Hu Hengqiu felt aggrieved when Chu Qing said that he would turn his back on him——Chu Qing, I know you are wronged, but please don't feel wronged, isn't the emperor here?

The emperor was lost in thought.

His original intention of setting up this banquet was to give Chu Qing a chance to vomit bitterness, which is called the emperor's grace; when Chu Qing finished expressing the depression in his chest, he would appease him, and then assign additional tasks.

If you want to take it, you must give it first, otherwise, which emperor would listen to your vassal complaining?

But right now, Chu Qing is not only whining and complaining, but also very provocative, she dared to propose to quit, why should she?
She thinks I really won't punish her? !
Chu Qing continued to eat, so the monarch and his subjects could think about whatever they liked.

She was betting that the emperor would not dare to punish her.

Today's Chu Qing is full of confidence.

The emperor is now facing internal and external troubles. If he still chooses to compete with himself instead of cooperating, he would be foolish.

Even if she is really stupid and wants to punish her, she must first list the crimes, but what crimes does she have?

Just now the emperor listed a bunch of achievements for her.

What about raising private soldiers and intending to rebel?Those veterans of the Chu family are now scattered all over the place to do business. Who can say that they are private soldiers?
Said to violate the law of salt and iron?She can't touch it either!

The sea salt farms were all destroyed by the "eight winds", and only one salt farm in Linyang County was left, which was also designated as a place for the imperial court to lead, distribute, and sell salt. , so that they will no longer have refined salt to use.

The iron ore franchise purchase right can also be refunded. Our family has iron ore, which is not bad for your three melons and two dates.
If you can't list the crimes, then say clearly assassinating the emperor?Hehe, who would believe it, who is so stupid?
The most important thing is that Chu Qing's reputation is too great now, no matter Daxuan or Voss, they are the number one figures, unless assassinated, or as long as they don't rebel, the emperor really can't touch her.

The emperor thought about it clearly, and Chu Qing ate and drank a lot.

Chu Qing thought that all the arrangements of the emperor would be disrupted, but he didn't think that the emperor had a backup plan.

The emperor realized that it was useless to use kindness and strength at the moment. Since Chu Qing had "provoked" so clearly, it showed that she was not afraid of the current situation.

Chu Qing actually didn't intend to provoke, she just clearly expressed her bad attitude, but in the eyes of the emperor, this was provocation.

However, for the emperor, being able to stretch and bend, and being tolerant is also a compulsory course for the emperor, so he endured it.

The emperor said: "Many officials in the court are really unworthy of virtue, which also caused Chu Aiqing to not receive fair treatment. It is inevitable that Chu Aiqing has concerns;

Some people will shrink back in order to protect themselves when encountering difficulties, but Chu Aiqing rises to the difficulties and becomes more courageous after setbacks, which really impresses me;

I can understand Chu Aiqing's intention to retire. However, you and I have been helping each other these years and have cooperated very well. How about we cooperate again?
This time, I will not disappoint Aiqing—as long as Aiqing agrees, I will present it as a duke! "

Emma!It has to be the emperor!

He lightly blamed the high officials of the court for "unworthy virtue", and then offered the title of duke as a bargaining chip, directly ignoring all Chu Qing's previous complaints!
This time, Chu Qing's plan was disrupted!
Chu Qing's original plan was to turn the title of "Marquis of Linyang" into a pure title, so as to test whether the emperor planned to remove himself from the title.

She felt that a marquis, whether high or low, would not make the emperor scruples, so he should be able to keep it.

Second, with only this name left, you can get rid of all the factors that can be criticized, let yourself "hang up", and watch Daxuan and Voss compete.

This kind of "hanging up" seems to have no rights on the surface, but in fact it will create a situation that makes both parties scrupulous.

Daxuan and Voss, one side is a lion, the other is a tiger, and they are evenly matched. If they don't have a clear helper, they will weigh whether it is really worth fighting, and it is very likely that they will not be able to fight.

Can't fight, Chu Qing is very safe, isn't it great?
As she thought, the emperor didn't intend to remove the title.

However, the emperor did not allow her to "hang up" and obtain a "superior status".

The emperor tempted her with the duke title!
Man, can't resist temptation, can't he?Chu Qing said nothing, and began to weigh.

"Thousands of households in the city of food!" Seeing clearly without saying a word, the emperor continued to overweight.

Chu Qing raised her eyelids and looked at the emperor - quite generous!
Chu Qing: "Your Majesty, this subject is just a village woman..."

Emperor: "Fief three mansions!"

The Marquis is a county, and now the Duke wants to add three state capitals?
The emperor was depressed.

He remembered what Chu Qing said two years ago: "As a vanguard officer, I will go to the border to fight against King Voss!"

He also said: "The minister is willing to use the remaining mining period of the jade mine as military expenses to go to the northern border in person and serve as a vanguard officer."

He asked at the time, "Are you threatening me?"

Chu Qing replied: "Your Majesty, I am willing to be a vanguard officer, raise food and grass by myself, use the income from jade mining as military expenses, and issue a military order to ensure that King Voss will be beaten back, okay?"

At that time, she spoke lightly, but each sentence was like weights stacked together, weighing heavily on the emperor's heart.

Now, the emperor is also increasing his weight step by step, but he is feeling ruthless in his heart: Chu Qing, don't go too far!I only give you this one chance, there will be no second time!

Chu Qing narrowed his eyes.

The emperor is testing what she is relying on.

What am I relying on... You can understand that I have a big killer in my hand, but I think that what I rely on is that I just stepped on the balance point between Daxuan and Voss!

Also, my son is not in Daxuan, whether you can find him or not, this is my "reliance"!
"Didn't you always say that you just want to make more money to support your children? If you can defeat the enemy, I will give you a duke, a hereditary replacement! Is it enough for you to raise your children?" the emperor gritted his teeth.

The emperor had put down his dignity as a king and bargained with Chu Qing as a businessman.

Hereditary does not replace, does this mean adding weight?Chu Qing nodded: "What the emperor said is that the minister is a village woman..."

The emperor and Hu Hengqiu are now allergic to the words "a village woman", their brains are buzzing, and their temples are twitching.

Chu Qing continued: "I am a village woman, what I hope is nothing more than worry-free children, no worries about eating and drinking; not seeking merit, fame, and those who are useless;

So you asked a village woman to retreat from the enemy. It sounds a little funny. Your Majesty, if you say retreat from the enemy, I must have soldiers, right?How many soldiers do you give me?Which army is at my command? "

If it weren't for the tight hair crown, the emperor's hair would have blown up—do you still want to be in charge? !
The emperor's breath was already confused, and Hu Hengqiu was so shocked that his tongue tied up: "Ah, you, you, this, this, this, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no... oh!"

Poor old Hu, the emperor asked you to accompany him as a lobbyist. As a result, you not only couldn't get in your mouth, but also stuttered from fright. This plywood is so's hard for you!

"Otherwise?" Chu Qing shrugged her shoulders and spread her hands: "Your Majesty, you think I'll stop at the border and yell: Su Laimansha Hushiboke, you should go back to my old lady! Can he retreat obediently?"

Even if you really think so, I am still afraid of being bitten by the courtiers, saying that I have colluded with King Voss for a long time!If you frame me up again for treason, will I still be alive?

At that time, what kind of duke, what kind of hereditary replacement, will it be useful? "(end of this chapter)

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