Poor family mother and son

Chapter 1077 Qiusheng is here

Another day later, Qiusheng came.

When Qiusheng came, Chu Qing was setting up her new studio.

The cement factory and the glass factory were the first to move to Yong'an Mansion, Chu Qing directly picked two of the best workshops and bought them for his own use.

Yongan Mansion (formerly Haizhou Mansion) was severely damaged by a typhoon. Anyone with a little talent moved their families to other state capitals. Many shops and workshops were directly closed or sold at a low price. It can be said that Chu Qing spent a small amount of money to accomplish a big event .

When moving from Linyang County, Chu Qingrang moved all the cement factory and glass factory to Yong'an Mansion, leaving only empty factory buildings, which made Xu Guangze very disappointed: "It was agreed that this Marquis will guard the gate of the country, and old Xu will be engaged in economics." 'Woolen cloth?"

Until Chu Qing said to him: "Isn't my Beppu still here? We can't break contact; moreover, the deeds of two glass and cement dealerships in the county have already been given to your wife!" Only then can he soothe his wounded heart.

Old Xu is a good person. At the beginning, because of Xiaobao's affairs, he planned to marry his daughter. As a father, Chu Qing didn't make comments, but as a friend, he was considered utterly sympathetic. It is good not to forget him.

So in just a few days after Yong'an was confiscated, the Chu family's factory started to operate, and at the same time, job recruitment notices were posted all over the city.

Chu Qing placed the bottles and jars in the studio with his own hands, and Zhuo Yao came over and said, "Boss, there is a commotion outside!"

Chu Qing buried her head in tidying up, and didn't plan to intervene, she just asked, "Are you here to apply again?"

But Zhuo Yao said: "Well, they are all escaped people who came directly to our factory, saying that they don't need to be resettled by the yamen, as long as our factory accepts them to work, they can live in the factory directly."

Chu Qing finally raised her head: "Nonsense! Who told them that they can enter the factory directly and don't need to be resettled by the yamen? Where is my Chu family?!"

Don't go to the yamen to register and go through the household registration procedures, thinking that everything will be fine once you stay in Yong'an Gong's factory? !

The state's territory is not a refugee shelter, even if it is a shelter, it must be registered!
Zhuo Yao said: "Don't be in a hurry, there will be no chaos, it's just making noise, but there is a young man inside who is trying to persuade them to report to the yamen, but no one listens."

Chu Qing: "Why didn't you listen? Who is that young man?"

Zhuo Yao: "Our Yong'an Mansion is basically similar to an empty city now. Think about it, with a population of 8 and only 1 left, how many counties have no people?
It is said outside that Yong'an Mansion is a ghost town, and even ghosts can't live in it;
Now there are quite a few fleeing people who are drawn here by the relief food distributed by our Chu family. Although the population is increasing, they are unwilling to be divided into various counties;
It is said that life can only be guaranteed if they are in the same place as Mr. Yong'an, otherwise, what are they doing in a place where the city was destroyed by the 'eight winds'?Where is it not safer than here? "

Whoops, Chu Qing laughed angrily: there is no food in a safe place, so don't go to Yong'an Mansion just because of steamed buns!

Chu Qing: "The young man you mentioned also escaped?"

Zhuo Yao nodded: "It should be, I only took a look at the watchtower, a young man with a disheveled face and ragged clothes kept persuading in the crowd;
It’s okay if he doesn’t persuade us, but once he persuaded us, even though our workers were relieved, all the refugees yelled at him. "

The original site of the Chu family’s factory was a big workshop, and there was a tall building inside, which was probably used to dry sea fish in the past, and was used by Zhuo Yao and the others as a watchtower to monitor the factory area.

Chu Qing: "Who's over there?"

Zhuo Yao: "I asked Xiangzi to lead people there."

The Chu family is now relatively scattered, and there will be people fleeing from Yong'an Mansion who will be guided to this place by the Chu family boy. The population of [-] households in Jiaxing Mansion will also be moved here in the near future.

At present, there are too many changes in the personnel of the government office and several county offices, and they are still in the process of handing over and familiarizing themselves with the business. There is a great shortage of manpower. It can be said that Yongan Mansion has basically stagnated from government agencies to all walks of life, and the Chu family has been dispersed. Went out to help maintain the situation.

The rest, only Chuqing's guards, and the skilled workers of the cement factory and glass factory are maintaining production.

Right now, many refugees have arrived, and they are all making trouble in the factory area. Chu Qing is really worried that the situation cannot be controlled—don't let our factory be smashed and looted.

Chu Zhuang appeared at the door at this time, panting: "Master, the young man who persuaded the refugees to report to the yamen outside was almost beaten. Xiangzi asked me to come back and report to you, saying that the young man is Qiusheng!"


Chu Qing put down the work in hand and ran outside, Chu Zhuang shouted from behind: "Aren't you going to change your clothes?"

How can I even bother to change clothes!What if Qiu Sheng got beaten up late?

Chu Qing was so focused on saving Qiu Sheng that she didn't even care that she was wearing rough clothes for work.

Today I have to tidy up the laboratory and have to work. Chu Qing wore a half-length gray narrow-sleeved coarse cloth jacket early in the morning. To facilitate climbing up and down stairs, she wore long trousers inside a short pleated skirt tied around her waist. I wrapped a towel to prevent dust, and looked like a cooking woman.

In fact, the poor people's clothes are similar to men's and women's. They are either gray or gray-brown burlap material, and you can't tell if they are dirty.

To distinguish gender, first, look at the head. Women and men have different hairstyles and facial lines; second, look at the short skirts around the waist. Women have them, but men don’t.

The rest is the amount of exposed skin. Men don’t mind rolling up their sleeves and trousers to show their flesh, and women wear tighter clothes.

So Chu Qing was wearing women's clothing, because the short skirt could be lifted up to wipe her hands—it could be used as an apron.

When Chu Qing approached the noisy crowd, he saw Xiangzi and two guards tightly surrounding a dirty-looking young man. The combination spear in his hand was not attached to the tip, but was used as a stick to push away the rest of the crowd. too close to the refugees.

The refugees yelled, some with unclean mouths swearing.

Chu Qing squeezed into the crowd while listening to them yelling: "If you have the ability, you call the father-in-law. If the father-in-law says he won't take us in, we'll leave immediately! What kind of good people are you pretending to be? Cheat here!"

"That's right! Didn't we say that we will have a place to eat and work to make money when we arrive in Haizhou? Why don't you accept us?!"

"Liar! It's a liar!"

"Beat him! He was the one who drew us big cakes along the way! Otherwise, I wouldn't have traveled hundreds of miles to get angry here!"

"Yes, beat him!"

"I think you deserve a beating! What do you mean by cheating us all the way here but not taking us in?"

"If we had known this before, we might as well wait for the relief from the government, and it would be better to suffer here!"

In the chaotic crowd, everyone could say anything, and there were many women and children in it. For a while, men scolded, women complained, and children cried, making a lot of noise.

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