Wonderful since 1984

Chapter 22 Olympic rice is king

Chapter 22 The Olympic [-]-meter King ([-])
Like everyone else, Coach Jin also turned his attention to the scoring screen. The few seconds of delay in the data display seemed to be as long as several minutes. Under everyone's anxious eyes, the result on the scoring screen finally came out:

No.1 Yutian set a new world record at 9 seconds
No.2 Ben Johnson broke the world record in 9 seconds

No.3 Carl Lewis
Coach Jin's eyes were blurred, they were filled with tears;

Want to cheer loudly, but there is no sound in my throat;
The body squatted down softly, and the head was raised, tears gushing out
Inside and outside the stadium, on the land of Huaxia, everyone laughed, shouted, and danced happily, with tears of excitement streaming down their faces
In the conference room of the office building of Weihe Machinery Factory, there was bursts of laughter, and the footage of Yutian running and sprinting was still playing on the color TV screen. Yutian's family members were surrounded by countless blessings
Provincial fields, university campuses, factories, shopping malls.
There were deafening cheers everywhere.
Yu Tian supported his knees, panting violently, his whole body was weak, and his physical strength was seriously overdrawn!
Inside the body, the heat flow is slowly dissipating, yes, the heat flow helped him a lot at the last moment.

Lewis and Johnson are really strong. He tried his best, and his extreme excitement and belief in winning supported him to move forward. However, when he ran to the second half, he felt a little powerless.

It completely exceeded his physical limit, Yu Tian was nearly 10 years younger than the two of them, and his body was not fully grown, so he suffered a lot.

At this moment, that hot current appeared, more intense and violent than before, filling his whole body like lightning.
"Dreams come true! It's great! I really did it! This feeling is so wonderful!."

"I am no longer the old me! I am no longer the decadent, humble, helpless me. Those days of being ignored by others and despised by myself are gone forever."

Everything in the past flashed through my mind like lightning
Yu Tian slowly straightened up, reconfirmed his results, glanced at the heroic figure of himself sprinting on the big screen, and the cheering audience, his blood slowly surged up
He swung his right arm, pointed his index finger at the sky obliquely, and roared to the sky: "Ah!"

Yutian's roar echoed in the air above the arena, he wanted to expel all the negative things that were still pent up in his body.
History freezes at this moment!
This photo appeared in the world's major media like the wind, announcing the arrival of a new king on the track;

It predicted the rise of China and the arrival of a new era.

The stadium gradually became quiet, and tens of thousands of people watched Yu Tian quietly, either excited, envious, jealous, or adored.
Yu Tian walked up to Coach Jin, the two embraced tightly, tears dripping down
Yu Tian picked up the five-star red flag next to him and jogged towards the track. He saw an Olympic five-rings flag next to him, and he also took it in his hand. Run on the sweaty track, run
It's a winner's right!

At this time, he is the king on the field! !

All the audience in the venue stood up, gave warm applause, and shouted Yu Tian's name. The rhythm gradually became unified, filling every corner of the venue.
"Yu Tian!" "Yu Tian!" "Yu Tian!".
This is the dignity that the strongest deserves! !
At the awards ceremony, when he stood on the highest podium and the national anthem was played, he watched the bright five-star red flag rising gradually amidst the majestic national anthem.
Looking back on his past and present lives, Yu Tian burst into tears.
In the dark corners of the world, some "people who can't eat grapes" ask the Olympic Organizing Committee to strictly test doping, and they don't believe it
Conspiracy theorists found no evidence of Chinese doping. Of course, it was not in vain. Canada’s Ben Johnson was found to have taken doping, stripped of his silver medal, and suspended
"One blockbuster", "One blockbuster, the world knows", Yu Tian became red, and the red turned purple.
The next day, nearly half of the newspapers published news and photos of Yu Tian, ​​and quite a few of them occupied the headlines;

There is one photo that is used the most.

The background of the photo is the track and field track and the boiling stands. Yu Tian stood upright on the track, his left fist was lowered, his right arm was raised, and his index finger pointed directly at the sky. His handsome face was slightly raised, his eyebrows were like swords, and his eyes were like bright eyes. Xing, I don’t know if the timing of the capture is good, or the light is just right. In the photo, there is light shining in Yutian’s eyes, which adds a sense of mystery to him
As a result, the titles of "Light of Asia" and "Star of Asia" spread all over the world;

In the past few days, various media outlets have experienced both pain and happiness. The ratings and sales of newspapers have been rising steadily, and readers have called to complain.

"Shit! We need to know the real situation of Yutian, and don't watch your nonsense!"

"FUCK! You political dogs! Sports shouldn't be about politics"

"I like him, promise to God, you can't"

Foreign media bigwigs want to cry, "Damn it, you are wronged! This time there is no such thing"

The editors sent to China haven't gotten off the plane yet.
After the awards ceremony, this Olympic Games was over for Yu Tian.

He is waiting for the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, and then returns home to share his joy and glory with his family and friends.

After a good sleep, I felt refreshed after waking up, and I simply moved my body, but fortunately, there was no discomfort;

If you don’t want to stay still, go to the arena to cheer and cheer for your teammates, and provide help within your ability;
Yu Tian is so popular now, no matter where he goes, he will be surrounded by crowds. It is okay to ask for autographs and group photos, but not for interviews!This one is disciplined.

Members of the delegation, from the leader to the team members, all praised Yutian's performance. The impressive results are one aspect, and good self-cultivation and personal morality are the main reasons.

In Yu Tian's last life, he agreed with a truth: to do things, be a man first!
It's just that when he knew this truth in his last life, he had fallen and couldn't come back.

Perhaps, even if I was told this truth from an early age, it would probably be useless due to lack of experience and lack of understanding.

I think of a sentence I saw when I was 40 years old: "We know so many truths, but we still can't live this life well."

What a helpless and painful realization this is!

Luo Jiayao and sister Yuling also came to Seoul to watch Yutian's game and cheer for Yutian.

Unexpectedly, the little brother gave them a big surprise!

The two were so excited in the stands that they almost went to the hospital (Sister Yuling's words).

After the competition was over, the two of them were not in a hurry to return to Hong Kong Island, they guarded the Olympic Village and waited to see Yutian.

They can't come in, only Yu Tian can go out;

After finally meeting at the gate of the Olympic Village, the two embraced Yu Tian for a while, and Sister Yuling even put lipstick on his face.
Then "Ka Ka Ka", Sister Yuling took countless photos for him and asked for more than N signatures. Yu Tian thought she was going to go out for wholesale.

As expected of a business elite, Sister Yuling negotiated with Yu Tian, ​​struck while the iron was hot, and released the information that Yu Tian was a "Sky Demon". Taking advantage of the current good situation, she pushed the novel "Alien Planet" to the world in one fell swoop!

Yu Tian gave Sister Yuling a thumbs-up, agreeing so much!
These days, it doesn't matter what we can't get through, we can't get through with good reputation and money, right?
What's more, this is a win-win situation. I and Minghe Publishing House have gained both fame and fortune, and Huaxia has engaged in cultural export. What a wonderful thing, there is no such thing!

As the "Alien Planet" novels were successively listed in various Asian countries, Yutian received more than 300 million Hong Kong dollars in the account in the first half of the year (the royalty share was increased), and all of them bought the stocks of high-tech companies in the United States represented by Microsoft.

Brother Luo and sister Yuling praised Yutian for his sharp vision, and the stock price of Microsoft more than quadrupled in less than a year.
During this meeting, the two also prepared several large bags of exquisite gifts for Yu Tian, ​​and asked him to return to the Olympic Village to give away.
This must be Sister Yuling's suggestion, women are really careful;

This reminded him that now that he has time and money, the Olympic Village is full of things of good quality, and when he goes abroad, he must bring some souvenirs back home as gifts.

The three of them were chatting lively, when the place not far away suddenly became chaotic.

Dozens of men and women huddled together in a few piles, noisy, pushing and shoving, the races were quite complete, black, white and yellow, and some were holding placards, which seemed to have animals drawn on them.
Yu Tian took off his sunglasses, stretched his neck and looked over, "What is this for?"

Luo Jiayao watched the music, "Haha, it's a dog-loving group, running here to protest against eating dog meat in Korea"

Yu Tian's eyes were straightened, "Ah, there is such a thing now! I thought ouch, it's terrible!"

He is 1 meters tall and is still pulling his neck. The goal is too obvious!
The stream of people came straight to him, and behind him were people carrying cameras and microphones.
Brother Luo and Sister Yuling had no experience in this field, so they were pushed to the outside in two or three times. Yu Tian was afraid that they would be injured, so he repeatedly shouted in Korean and English, "Don't squeeze, be careful, pay attention to safety."

The reporters around were happy, why?He (she) can't speak Chinese.

"Mr. Yutian, there are rumors that you have been taking stimulants for a long time"

(Yu Tian replied in Korean in his heart, you only take medicine, your whole family takes medicine.)

"Mr. Yutian, this time the Huaxia delegation has lost all. Will the other athletes be punished when they go back?"

(Yu Tian slandered in English, lose your size, punish you big-headed ghost!)

"Mr. Yutian, do you have a girlfriend?"

(Yu Tian: I'm still young.)

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't speculate casually, please contact the staff of the delegation for the interview, I still have something to do, thank you!" Yu Tian replied in English;

"Mr. Yutian,"

"Yu Tian, ​​I heard that Chinese people eat dog meat. My god, dogs are loyal companions of human beings. Lovely angels, why are you so cruel" (a white woman shouted in a high-pitched voice.)
Yu Tian glanced at her, and held back his silence, how can we talk about the topic of eating dog meat, and the map cannon should not be fired indiscriminately, too many words will be lost, not to mention that there are a bunch of malicious people around.

Seeing that Yu Tian ignored him, he got excited and shouted: "Yu Tian, ​​cruel, Yu Tian, ​​cruel, coward!"

Yu Tian was speechless, "Nimma, the forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds."

I couldn't help replying, "For your unreasonable accusations, I choose to forgive. Because I am a normal person!"

When the reporters saw Yutian open his mouth, their eyes lit up with excitement;
When other people asked any more questions, Yutian just laughed and didn't answer.
At this moment, the security guards and volunteers of the Olympic Village cooperated with Luo Jiayao and Sister Yuling, inserted into the crowd and rescued Yu Tian.
The two stared at Yu Tian strangely, and Yu Tian was furious, "What's wrong, don't look at people like that!"

"I lost it! Why do you speak English so well? Why do you speak Korean?"

"You never asked me again."

"You monster"

 During the 88 Seoul Olympic Games, the dog-loving groups protested at the Olympic site is true, not fabricated by the author.

(End of this chapter)

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