Wonderful since 1984

Chapter 19 Novel Publishing

Chapter 19 Novel Publishing ([-])

Yu Tian explained patiently, finally dispelled their worries, and let them understand that the money was earned in an aboveboard manner and did not break the law at all. On the contrary, they would be encouraged and supported by the state
Yu's father and Yu's mother returned to their room and lay on the bed, tossing and turning sleeplessly.

"Old Yu, do you think Xiaotian is really doing well with his money?"

"It's okay, didn't he explain it?"

"I can't quite understand what he said. Don't you often read newspapers? Do you understand?"

"Basically, the country is now liberalized and allowed to do business with foreign countries. Besides, the third child sells songs and novels, which are equivalent to our domestic manuscript fees. The chairman still has manuscript fees, no trouble."

"Then I can rest assured, my God, my eyelids keep twitching, which makes my heart flutter all the time."

Yutian's mother, Li Qing, patted her chest;

Yu Zhiqiang didn't feel sleepy at all. He stood up, took out a cigarette from the side of the bed, lit it, and took a deep breath, "It's a good smoke, it's fragrant and pure."

These are the tea flower cigarettes bought by Yutian, and Ashima, a total of 10 packs, good guy, a pack of cigarettes costs more than 50 yuan, and he is not willing to smoke a large production that costs 3 cents.

"Hey, you can't smoke hard if you have good cigarettes."

"What are you smoking? This pack produces 10 packs at most, and later I took the unopened 9 packs to a small shop and sold them."

"I'm ashamed to go to you. Besides, your son bought it with money. Let's sell it at a loss. Do you think you're out of your mind?" Li Qing looked disgusted;
"Forget it, let's talk about it." Yu Zhiqiang doesn't have any hobbies, so he just smokes alone, but, hey, this cigarette is good, but it's too expensive. It costs 2 cents a cigarette, and every puff feels like a puff. burn money.

"Hey, old man, the boss is going to travel and get married. Let's give the boss another 3000 yuan to buy a gold bracelet for his wife. 30 grams is about 2000 yuan. The previous three golds are only 20 grams, which is a little less."

The current market for marriage is to give the woman three golds, a gold necklace, gold earrings and a gold ring, and a gold bracelet for those whose family conditions are very good;

Yu Zhiqiang's heart twitched a little, this is more than 2000 yuan, and the second child will get married in the second half of the year
I was about to object, but after thinking about it again, I nodded and agreed, "Forget it, saving money is not for the children."

Seeing Yu Guoqiang nodding, Li Qing said, "I'll buy you a watch too. Your watch is almost 30 years old, so it's time to change it. Well, I want a gold bracelet too."

Yu Guoqiang's eyes bulged, and his breath surged upwards
I also heard Li Qing say: "When we got married, the child's grandma gave me a silver bracelet. I was reluctant to wear it before, but now it's too late."

Yu Guoqiang's anger subsided, and a trace of sadness welled up in his heart.
"Buy it, don't you still want a gold ring, just prepare all three gold rings"

The next day, Yu Tian took out the edition of "People's Daily" from his bag and showed it to his father (I don't know how many copies he had prepared), and then he talked eloquently. The value is low; there is a surplus of labor, there are mountains and rivers, suitable for planting fruit trees, raising pigs and chickens, close to big cities, no worries about sales, I suggest that my father lend the funds to relatives in my hometown, so that they can develop side businesses and increase income
In the last life, Yujia Village, my hometown, did not develop its own pillar industry, and did not earn money from farming. Many families leased out their land, and those who were able to work went to other places to work. When they earned money, they bought houses in the city, and the whole family moved. Walk;

The rest of the village has no working ability, or those who have insufficient ability, so the living standard can be imagined, and the poor will die of poverty.

Now that Yu Tian has the ability, he hopes to make Yujia Village rich as soon as possible.

Yu Tian's words opened a window for Yu Zhiqiang, "San'er is right."

Yu Guoqiang had been farming in his hometown before the age of 20, and his understanding of that land was much better than that of Yu Tian. Thinking about the hard life of his relatives in his hometown, he was powerless to help.

The little money and things sent back every year are like pepper noodles. They can't even do emergency rescue, let alone save the poor!

It's different now, with money and policies.

Mom and Dad didn't sleep well all night!
In the end, Yu Guoqiang decided that after his old son had left, he would take family leave and go back to his hometown in Ludong to mobilize the masses, no!It is to help relatives in the hometown get rid of poverty and become rich, and take the road of "common prosperity" that Yutian said!

It is said that Yutian's parents returned to Yujia Village, took out the newspaper prepared by Yutian, preached the latest national policies, and provided funds, as well as a plan to get rich, which was warmly cheered by the relatives in their hometown!

Everyone is already poor enough, but the conscious mind can't keep up, and there is no place to use it if you have the energy.

Now that the policy is in place, the funds are in place, and there are ways to get rich, great!Engage in planting and breeding, work hard, rural people are never afraid of this!
Everyone's spirits were pumped up, what kind of sideline business to do, how to do it, the plan was refined little by little, and the funds needed by each family were collected little by little. In general, the development funds of 5 yuan in the early stage should be enough. of.

Let’s go back to Yutian. By the end of 87, the 18-year-old Yutian had grown to 1 meters in height, surpassing his height in his previous life. He weighed 80 kilograms. the golden ratio.

Yutian is very stinky (Zhou Yu’s original words). In August, the National Sports Commission’s Athletics Administration and Shengtian specially set up an expert coaching team for Yutian, collecting weekly data and adjusting the training plan from time to time. With more targeted training and scientific nutritional supplements, Yu Tian's performance has improved significantly.

Last week's test result was 10 seconds, ranking 05th in the world's best 87-meter time in 12.

This result is very encouraging, but it is not the happiest thing for the coaching staff. In these three months, after weekly data comparison and analysis, the increase in Yutian's speed is increasing in the form of acceleration, although This acceleration value is very small, but it is still acceleration, not to mention that Yu Tian is now one of the ten fastest runners in the world, and this speed of progress is terrifying.

The goal set by the coaching staff for Yutian is to enter the final stage of the 88 Olympic Games, to break the century-old pattern in which the world's sprint events have been dominated by the Western world (actually black people, hehe! White people can't do it!), and to create a better track and field sprint for China and even Asia. Rectify your name!

Yu Tian's heart is even wilder, and the highest goal he has set for himself is the Olympic [-]-meter gold medal. It would be even better if he can break the world record;

But this is almost impossible, the world record of 9 seconds 93 is still far away from him now;

The next level goal is to get a medal. To achieve this goal, you need to improve the score by almost 0.1 seconds.

It is too difficult to improve the score by as much as 0.1 seconds in half a year, but there is no other way but to fight. What he lacks most now is time.
Putting aside all distracting thoughts, Yu Tian devoted himself wholeheartedly to the training ground, targeting the Olympics, and started the final sprint.

(End of this chapter)

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