Poor family mother and son

Chapter 1068 Healing

The son Ping An An appeared in front of his eyes, Chu Qing had forgotten everything and was not thinking about anything, so he would ask, "Are you hungry? Mother will cook for you!"

Only at this time, Chu Qing is most like a woman.

Chu Qing pulled away the surrounding boys, and kept nagging: "Why should I go, don't stay here, where is my pot? Where is the acorn cake I cut just now?"

He completely ignored that there was a large group of "kidnappers" in the team brought by Xiaobao. These were real "kidnappers".

Chu Qing squatted on the ground, cutting green onions on a wooden board, and Xiao Bao also squatted beside him, helping to crush the dried chili into pieces, and then reported the current situation, first picking the ones that Chu Qing cared about the most: "Mother, my recent meal Well, do you think I have grown taller again?"

Chu Qing looked at the child's sunken little face, and sighed inwardly: every time the child's cheeks were filled with some flesh, but when he turned his head, his cheeks became sunken.

The children of Hou's family are no fatter than those of poor families.

Fortunately, the size did not delay, only fifteen in three months, but half a head taller than Chu Qing, and the small shoulders were much wider, looking like a firewood stick.

Xiaobao: "Mother, I drink milk powder every day, and I'm tired of drinking it, so I will stick to it!"

Chu Qing: "Okay, mother will make you scrambled eggs later."

The Daxuan officials envied the food of the Chu family along the way.

It is also the food distributed by the imperial court, including grain, pickles, a small amount of snacks, etc., and the rest are all provided by posthouses along the way, but the Chu family eats well.

Chu Qing made a pot of scrambled eggs with toon sprouts, a pot of cold acorn cake, a pot of seafood soup, a pot of bracken fried bacon, a pot of scallion pancakes, and a big pot of stewed noodles with sauerkraut and pork.

There are cold and hot, rare and dry, four dishes and one soup, and working meals.

The basin is bigger than the footbath, and the pot is bigger than the basin. The shovel is used for cooking, and the ladle is used for soup.

The people of Voss are in charge of officials from the Ministry of Rituals, so Chu Qing only cares about his own family's meals.

In Chu Qing's words: "I don't need you to worry about me, I am self-sufficient, what else do I want!"

It made the officials only look forward to arriving at the post station, at least to have a warm meal, for fear that they would not be able to reach the village or the store on the road.

It's not that there are no delicacies, the Chu family has them, but they can only watch but not eat.

Right now, the officials are full of food from the Chu family, but they have to swallow their saliva and wait for the guards to get them to eat.

It is said that the guards are all from the Forbidden Army, and their family conditions are not bad. Who knows how to cook when they have nothing to do?Few can be cooked.

So their meals can only be simply baked pancakes, boiled water to make some soup, as long as they are not hungry.

The Chu family gathered around the fire to eat and drink spicy food. There were salt jars, dried chili strings, and pepper noodles by their side, and they were all neatly arranged in a row. The small iron gourds with water can be put in whatever one likes. , lively.

King Voss squinted his eyes and walked over, followed by another Voss envoy.

King Voss: "Marquis Linyang has good food, we ate at your place today."

Chu Qing: "Marquis Linyang is not in charge of your food, and this is a family gathering, you should go back and eat."

But King Voss didn't leave: "Don't be so stingy, Marquis Linyang. It's not easy to have a good meal when you're away from home. In this way, it's okay if we pay for it?"

King Voss took out a gold coin.

The country of Voss is different from Daxuan. Their currency is not gold and silver ingots, but gold coins. A gold coin is about the size of a palm, like an Olympic gold medal.

Chu Qing frowned, wanting to stand up and beat him away.

It wasn't because King Vos delayed the reunion of Chu Qing's mother and son, but because Gan Lai was there.

Since throwing Wu Jichang into the furnace, Gan Lai is no longer afraid of the furnace, but she is still afraid of King Voss.

According to Chu Yuan, Gan Lai is now a mother, and sometimes she still has nightmares, dreaming of King Voss throwing the concubine into the furnace.

Yu Ganlai, the king of Voss, is not a father, but a nightmare.

Chu Qing didn't dare to look at Gan Lai, for fear of attracting the attention of King Voss following her, so she stood up and wanted to make a move.

Chu Qing realized now that a person who had been beaten once wanted to be beaten a second time.

Xiaobao has been staring at King Voss and another Voss envoy, one is afraid that they will be unfavorable to his mother, and the other is that King Voss looks familiar and is thinking about it, but sees his mother standing up, her fist has already been raised The posture - what's going on?

Xiaobao hurriedly got up to stop him - he couldn't do anything, this was a diplomatic accident!
Xiaobao jumped up all of a sudden, put his arm around King Voss' shoulder, and took the gold coin with the other hand and weighed it.

Xiaobao is not as big and tall as Wang Voss, but it does not prevent Xiaobao from putting his arms around the opponent's shoulders at all. The child has long arms and legs. In Chuqing's world, he should be a good seed for basketball.

"Real gold? Is it pure?" Little Treasure asked, biting the gold coin on his teeth, biting the teeth marks and "pooh", and spitting up unwashed things in his mouth.

Xiaobao: "Bah, the quality is average, you can only change one dish, you can choose, what dish do you want?"

King Voss: "...Nonsense!"

Xiaobao took out a piece of gold cake from his bosom, which was about the size of King Voss' gold coin, slightly thicker, and there was no inscription on it: "Look, this is a fine piece of gold!"

It's gold from Xiaobaojin's mine. I carry it with me as pocket money. I have a mine at home, but it's different!
King Vos was entangled by Xiao Bao, so Chu Qing hurried to Gan Lai: "Come on, let me relieve you." Chu Yuan quickly got up, picked up the lantern, and prepared to lead them to the "mobile toilet".

Gan Lai really recognized King Voss, and Chu Qing felt it when he touched her hand.Gan Lai's little hands were rough and cold, trembling slightly, and his lips were pale.

Gan Lai has been staying with Chu Qing in the carriage for the past few days, and has hardly looked at the people of Voss until he came back from looking for the golden eagle. Just saw the face of King Voss!
She didn't tell Chu Yuan that she didn't want him to worry, but she was terribly afraid.

The furnace is not scary, the furnace will not swallow people by itself; the person who throws a living person into the furnace is the most terrifying, that person is her father!
The memories from her childhood flooded back again. She watched the man who should be her father throw several beautiful Donglun women into the furnace!
Originally, with the passage of time, those faces have been blurred to the point of being impossible to remember, but King Voss appeared in front of him alive today, and the light of the torch reflected on his face, just like the appearance in front of the furnace back then.

Even if half of his face was hidden under the beard, the similar features couldn't conceal the fact that he was that terrifying person.

Chu Qing squeezed Gan Lai's hand slightly, conveying warmth to her, and whispered, "Don't be afraid, it's okay, just don't say it out loud, it will cause trouble for us."

"It's cold in the spring, daughter-in-law, go and get both of your cloaks and put them on, you're so cold that your lips are colorless!" Chu Yuanzhi ordered Gan to come.

My daughter-in-law's face turned pale, and the boss's complexion was not very good-looking. Women just don't resist the cold!

Gan Lai turned back without saying a word, but instead of going to the carriage, he walked up to Xiaobao, took the gold coin of King Voss from Xiaobao's hand, weighed it a few times, and said in a rough voice: "One piece A plate of gold!" and left. (end of this chapter)

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