Poor family mother and son

Chapter 1119 The Emperor’s Thoughts after Reading

There are several piles of memorials on the emperor's imperial desk, and the pile closest to hand has been reviewed.

As for the memorial in the emperor's hand, he had just finished reading it, and when he picked up the ink brush, he seemed very conflicted about whether to write it or not.

Hu Hengqiu also arrived at this time, holding a thick envelope stamped "urgent".

"Your Majesty, Duke Yong'an's report document has arrived." Hu Hengqiu handed it over with both hands.

The emperor put down the ink pen and hung his hand in the air, still torn whether to pick it up or not.

Hu Hengqiu secretly glanced at Eunuch Li next to him. Eunuch Li pursed his lips to the emperor's case and said the word "Chu" silently. Hu Hengqiu understood that the emperor had just read Chu Qing's excerpt.

Hu Hengqiu was still holding the big envelope in his hand, but the emperor was struggling with it. Eunuch Li took it and handed it to the emperor: "Your Majesty, do you think it is the old slave who will read it to you, or Mr. Hu?"

The emperor took his hand back: "Chang Feng, how many items are there in your report? How many 'others'?"

"Ah?" Hu Hengqiu was confused, and after thinking for a while, he said: "The first, the second... two contents, the 'other' is also two."

Emperor: "The first one is bombardment; the second one is adoption of adopted son?"

Hu Hengqiu: "Well, one is the bombardment, and the other is the gunboat patrol along the coast; the person who adopted the adopted son is in 'other', saying that he wants gifts for his son and daughter, and there is another 'other', which refers to the Yong'an Mansion Board of Directors There are so few people that I don’t dare to write to you often, for fear that they won’t be able to pass it on.”


Gunboats, coastal patrols?
"Bring it to me and see for myself!" the emperor said, finally taking the big envelope from Eunuch Li's hand.

No wonder the emperor is like this, his current mood is difficult to describe.

Being accustomed to Chu Qing's previous letters, reading a few letters in a row and then suddenly interrupting, made the emperor always feel like there was an empty space in his heart.

But the empty space has been filled by bandits and road bullies from all over the country during this period.

Either horse thieves appeared in this place and robbed the food allocated by the court, or bandits came down from the mountains in that place and robbed countless villages, causing many casualties.

Everywhere in the south is suppressing bandits, which is also strange. The bandits are suppressing more and more, and the more they are suppressing, all the places report that there are not enough yamen arrests, insufficient funds, insufficient prison cells, and insufficient food... Anyway Nothing is enough.

In short, ask for money!
In addition to suppressing bandits, there is also the problem of drought and floods.

In line with the folk saying "After a major flood, there will be a major drought." This year, there has been no rainfall in the north again. Not only that, but the saying that "the extreme drought is followed by locusts" has once again confirmed that locusts have been found in many places in the north in large numbers.

The only good thing is that farmers in the north have not given up raising poultry in recent years. The locusts are currently in the jumping stage and cannot fly yet, but they are within control.

The emperor read these contents every day. When he was bored, the clear letter arrived, and the emperor felt a shock. He immediately read the clear letter first, changed his mind, and improved his mood.

But after reading it, I was even more upset!
The wording is extremely humble, but the content expresses equality.

What is "win-win cooperation without friendship", which means that we only care about money but not people?Can’t I just ask you for something? !

What "bombardment and deterrence", you deter me, right?ah?Seven and a half miles? !
What about "not getting married to the royal family"? What happened to the royal family? Does it make you look down on it?Are the children of the royal family not as good as the children of a country widow like you?

The emperor was full of resentment, picked up the envelope and weighed it, eh?It was heavier than the shelled memorial to myself, which made me even more angry: "How many words are there, and they are so thick?"

The action of opening the envelope is a bit heavy, okay!The envelope was torn open, and the letter paper inside was also torn. When I saw it, I became even more angry!
The torn one is a color picture!
The emperor was so angry that he just wanted to see the painting!This time the painting was not printed, but hand-drawn. The content seemed to be two groups of people fighting over something.

One group of people had knives and axes in their hands, and another group of people were in rags and barefoot. There were small oval-shaped things on the ground. I didn’t know what they were. Several women covered their faces and cried while picking them up.

The background of the picture is the seaside, and there are boats on the edge. The painting is very small and cannot be seen clearly.

The beginning of this letter is similar to the emperor's letter, with words similar to "Do you miss me? Anyway, I miss you."

The first main content is also about the quarry, and the description is more detailed than the memorial. Details such as the dialogue between the two parties and the temptation of the villagers to offer profits are all written clearly.

Later, villagers from several villages gathered to cause trouble and carried out armed attacks, and then the Yong'an Public Security Bureau bombarded the open space to intimidate them. The writing was even more detailed: how many cannons were fired, how many shells were fired, how far away the explosion point was from the crowd, no one was injured, etc.

There is a part of emotion in the back: "Water has source, tree has root, everything in the world must have a reason, this is bullying me as a woman, otherwise try another man, don't say anything else, Mr. Hu, just pretend to go out, who dares to follow me?" Are you calling for trouble?"

The second thing is about Ganzhou Prefecture, Yong'an Prefecture and other coastal areas. After they were invaded by the "Eight Winds", the Chu family searched for Chu Qing's whereabouts while leading the people to save themselves.

Nowadays, under the guidance of the Chu family, the fishermen have mastered many methods of drying dried seafood and making oyster sauce. With the cooperation of the Chu family in selling, they can basically make a living.

However, they are often robbed by bandits, either in the form of collecting protection fees, or directly snatching the seafood dried by fishermen, and even worse, even the fishermen's fishing boats are robbed.

After the shipyard in Ganzhou Prefecture was destroyed, the prices of fishing boats in several nearby prefectures doubled. Fishermen simply cannot afford them. It is also dangerous to repair and use the old broken boats.

But even such ships were snatched by bandits. They sailed along the seashore and snatched them wherever they went.

There is more than one such team, and there may even be fights between them, causing great damage to the lives of fishermen.

Chu Qing wrote: “I only knew that there were water bandits in the inland rivers, but I didn’t expect that there were pirates now. These pirates were so rampant that they even dared to rob my boat!

I have specially equipped my merchant ships with artillery to suppress bandits along the coast!
Also, I hope Lord Hu will tell the emperor whether to update the Daxuan map to clearly mark the boundaries of the coastal prefectures, counties, and villages;

Judging from the maps I currently have of various places, the coastline is not clearly marked first, and not only fishing villages, but also mixed housing in the border areas of various provinces is not conducive to management, let alone protecting the people;
Therefore, not only does the map need to be redrawn, but it is also best to conduct another census to avoid tax avoidance, corvee evasion, and illegal theft of mineral resources. "

Seeing this, the emperor was already shocked - pirates appeared!What a rebellion by any means necessary!
Emperors of all dynasties knew this, but this year, banditry has taken on new tricks!

It even spread across borders!

The emperor took a rough breath, calmed down and continued reading: "Master Hu, in order to make a name for himself as a teacher, can you give me instructions on how to suppress bandits along the coast? Don't let anyone impeach me again.

By the way, you can ask the Emperor for me. The coastal areas are quite chaotic. How about the inland areas?Is it difficult to suppress bandits?If necessary, my cannon can help.

It's just that my cannon and gunner need to be rented out as a whole, not sold, because I don't have much at home, let alone borrowed, and I will definitely not do anything to lose money!

In the past, I did this kind of thing a lot. Not only did I fail, but I was impeached, and I couldn’t even make money at a loss. In order not to hurt my feelings, I had to talk about money.

But I don’t dare to say these words to the emperor directly. Please help me by saying that I, Chu Qing, am devoted to the public good. As long as the court needs it, I, Chu Qing, will serve the court for a fee without any hesitation!
This is the patriotic feeling of my Lord Yong'an! "

"Crack!" Before the emperor finished reading, he put the letter pia on the imperial case: "This... this... shameless bastard in Qian's eyes!" (End of this chapter)

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