Poor family mother and son

Chapter 555 Unlucky Things 2 in a Row 3

Chapter 555 Unlucky things happen one after another

Different from Zhuo Yao's broad-shouldered figure, the woman's shoulders are narrow, which makes her look thinner.

Chu Qing is thin and tall among women, but compared with Zhuo Yao, she doesn't feel so oppressive, but more friendly.

Today she is wearing another flower-and-blue round-neck gown, which is even more frail.

In order to look more like a man, I usually draw sword eyebrows to modify the soft eyebrow shape, and match it with slender single phoenix eyes. Even though she looks mediocre among women, this dress, especially when compared with her own boys, is quite impressive. Looks like a scholarly spirit.

The girl couldn't move her eyes.

"Heroes to save the beauty" was originally a very important item in the thoughts of a girl in Huaichun, but the sense of power that Chu Qing gave the girl just now, and the image of the frail scholar in front of him, both conflicted and harmonious, all of a sudden Captured the girl's heart.

"Many... Thank you, my lord, for...rescuing me." The girl knelt down and saluted, her voice was like a gnat, she was extremely shy.

Seeing that the girl didn't twitch her mouth, Zhuo Yao secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

By bowing in return, Chu Qing rubbed his upper arm against his chest to relieve the pain, so that the gesture of returning the salute was not so standard, as if green and embarrassing.

"You're welcome. Goodbye!" Chu Qing said.

The man pushing the cart with heatstroke had his armpit pinched by Qu Zhi, the kid at home, and he had recovered a little bit. Chu Qing planned to take him back to the boat. It hurts, so go back slowly.

"Master, son," the girl was anxious, and took a step forward: "May I ask what your name is, sir?" with an expression of "add a WeChat".

Chu Qing was in a hurry to leave, so he waved his hands: "Don't worry about a little thing", and then went back first, Zhuo Yao and others naturally followed.

Huang Rong chased after her: "Master, you don't look well?"

Chu Qing replied in a low voice: "I hit my chest, it hurts to death!"

Mu Nianci turned around and said, "The girl is still looking at you."

Chu Qing: "My chest hurts even if she doesn't look at me!"

Mu Nianci: "..."

I thought the bad luck was over, but as soon as I got back to the ship, there was a ferry inspection to inform another bad thing:

"The huge reef in Kuimen ahead has collided with the ship. The government is salvaging and rescuing the ship. All ships will stay here for an indefinite time limit."

Soon, the specific news that the family boy inquired came back: there is a place called Kuimen ten miles ahead, where the waters are narrow, and there is a huge reef in the middle. reflow.

Not only that, but there are countless hidden reefs at the bottom of the river.

A passenger ship was already overloaded, and several passengers fought for some unknown reason, so that the hull became unstable. It may also be that the boatman was affected. Anyway, it did not avoid the huge reef and the backflow, and it was smashed.

Now the government is organizing salvage forces, and we don't know how it is going.

Therefore, the waters in this area are temporarily blocked, and it is not yet known when the ban will be lifted.

Thinking of what the boatmen had said along the way, Chu Qing also understood that although she didn't feel anything, the boatmen had spent a lot of effort.

In this case, there is no need for everyone to stay on the ship. A few people take turns to watch the goods, and the others go ashore to play, which can be regarded as adding a little boost to the local economy.

Zhuo Yao asked quietly: "Boss, do you want to go to Kuimen to see the salvage situation?"

Chu Qing answered firmly: "No! Don't interfere with local government affairs!"

It has nothing to do with Chu Qing which area has an accident, and which area's government is responsible. As long as the secret investigation department does not give Chu Qing an order, Chu Qing will do nothing.

If you eat a hundred beans, you must taste the bean flavor.

Entering the restaurant, I didn't expect to meet that girl again.

The girl was with her family at this time, and since they were all girls, she chose to sit in a corner of the restaurant.

Because it is close to the ferry, and the surrounding land is managed by the government, although there are many small restaurants, they are not large in scale, and each one can accommodate four or five tables of guests.

So there are also tables outside the store, quite like the food stalls in Chu Qing's world.

But the food is very expensive. In a disaster year, food prices rise, the cost of the restaurant will be higher, and the number of customers will be less, and the rent of the shop can be quite high.

In order to preserve capital, restaurants can only raise prices again and again, resulting in fewer customers, which is simply a vicious circle.

Therefore, as soon as Chu Qing's people arrived, the shopkeepers of several restaurants showed their eyes as if they saw a fat sheep.

The guards were in groups of three and did not walk together. They could not tell that they were all members of the same family. They were scattered at the "food stalls" at the entrances of several nearby restaurants, sitting at the same table with other people, and monitoring Chu from all angles. Check out the situation over there.

The restaurant Chu Qing entered had its own characteristics. There was a sign "Niu" hanging on the door, which meant that beef could be eaten in this restaurant.

This is not easy. As a large animal, cattle are the most important agricultural labor and means of transportation.

If anyone has a cow in his family, no need to ask, he is either the village head, the village head, or the big landlord.

Daxuan expressly prohibits the slaughter of farming cattle, and violators will be punished severely. Only old and sick cattle that cannot be farmed can be slaughtered by themselves after reporting to the relevant departments.

The fact that this shop can hang a sign means that he has the ability to supply beef.

Of course they have this ability.

Because this restaurant was opened by the county magistrate's brother-in-law, who was assigned to be a policeman in the Yamen. Although the daily tasks of the policeman were very complicated, the brother-in-law's task was only one: watching the slaughter of cattle.

Because the whole body of a cow is full of treasures, the tendons and horns of the cow can be used to make bows, and the cowhide can be used to make leather armor, which are important equipment for the army.

Therefore, the government strictly controls the farming cattle, so when the old, weak and sick cattle that have lost the ability to cultivate are reported to the Yamen for slaughter, the county magistrate releases his brother-in-law.

After the cattle are slaughtered, in theory, except for the meat that belongs to the owner of the cattle, the rest, such as cowhide, horns, and tendons, must be confiscated by the yamen.

The reason why I say "theoretically" is that if you don't give benefits to the people who come to the Yamen, they will accuse you of illegally slaughtering cattle.

The benefit that the county magistrate's brother-in-law wants is beef, which is used to supplement his restaurant.

How can a restaurant last long without any special features?

Regardless of the age, there are always rich people. As long as the restaurant has special features, those people will pay for it no matter how expensive it is, because what they eat is not beef, but the quality of life.

Chu Qing came to enjoy the quality of life, saw the sign hanging at the door, and came in without even thinking about it.

It doesn't matter how expensive it is, we can't afford it.

Not only did he order a portion of "boiled beef", but he also asked to take two portions away.

It was really because the name of the dish "Boiled Beef" made Chu Qing feel like returning to his own world, and he really wanted to try it.

Really different.

It is also called "boiled beef", and the method is roughly the same, but the ingredients are different.

The sauce they use is the local broad bean paste, and they also add garlic, pepper, dogwood, ginger, mustard, Fuliu and other spicy seasonings, and they also put leeks in it.

And it is called "boiled beef", but there is no soup and oil, but the taste is very good.

Huang Rong and Mu Nianci didn't come out for dinner this time, because what happened just now made them fully realize that it is really not suitable for them to be close to Chu Qing.

Because whenever something happened, the master would pay attention to protecting the two of them, not enough to cause trouble for the master.

But Chu Qing was thinking about them, and wanted to pack some delicious food to take home, so that they could have a toothpaste.

Everything is kept simple when they are away from home. These two people do a lot of work in a day, but they can't eat anything good.

Unexpectedly, because they ordered three servings of beef, it caused dissatisfaction among other guests.

(End of this chapter)

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