Poor family mother and son

Chapter 1037 Contacted

Chapter 1037 Contacted
Chu Qing said that the fisherman "then you should shout" was the truth, and she is now waiting for someone to find out that "Marquis Linyang is back".

More than half of the first month has passed, Lin Yanghou finally returned after a month of disappearance, there must be someone to witness and spread the word.

However, the fisherman was bluffed by the attitude of the two of them... He didn't bluff others, but was confused by others.

Gan Lai stretched out his hand to grab his dangling ankle and exerted a lot of strength.

"Ah~ah~~~" There was a pitiful howl. It was originally scratched, but now it was scraped again. Could this be the legendary widow (scratch) light (egg)?

At the same time, the rooster crowed for the first time.

Fishermen's life is more difficult than that of farmers. When the cock crows, basically every household has finished breakfast and is ready to go to sea.

So soon a voice came from a distance: "I seem to hear someone calling, that sound is quite scary!"

"I heard it too, who is this!"

"It's early in the morning, I'm afraid I ran into a tide pusher? Who heard the sound before or after the rooster crowed?"

"Like before the rooster crows?"

"No, almost at the same time!"

There is a saying in the coastal fishing village of Daxuan that people who die when their boat capsizes at sea and cannot be found will become sea ghosts.

People who died in the sea, their souls were immortalized and turned into sea ghosts, and they served hard labor in the sea.

The heaviest hard labor is that of a tide pusher, who pushes the sea tide back and forth without rest.

After death, no one collects the body, let alone being buried in the ground, and the resentment in his heart persists. Coupled with the daily toil and pain, he will make waves and go ashore to arrest people as substitutes.

If you come out to arrest people before the rooster crows, it means you are afraid of the sun, and you can still fight.

"It's called at the same time! It's hard to tell who came first." More people affirmed, holding lanterns and torches and running towards the beach at the same time.

No matter what, they are all villagers. If you can help, you can help. If you can't help, you have to do your best.

The more people there are, the more courageous they are, and more and more torches join the team.

The fisherman who was willing to step on the "tragic bastard" looked at the bright place with Chu Qing. The faces illuminated by the torches were all pale, obviously full of fear, but they all shouted loudly, "The sky will be bright, The sun is about to rise, and the ghosts and ghosts will go quickly, don't miss it!"

To scare the sea ghosts, but also to help yourself to be brave.

Someone in the crowd was holding a lantern, but it was raised very high, as if to help everyone illuminate, but Chu Qing and Gan Lai could clearly see that it was his own boy.

In the cabin, Chu Yuan lifted his son up: "Don't sleep! Your mother is making trouble outside again!" By the way, he kicked Zhuo Yao: "Hurry up and report to the police!"

"Oh!" Zhuo Yao got up quickly, quickly got out of the cabin, and shouted to the bottom of the boat: "My lord, do you want to report to the authorities?"

Shouting can be loud.

Someone in the crowd heard it and murmured to each other: "My lord? Report to the official?"

So they saw a black figure approaching them, without a torch, they ran closer and stood still and shouted: "Who is in front! Marquis Linyang is here, don't be rude!"

The crowd who came came to a standstill——

"Marquis Linyang!"

"The government asks you to report whether you have seen outsiders every day, just to find Marquis Linyang?"

"Hey! The one at the front! I'm the village head. What you said just now is really Marquis Linyang?"

"Oh, yes! I can see clearly, that is my Lord Hou!"

"That's right! Our Master Hou is finally back, Master Hou is back safely! Huh..."

Hey - this is the contact!

The villagers hugged Linyanghou and his party into the village to rest, and the village head personally took Zhuo Yao to the county government.

The boys from the caviar sauce workshop surrounded Chu Qing with "joy and excitement", and two of them slipped away and went to the local secret investigation department to notify him.

Chu Qing ate a hot breakfast in the fishing village, and then had a good sleep on the bald dog-skin mattress at the village head's house.

At noon, the village was noisy, and Chu Yuan came to help Chu Qing tie her hair neatly.

Not to mention, Chu Yuan has mastered the skill of combing hair these years. Although he only knows how to tie men's hair in a bun, he combs it better than Gan Lai and Chu Qing.

Chu Qing often sighed that in recent years, some women have been added to her side, such as the palace maids, female guards, and the daughters-in-law of the boys of the Chu family, but they can really run around with her, and can also make her feel at ease. Gan Lai is the only one running around.

Women's physical limitations, as well as the self-restraint of their minds, cannot keep up with Chu Qing's pace.

For Chu Qing, she herself is more tired than men. The Chu family has always used women as men and men as animals. They really can't compare with other high-ranking officials.

But only Gan Lai, a woman with no taboos and good physical strength, is a person who lives a rougher life than Chu Qing. I really can't count on her for things like combing her hair.

Chu Yuan dipped some osmanthus oil of the village chief's wife on the comb, stuck all of Chu Qing's broken hair and combed it into the hair bundle. In an instant, it was shiny and tidy, and his face was radiant, and the "father" style came out.

The village chief's wife was very excited: This is the Marquis of Linyang, Lord Marquis, I don't mind using her sweet-scented osmanthus oil at all, what a face it is.

She didn't dare to comb someone's hair, she only dared to be a handyman on the outskirts, serving wash water and cooking a meal.

That Chu Yuan is also able to pretend, his little hair is combed smooth and smooth, and he looks energetic. The benchmark slid straight to Chu Qing's side, but it gave Chu Qing a boost, and it seemed that he was very useful by Master Hou's side. man of.

Chu Yuan asked, "Why is it so noisy outside?"

The village head's wife hurriedly replied, "It's Mr. Guo from the government office, Mr. Tang from the county office, and some other official who brought chariots and horses into the village. My old man went to lead the way."

Linyang Hou An sat in the simple main room of the village chief's house, waiting for the arrival of the magistrate, county magistrate, and secret investigation department.

We are Lord Hou, and we can show our strengths, but no one dares to say anything.

Guo Zhengbiao, the prefect of Mengyuan, and others have heard the following things since they entered the village:

It was still dark in the morning, and the villagers found Linyanghou's boat, and they knew that Linyanghou would rather suffer hunger and cold outside than disturb the people.

If it wasn't for some fishermen who got up early to check the sea ice situation and found Linyanghou, I'm afraid Linyanghou would wait until the sun is bright before entering the village. Therefore, Linyanghou loves the people like a son!

This is what the villagers say.

I have never seen such a big official as Lord Hou, and the villagers are very excited, because this Lord Hou has so many officials again, and the villagers want to show their performance.

So along the way, the villagers still wanted to say more, but they didn't dare to talk too much, so they just said one sentence at a time, and another sentence at a time.

But the village chief didn't know much about it.

He winked to prevent the villagers from specifically pointing out the fisherman who "checked the sea ice situation" and found Linyanghou. The village head prayed in his heart: "I hope Linyanghou forgets this person and spares his life!"

Then report to the officials and gentlemen: the villagers have entertained Lord Hou for breakfast, Linyang Hou is approachable, eats the same meal as the villagers, and even praises it for its deliciousness.

What the village chief meant was: We have received Marquis Linyang, but we don’t know what the government means to report outsiders every day, and what attitude it has towards the female Marquis, so we didn’t give them too good things to entertain.

If you officials have something to say, don't involve us, we only care about entertaining, but we don't care about eating well.

"Marquis Linyang is catching up on sleep, and I don't know if he's awake yet," the village chief led the way: "This is my little home, adults please!"

(End of this chapter)

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