Poor family mother and son

Chapter 590 did not expect

Chapter 590 did not expect

Before the rooster crowed the next day, Baolu Group sent a lot of tables, chairs and firecrackers to Zhang Mingyu's house, filled the road outside his courtyard, and sent a lot of chicken, duck and fish meat, and even sent the cook Also send them all away.

With this support, even if all the three villages come to eat the water mat, it will not be a problem.

Because the people in the Baolu Group knew that when Chu Qing came back to attend Zhang Mingyu's wedding, it would no longer be the behavior of a single village in Zhang village, but the behavior of the entire "li".

Zhang Mingyu's family also made an impromptu decision. The pick-up team changed the route and had to go through all three villages before being picked up by the in-law's house.

Chu Qing was treated as a guest of honor at her husband's family, sitting with Zhang Mingyu's parents.

Chu Qing did not present the accompanying gifts like other guests, but quietly handed a red envelope to Zhang Mingyu's parents in person, and told them to open it after the evening banquet.

Inside the red envelope was the deed of a roast duck shop, one of the many small shops that Chu Qing planned to open after autumn, and it was in the county seat.

It wasn't until evening that Zhang Mingyu made a toast to the guests before slipping away with Chu Qing and went to San Pang's house in Wukeshu Village.

Because of the running water mats, all the villages are relatively quiet now, and everyone has gone to eat the mats, and San Pang's house is especially deserted, only the chickens in the yard are wandering around.

The members of San Pang's family didn't go to dinner, but were all at home, all of them looked dignified, only San Pang's sister-in-law could still smile a little, because her man came back, even though she couldn't get out of bed yet.

The three fat women even hid in the kitchen and dared not come out.

Zhang Mingyu first took Chu Qing to visit San Fat's mother, the old man was gray, very weak, and extremely thin. Seeing Chu Qing coming, he propped himself up and wanted to sit up, but he couldn't exert his strength.

Chu Qing stepped forward to support her, but the old man shunned his daughter-in-law and asked Zhang Mingyu to watch outside the house and not allow anyone to come in.

There is no need to guard at all, no one will come at this time, Zhang Mingyu knew that the old man didn't want him to listen, so he sent him away, and said: "Let my sister-in-law guard, I have to go back to toast", and left.

"Lord Chu..." Although the old man looked weak, his withered hands tightly grasped Chu Qing's wrists with astonishing strength, so much so that his upper body was suspended in the air by his strength, which was not at all what such a weak old woman could do. have.

Chu Qing hurriedly put the pillow on the old man's back for her to lean on: "Old lady, don't worry, speak slowly if you have something to say."

The old lady's eyes were full of pleading, doubt and urgency, but she was not on guard: "Lord Chu, can I trust you?"

The question was a bit abrupt, and she didn't understand what the old man meant, so Chu Qing didn't know how to answer it. However, this old man saved his life back then, no matter what his original intention was, he couldn't help thinking about the grace of saving his life.

So Chu Qing said: "Old lady, I don't know how to answer you, but you saved my life, and I will be worthy of this kindness."

The old lady closed her eyes and took a moment to relax. When she opened her eyes again, she looked much calmer and said, "I have no other choice, so I must trust you."

Chu Qing understood what she meant, and when necessary, she had to bet on someone to trust her.

Chu Qing poured tea for her and asked her to moisten her dry lips. The old lady said, "Do you know about the imperial guards?"

"I haven't seen it, but I have felt it." Chu Qing said, thinking of the dangling tassel of the palace lantern when he met the emperor for the first time and was asked by the emperor to forge a sword.

In Chu Qing's impression, the profession of secret guard seems to have existed in all dynasties, but with different names, different forms, and different functions.

For example, Wu Zetian's Plum Blossom Internal Guard, this organization is Wu Zetian's private secret service agency, whose main duties are to protect the queen's safety and investigate and deal with alien parties.

Another example is Wan Qixi, who appeared in the image of a spy. He was bribed when he was an envoy to the Kingdom of Jin. According to the order of the Jin Dynasty, he conspired with Qin Hui, the prime minister of the dynasty, to kill Yue Fei in the name of "unnecessary".

There are also Jinyiwei from the East and West factories of the Ming Dynasty, and the blood drops from the sticky pole of Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty.

Of course, in addition to the royal dark guards, some dignitaries also supported their own dark guards, and they also took on the responsibility of "dead soldiers".

The old man nodded and said slowly: "What I said to you today, don't be heard by a third person."

Seeing that Chu Qing nodded in agreement, the old man continued the topic: "The Royal Dark Guard consists of two parts, one is called the Shadow Guard, and they are responsible for the safety of the Emperor and Empress;

The other part is called secret guards, who are responsible for spying on the enemy's intelligence for the emperor. "

"Shouldn't this be the responsibility of the secret investigation department?" Chu Qing was surprised, because she was in charge of the movement of Vos country.

The old man shook his head: "It's a long story. The common people only know that the late emperor cared about face, and let Dong Lun take advantage of us, but they don't know the deep meaning of the late emperor's actions;

Master Chu, I know that you are now an official of the Secret Investigation Department, so you must know the location of Donglun Kingdom, right? "

This Chu Qing naturally knew that the Eastern Lun Kingdom had become the New Lun State, and it had simply become Chu Qing's biggest pocketbook.

The old lady's question was naturally intended to elicit what she was about to say—"But, have you ever thought about the Donglun Kingdom as a buffer zone for Daxuan's military affairs?"

Chu Qing: "This...you are right. The Donglun Kingdom is sandwiched between Daxuan and Voss. If the two countries go to war, Donglun will be a buffer zone."

The old man nodded: "Yes, the former emperor has always regarded the country of Voss as his greatest enemy. The reason is that after the previous emperor expanded the territory and attacked the Donglun Kingdom, he planned to march all the way to the country of Voss;

At that time, the people were in dire straits, and it was in such a triangular entanglement that Emperor Gaozu took the opportunity to destroy the previous dynasty;
After Emperor Gaozu won the world, he did not take all of Donglun Kingdom as his own, but stationed some forces along Jizhou. It should be said that half of the current Jizhou belongs to the original Donglun Kingdom;
Then take gentle measures against the East Lun Kingdom, win them over, and use a lot of national power to resist and guard against the Voss Kingdom. Therefore, Daxuan has enjoyed peace for more than 100 years;
However, Voss has always been the scourge of my publicity. The hidden guard team established during the Gaozu period has one more branch than the previous dynasty-Secret Guards, which were inserted into the East Lun Kingdom and the Voss Kingdom to monitor their movements;

When Emperor Gaozu seized the country, the treasury of the previous dynasty had already been exhausted, and Emperor Gaozu redoubled his efforts, and the treasury had been insufficient;
The biggest hidden danger of Daxuan is not the neighboring East Lun Kingdom, but the Voss Kingdom. They have a vast territory, excellent horses, and sturdy people;

Therefore, after Emperor Gaozu, the emperors of all dynasties have always regarded the conquest of Voss as their lifelong ambition. Until the time of the first emperor, the treasury gradually became abundant;

However, the first emperor was past his prime at that time, and Da Xuan's combat power still hadn't met his expectations. We were not equipped with weapons and horses;
That's why the former emperor has been manipulating the Eastern Lun Kingdom, because as long as they act as a buffer, Daxuan can continue to accumulate strength, and even if there is a war with Voss, they will not turn against each other. "

Won't you turn against each other?Chu Qing was noncommittal.

It all depends on whether it is worth it or not. As long as it is profitable, there are many people who turn their faces and treat them like white-eyed wolves. If Dong Lun Kingdom does not turn against them, it may not be the time.

The old man didn't notice Chu Qing's expression, and continued: "It's a pity, the common people only think that the late emperor is stupid, save face, and raised Dong Lun as his son, but they don't know the late emperor's painstaking efforts...

Let’s not talk about these, let’s talk about secret guards and shadow guards, they are collectively called dark guards, and they are inherited professions, passed on from generation to generation;
Due to the particularity of this occupation, they cannot marry and have children like ordinary people, and can only marry female secret guards or female shadow guards. However, there are more men than women, and it is not easy to get married, so they have fewer children. "

This is inevitable, because you have a dual job, you have to work overtime, and you have to find time to have a child.

The old man continued: "Later, some trustworthy palace people were simply filled into the secret guards and shadow guards as family members;
Many of these secret guards died in foreign countries and never returned. Fortunately, they can leave their flesh and blood to continue to enrich the royal secret guards. "

Alas, bad luck, it's not good to do something to make a living.Chu Qing cursed in her heart.

"My three sons are secret guards," said the old man.

"Ah!" Chu Qing was shocked!
(End of this chapter)

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