Poor family mother and son

Chapter 539 "I'm on your side"

Chapter 539 "I'm on your side"

[-]% of the profit, it seems to be a good deal to only let Deputy Jiang Qianhu provide saltpeter mines, but Bingjian is only used in summer, so it seems not worth it.

Deputy Jiang Qianhu said: "If you need it, I'll have someone sell it to you directly. Saltpeter sounds expensive, but in fact it's mainly because of the troublesome transportation and storage, and it's not very valuable in itself;

Generally, the price can be raised in summer and at the end of the year. One is for ice making and the other is for making fireworks. Except for these two times, the price is all on transportation;

If that thing was valuable, how could the Shanhui Mansion be so poor? "

Chu Qing understands that, Deputy Jiang Qianhu feels that although Chu Qing gave a lot of shares, the actual money he can get is not much, so he doesn't really want to do this.

This is also understandable.

Saltpeter mines are not valued, one reason is that there are many, and anything that is too much is worthless.

The second is that the use of this thing is relatively peaceful. It is often used for glazing ceramics and fireworks, and it does not feel so dangerous.

The third is because there are few enemies.

This reason is interesting, the concept is a bit big.

The role of war in promoting productivity is very great. There are few hostile countries and relatively few wars, so the demand for gunpowder is not urgent.

The most critical point of this is that it is difficult for them to solve the problem of dampness in the manufactured gunpowder.

The composition of saltpeter ore is not necessarily potassium nitrate, but both potassium nitrate and other nitrates such as sodium nitrate.

In the natural environment, the physical and chemical properties of sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate are relatively close, and it is difficult to distinguish them in the social environment with low technological level at this time.

Although sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate are both flammable and explosive, the salt containing sodium ions is very hygroscopic and can easily absorb water molecules from the air.

Therefore, the gunpowder made is more likely to absorb water and be damp, so that it cannot be used in the military field.

Coupled with transportation, storage and other factors, saltpeter ore is not a tight resource.

Thinking about the fact that during the Qing Dynasty, even every household boiled nitrate to supply black gunpowder, Chu Qing felt that the current environment simply allowed her to take advantage of it.

She said to Deputy Jiang Qianhu: "If you just find someone to provide it to me, then you don't have to. If you want to get favors, I'll buy it myself."

Chu Qing pretended that Vice President Jiang Qianhu was the only one who had to do it, first declined his kindness to introduce saltpeter connections, and then seduced him:
"However, when I said that making ice mirrors is not only for one summer, we also use them in summer in the north, but not in the south, they can use them for two to three seasons;

Saltpeter to make ice, the saltpeter can be used repeatedly, you think about it, your family cooks too much at night, it’s a pity to throw it away, you can’t eat it, it’s hot, it’s rancid after a night, it’s better to put it in the ice cream overnight ?
When we were in the countryside, the leftovers of the village chief’s family were hoisted into the well for preservation. We were all envious, who could afford a well!

But even if he is the village head, how many vegetables can be put in a well?

Even more so in the south, the swill thrown away by the big families even feels like a waste, especially when the times are bad, even the big families have to save it, right?

I thought that if it is convenient for you to get saltpeter, I will process the ice mirror here and sell it to the south, wouldn't it be good for us to do this business together?Lest I have to go to the Shanhui Mansion from time to time. "

Having said that, Deputy Jiang Qianhu felt that this was worth doing, so they hit it off.

With deputy Jiang Qianhu on the bright side, he will also set up several saltpeter cooperation projects in other state capital councils later, so no one will pay attention to Chu Qing's privately engaged in saltpeter.

With the settlement of the saltpeter matter, Chu Qing hurried all the way to Xinlunzhou.

Before Chu Qing arrived at the warehouse, Wei Chengyi invited him there, saying that there was news from the spies from Voss.

When the door was closed, there were only the two of them left in the room, Wei Chengyi took out a head-sized stone from the bag and showed it to Chu Qing.

"What is this?" Chu Qing hugged the stone and looked at it, feeling that the stone was very heavy, heavier than ordinary stones of the same size.

Wei Chengyi remained silent, Chu Qing continued to read, thinking of the mention of jade in Xiaobao's letter, Chu Qing was still somewhat sensitive to stones, and it was Wei Chengyi who brought them, so he became even more suspicious.

She lifted the stone up to the light, and found that the edge of the stone was somewhat transparent, so she smashed a sharp corner on the ground, and found that it was green!
"Jade?!" Chu Qing asked.

The jade stone with the size of a head has been chiseled until only a thin layer remains.

Is there a problem with Xiaobao's jade?Otherwise, why would Wei Chengyi find himself alone?

"Don't be nervous," Wei Chengyi said, "I'm on your side."

"Ah?" Chu Qing was in doubt.

The trip to the capital already made her feel jittery, and Wei Chengyi is a senior figure in the Secret Investigation Division, so why not let her think about it?
Wei Chengyi smiled, although there was no difference between his poker face smiling and not smiling: "I told you, don't be nervous, this stone was sent by my brother to help Xiaobao."

Chu Qing: "Your brother?"

Wei Chengyi's smile widened a bit, making his eyes look softer: "Hou Ze, who has been following my father, I adopted him as a foster son for my father."

Chu Qing really didn't know about this, Wei Chengyi went to see his father, but no one told her what happened afterwards.

Chu Qing stared wide-eyed and didn't know what to say.

As long as Xiaobao didn't tell me what Xiaobao did there, she wouldn't ask, but she had seen several people around Xiaobao last time, and Hou Ze gave her a good impression.

But Wei Chengyi is from the Secret Investigation Division!

Wei Chengyi: "Are you thinking: Why are Xiaobao and Hou Ze so careless? Wei Chengyi is from the secret investigation department?"

Chu Qing blinked several times but couldn't think of an answer.

Wei Chengyi: "Your son and my father are as good as one person. You and I have gone through life and death."

Chu Qing: "...that...Xiaobao is young, if there is something wrong, you should be taught a lesson as an uncle."

Don't mention uncle, Yuan, be uncle.

Wei Chengyi: "People, you don't have to be close if you have blood relationship, and you must not be close if you don't have blood relationship."

Wei Chengyi wasn't used to speaking emotionally, so he paused for a moment and said, "Speaking of business, the batch of goods my brother sent belonged to Meng Chun!"

"What?" Chu Qing was still holding the stone, but she was so startled that she dropped her hand, and the stone fell down.

Wei Chengyi quickly caught it and put it on the table: "As for it! You sit down and drink some water first, I still haven't said a word."

Chu Qing couldn't react while standing, Wei Chengyi sat down on her shoulder, and handed her the teacup: "Drink!"

Chu Qing: "Tell me."

Wei Chengyi: "You drink first."

Chu Qing had no choice but to take a sip first, feeling calmer, and looked at Wei Chengyi.

Wei Chengyi felt that Chu Qing had done a good job in ideological construction, so he said, "They killed Meng Chun."

"What?!" Chu Qing stood up in a huff, and Wei Chengyi slammed his hands to snatch the teacup from her hand. He was about to throw a jade stone just now, but this time it seemed that he couldn't keep the cup.

It turned out that it was just an excuse to discuss the news of the country of Voss.

"It's dangerous!" Wei Chengyi said, put the teacup on the table, and shook the tea on his hands: "It's a complete set, don't give it away!"

Jade is expensive, but this set of teacups is not cheap either.

Most importantly, this teacup belongs to Wei Chengyi.

(End of this chapter)

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