day Trip
"Is this your office? It's so big!" Zheng Xiujing followed Zhao Xingchen into the office, looking left and right at the office that was bigger than their practice room.

Zhao Xingchen is indeed extravagant, and it is indeed extravagant to reserve a large area for a tea table in a local office like BJ where every inch of land is expensive.

"It's okay, the main reason is that this building belongs to my family, so I don't have to worry about the rent. In this building, as long as I think about it, the office can be as big as I want." Zhao Xingchen inadvertently walked to Vernes.

Zheng Xiujing: "You are amazing."

Zhao Xingchen led Zheng Xiujing to the solid wooden chair on his tea table, and said to him, "Sit here and rest for a while, and I will deal with some documents first. You can make any tea you want, and if you want coffee, you can tell me Let me tell you, I'll call the assistant to make a bubble for you."

"No, no, no, go and do your work, I'll just wait for you here."

Her relatives are so caring, how can she cause trouble for others!
"OK, I'll go then." After finishing speaking, he went back to his desk and sat down, took out the documents placed by his assistant on his desk and began to review them.

Oh Soo-jin didn't bother him either, but sat quietly at the tea table and took out her mobile phone to open the study materials inside and slowly read them.

There is no limit to the sea of ​​learning, and she wants to swim in the ocean of knowledge.

In human terms, she is a senior this year, and if she doesn't prepare for the graduation exam, she will fail the exam just like a certain younger sister who looks very similar to her.

Time passed extremely quickly, and the two of them were quietly busy with their own affairs, without disturbing each other.

The father-in-law of the sun has set, and the grandma of the moon has come out. As for why the sun is the father-in-law and the moon is the grandma, I don’t know.

When the assistant came back with two bags of lunch boxes, Zhao Xingchen happened to finish the work in hand, he got up and took the meal from the assistant's hand and let him go out.

He originally wanted to call Zheng Xiujing to eat at the table here, but seeing that she was still immersed in the ocean of knowledge, he didn't bother her, and simply sat aside and watched her study hard.

At this time, Oh Soo-jin is reciting the Confucian classic "The Analects of Confucius". As top students of Confucian University Sungkyunkwan University, they must recite the Analects.

Although there is pinyin next to it, Chinese is still a bit jerky and difficult for her to understand, and the Analects of Confucius is an ancient Chinese, so it is extremely difficult to memorize it.

Just when she was in a state of desperation, Zhao Xingchen seemed to see her situation, and stepped forward to gently comfort her: "Let's eat first, the study is not in a hurry."


Zhao Xingchen brought her to a table beside her, opened the insulated box, and placed the dishes in front of her one by one.

"Eat it, it won't be good if it gets cold."

Although this meal was a fat-reducing meal, the two of them were quite satisfied with what they ate.

Soon, Zheng Xiujing looked at the white ceiling and murmured: "I didn't expect the fat-reducing meals to be so delicious. I feel that the fat-reducing meals I have eaten for so many years were all for nothing."

Zhao Xingchen is still eating. Although the fat-reducing meal is indeed good news for girls, it is difficult for him to eat. There is no oil in the dish and it can't suppress his gastric juice.

After he chewed the food in his mouth, he said with a smile: "This is not a pure fat-reducing meal! There are still some calories, otherwise the taste would not be so good."

"That's also the good news for people we need to control our body shape management! If we usually eat this kind of fat-reducing meal for a long time, we won't have to go on a diet when we come back."

Unfortunately, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

"You should exercise more to manage your body. It's almost impossible to keep in shape without exercising. It's okay to eat a few fat-reducing meals, but long-term eating is not good for your body."

Exercise more to be healthy, dieting to lose weight and eating fat-reducing meals are all tricks, not only easy to rebound but also bad for the body.

"Got it! I thought I could be lazy for a little bit!" Zheng Xiujing said dejectedly.

I wanted to know the source of this fat-reducing meal, and then I could ask if there is one in Korea. If so, wouldn’t she be able to avoid the pain of exercise?

Although exercise makes people healthy, and it is very comfortable when sweating profusely, it is simply very painful for a house girl like her.

Uncomfortable in bed all day?Why go out, why do sports!

"Do you need some tea to digest?" Zhao Xingchen raised his head and asked Zheng Xiujing after finishing the vegetable salad in the bowl.

"Okay!" Zheng Xiujing replied with a smile.

When she saw Zhao Xingchen's huge tea table in the office and many kinds of tea leaves, she felt that he didn't usually like to drink tea.

But this is also nonsense, who is a serious person to put such a big tea table in the office!

But it is very necessary for Zhao Xingchen.

He spends most of his time in the office every day. Although he is very busy with work, he still has time to spare himself, so it is very reasonable to put a tea table in the office.

"Let's make you a cup of green tea. Green tea is better for digestion." While talking, he got up and went to the cabinet and took out the green tea jar, grabbed a little and put it in the glass tea set.

"Then I will trouble you!"

(End of this chapter)

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