Poor family mother and son

Chapter 1027 Say it or not, you say it or not!

Chu Qing felt that the water source was nearby, but the voices of the two old people made her decide to find someone first, because they mentioned her.

What does it mean that Chu Qing made the island crowded?None of his business?Who is he?Why is the mouth so big!

Chu Qing was tired, thirsty and hungry, and worried that the whole family couldn't find her, especially her son was waiting for her to come home, so she became emotional.

She ran towards the direction of the sound with a bad breath, not noticing that the dullness suddenly disappeared at this moment, she walked extremely fast.

Chu Qing walked fast, but her footsteps were light. She didn't know how many people were on the other side, so it's best to be cautious.

After another turn, the torches burned out, and it was dark all around.

Chu Qing finally saw a stone door, which was hard to see unless he looked carefully, because the door looked no different from the rough cave wall.

If it wasn't for the fact that it was concealed and there was light coming from inside, Chu Qing would never have noticed that there was a door there.

The old woman's voice came out again, the voice sounded old, but she was full of anger: "Why don't you blame you? Why don't you blame you?

My old lady said a long time ago that she didn't beat you to death with a stick just because you were her own, not because you are outstanding, and my old lady couldn't bear to beat you! "

Chu Qing had already moved closer to the door, and looked in through the crack of the door.

This is a huge cavern. From a clear perspective, she can see that there are at least three floors inside, and her sight is blocked, so she can only see a very narrow one.

But with this narrow strip, she saw a "wall" formed by travertine piles* in the cave, which went straight to the roof of the cave.

Clusters of stalactites hang from the top of the cave. Under the refraction of the torch light, some look whiter than snow, and some are as light yellow as cream.

They hang from the ceiling of the cave in different lengths, like crystal chandeliers covered with tassels, and are integrated with the travertine pile on the wall, supporting the sky.

And the walls made of travertine are undulating, not only like white coral on the bottom of the sea, covered with knots on the cave wall, but also like relief sculptures, forming a white scene of snow-capped waterfalls and rime.

This beautiful pile of travertine shimmers like a little bit of starlight, which is extraordinarily fantastic.

And the other cave walls were the same as Chu Qing's side, the gray stone color.

"Come on! You definitely picked me up! Just beat me with such a thick stick at you, and I will definitely not be your own!" The old man's voice sounded.

Chu Qing almost turned his eyeballs to the limit, wishing they could evolve to the point where they could turn a corner, only then did he see an old woman with white hair holding on to a stick with a thick wrist, panting under that travertine wall Gasp.

Hearing the old man's words, he picked up his stick and ran in one direction: "Okay, it's not my own, so let's beat you to death!"

Ever since, Chu Qing saw an old man in gray with disheveled hair and white beard running away with his head in his arms, yelling, "Again! If you can't say it, hit him!"

The white-haired old woman seemed to be staggering after the stick, but the stick seemed heavy, but every time she raised it, the old woman seemed to be effortless.

"Don't, don't, don't hit, don't hit," the old man with white beard and hair squatted down with his head in his arms: "Mother, are you really willing to beat me to death? Aren't you running very fast now, and you haven't fallen!"

On the old man's face covered by his elbows, there was a sly smile, just like any mischievous child in any family, who pissed his mother half to death, and then he managed to snicker.

The old woman's hair is also all white, but it is not as white as the old man's, but white and yellow, like old cotton, velvet and finely broken, and now, the tired sweat sticks to the cheeks, making the wrinkles appear Deeper.

"Bastard thing!" The old woman really didn't knock the stick on her son, but leaned heavily on the ground, panting and saying:
"What should we do now? The person is in the cave, so he is not dead. If the old lady hadn't made a quick move, she would have been drowned! Or she was hanged to death by a boa constrictor!
Also, if you can move for a while and can't move for a while, why is the island collapsing?
My old lady said a long time ago that the times are different, and people can't be brought here casually. Look, now that you are making trouble, we almost have no place to stay! "

"I got it here. I got it here!" The old man stood up, but seeing that his mother didn't plan to beat him, he became more courageous: "The two of them came here by themselves!"

Who would have thought that the old woman was still panting, but it didn't delay her picking up the stick again and hitting the old man's ass!

"Ouch! Mother, are you really trying hard? Look at your waist!" The old man rubbed his buttocks, his old face was wrinkled into a ball, and he couldn't tell where the folds were and where the eyelids were.

The old man muttered: "Even if I got it here, but with her short temper, it will only take a few more days, so why should the ghost be caught and taken to the underworld?

Wouldn't it be nice to come here?You see, with me, she makes a lot of money, gets rich, becomes a high official..."

The old woman was holding a stick in one hand and akimbo in the other, with an extremely serious expression: "Jie Chi! Don't pretend to be confused with my old lady!
The times are different. Fainting caused by high blood pressure is not considered a terminal illness for them. If they are sent to the doctor in time, they can wake up;
But you not only brought her here, you also brought other people's children here, don't you know this is cheating?Don't you..."

"Hush!" Jie Chi hurriedly interrupted his mother's words, and looked around, as if afraid of someone hearing: "Don't talk nonsense! Those girls are not..."

Chu Qing couldn't listen anymore, so it turned out that this old man named Jie Chi was responsible for her and Meng Dao's coming here!



Following Chu Qing's swearing, Chu Qing also kicked open the stone door.

"Who?" The mother and son, who were so old that they didn't know how old they were, looked over in surprise.

"Your uncle!" Chu Qing dashed forward, and he didn't feel the pain when he kicked the door just now, and the other sprained ankle also "sensibly" paralyzed himself.

Chu Qing grabbed Jie Chi and pinned him to the ground, punching and punching.

"Hey, hey, hey, mother, save me!" Jie Chi yelled, covering his head, begging for mercy: "You girl, why don't you respect the old man!"

Chu Qing punched Jie Chi for twenty or so punches, the punches hit the flesh, and the sound of the punches was "puff puff". If it was an ordinary old man, he would faint if he didn't die now, but Jie Chi could still howl. come out.

"Damn! You're really not human!" Chu Qing scolded.

Now, Chu Qing can be said to have the time to speak. He was busy just now to relieve his anger, but speaking should not delay Chu Qing's beating: "Say! Who are you? How did you bring me and the child to this ghost place? How did we get here?" Go back?! Say it! Say it! Don’t say it? Don’t say it!”

Chu Qing roared out a series of questions like machine guns, and rained down his fists, Jie Zhi had no chance to howl even twice.

*Note: Travertine: During the groundwater recharge process, calcium carbonate in carbonate rocks joins hydrogen and carbon dioxide in water molecules to form calcium bicarbonate;

After the calcium bicarbonate is left on the surface with the water, hydrogen and carbon dioxide are precipitated, and finally become travertine. The chemical composition of travertine is calcium carbonate, and the mineral composition is mainly calcite and aragonite.

*Cold knowledge: travertine landscape in caves:

Stalactites: Every stalactite starts with a drop of water.In the karst cave, due to the high content of CO2 in the groundwater infiltrated from the top of the cave, it has a strong dissolution force on soluble limestone;
When this solution penetrates to the top of the hole to expose and form water droplets, due to the effect of surface tension, the water droplets quickly release CO2 to form calcium carbonate film deposition;
With continuous seepage and deposition, hollow tubular deposits are formed on the roof of the cave, generally less than 1-2cm in diameter, and become stone tubes;
When the outer wall of the stone pipe also seeps and drips, the stone pipe will continue to grow and form milky deposits, that is, stalactites.

Stalagmites: When water droplets fall from stalactites to the bottom of the cave, they become many small water droplets or flowing water films, which promote the dissipation of CO2 in the water droplets;
At the bottom of the cave, calcium carbonate is deposited. There is no central channel in the cross-section of the deposit, but it has a concentric structure. As the water drops fall, it continuously increases from the bottom of the cave to form cone-shaped, tower-shaped and disc-shaped deposits, namely stalagmites.

Stone pillar: Due to the action of gravity, stalactites and stalagmites grow relatively until they are connected to form a columnar body, that is, a stone pillar.

Stone mantle: As the water solution infiltrated from the roof of the cave continues to accumulate along the surface of the stone pillars, the stone pillars continue to thicken, and when the aqueous solution containing calcium carbonate flows on the cave wall, flaky and layered calcium carbonate accumulations are produced due to the rapid escape of CO2 , that is, the stone mantle.

The surface of the stone mantle has curved flow lines, which can reach tens of meters in height, which is very spectacular. (end of this chapter)

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