Poor family mother and son

Chapter 640 Transit Warehouse

Chapter 640 Transit Warehouse
The vast Gobi Desert is the main reason for the lack of cultivated area in Virat, and the nearby places where people can live are herdsmen rather than farmers.

Although the yurts are not close to each other, they are relatively close. The local people said that this is because of the cold winter, and it is convenient to live close to each other to help each other.

The rich knew that three huge, connected yurts were built near the herdsmen's residence where they stayed, and basically all the felts stored by the herdsmen were used.

"This is the transit warehouse!" Chu Qing said.

Just relying on those little bean sprouts and garlic sprouts can only improve two or three meals a month, which is not a long-term solution.

Chu Qing asked someone to go back and inform Bao Qingsheng to let the unmarried boys go here to deliver daily necessities, and don't rush to go back, it's the Chinese New Year, let's spend it together, and come back after the new year.

The population gap between Daxuan and Voss is very large, and Chu Qing was worried that King Voss would limit the number of people, so taking advantage of the slow exchange of credentials between the two countries and the fact that the two sides have not yet finalized the transaction details, Chu Qing can figure it out. Get as many Daxuan people as you can.

Even if the radishes haven't been planted yet, at least dig a hole first.

Unexpectedly, half of the people sent by Bao Qingsheng were married boys——

"Boss! Here we are!"

"Boss, long time no see!"

"Boss, I can finally go on a mission with you, and I won't be able to turn every time!"

The boys of the Chu family are all looking forward to "going out on missions" with Chu Qing. It is simply a tradition. Those who have never followed them feel that they are not worthy of being part of the Chu family.

This opportunity is rare, so he left his wife and the hot kang head and ran here.

The worst thing is that Lu Chuan also came.

Today's Lu Chuan is a successful businessman, with a fat body and a small goatee. His fair skin is wrinkled in the cold wind, his nose is shining brightly in his nostrils, his lips are dry enough to grin. Seeing Chu Qing smirk, with this smile, his lips were split and bloody.

"Where's the child? What are you doing here?!" Chu Qing stared fiercely at him.

Lu Chuan still smirked: "Throw it to his mother, don't worry about it!"

Chu Qing just wanted to beat him up. The two of them are really not a family, and if they don't come into the house, they don't care about the children and push as much as they can.

When Chu Qing asked for leave to go to Chongyu Mansion, Lu Chuan's daughter-in-law insisted on following her, causing passers-by to scold Chu Qing for seducing a married woman. This time, Lu Chuan came by himself again and left his wife and children at home. This is the Chinese New Year , it's time for family reunion!
Staring is useless, Lu Chuan doesn't care about that.

Hearing that the boss needs people to transport things, the boys in the family rushed to sign up, and the married ones were despised by the unmarried ones. In the end, Lu Chuan won ten boys in a row to get the chance to come.

"Ouch! It's killing my old waist!" Huang Zhong walked from the back of the convoy with his hands on his back like a pregnant woman. Master Lu supported him as if he was taking care of his wife with all his heart, and greeted Chu Qing with a smile : "Qing girl!"

Master Lu was alone, and Chu knew who was raising him, but he always wanted to help as much as he could.

Huang Zhong is different. He has family members in Kyoto, and he didn't go back after the end of the year. The long journey and the bitter cold wind followed him.

This caring...

Chu Qing's eyes were hot, and his nasal voice was heavy: "You...you guys are desperate!"

The arrival of the Bao Qingsheng caravan received a grand welcome from the herdsmen.

This place is relatively desolate, Daxuan's caravan has never gone deep into this place, they have only heard of Daxuan's supplies, but it is extremely difficult to obtain.

They called Huang Zhong and Master Lu "Batur" because the age of these two people is difficult to reach in the local area, but they have traveled thousands of miles and worked tirelessly. In such a cold season, they are really enough to be called warriors. .

Most of the locals living in the Gobi Desert are expelled. There are various reasons for expulsion. Some have lost their livestock while grazing, some have their whole family evicted because their children accidentally caused a small fire, and some have stolen from others. Stuff's, and so on, and so on.

The expulsion kept them away from densely populated areas, but the worship of the strong and the hope of prosperity are their deep-rooted habits. Therefore, that night, the herdsmen who were struggling with food still brought two plates of pilaf to Master Lu and Huang Zhong. These two old people.

Irrigated by snow water on Yujing Mountain, the rare rice produced, and the fresh and fat young lamb's hind legs, as well as their local yellow radish and Pi Yazi, after cooking, frying, boiling, roasting, braising and other production processes, they need It took more than half a day to finish this plate of pilaf. It can be seen that these two plates of pilaf are really precious.

The children in the pastoral area looked at the pilaf on the plate of the two old people and swallowed the dry naan, as if they could trick their mouths into swallowing the naan as pilaf if they saw it.

Chu Qing couldn't see the child's appearance of wanting to eat but dare not speak, so he got up and went to the stove.

Xiao Bao sighed secretly, and followed him out: "Mother, we are here to make money, not to help the world and the people. Two plates of rice, do you still have to pay two hundred catties of rice?"

Chu Qing understood what Xiaobao meant, that it was fine to exchange food for housing, but it had to be basically equivalent, and he couldn't pay too much, so as not to "promote rice favors, fight rice hatred" and let them make more progress.

Xiaobao said again: "It is said in the "Book of Han" that, 'People of Yi and Di are greedy for profit, and humans have a beast's heart'. Mother, you must guard against it!"

"But... those children... I can always think of you when you were a child." Although Chu Qing stood by the stove without moving, lest Xiaobao say that her "hands were too loose", her eyes were scanning the ingredients.

Xiao Bao disdained: "Hmph! I never stare at other people's jobs!"

This is true. When I first arrived in Wukeshu Village, there was a smell of food in the village. Chu Qingming saw Xiaobao swallowing his saliva secretly, but the child refused to look or smell it. Turn around and walk away from those temptations.

Fortunately, there are very few times like that, Chu Qing doesn't pay attention to clothes, but he never loses Xiaobao's mouth, even if there is no meat to eat, he still has to satisfy Xiaobao's hunger for catching sparrows and forest frogs.

"Just this time, just for those few children, okay?" Chu Qing begged.

"Okay, there is no share for those over five years old, only for children under five years old!" Xiaobao backed down a step.

Chu Qing resisted: "Under five years old? Isn't that just one? It's enough for you Grandpa Huang and Grandpa Lu to give him one chopstick each!" Then he bargained: "Ten years old, under ten years old, okay? You are also ten years old. "

Xiaobao thought about it carefully and agreed.

There are only five children under the age of ten, including six with Xiaobao.

Don't think that he doesn't know how to make their pilaf, but as Chu Qing who has been flooded with counterfeit goods for the first half of his life, it is not a problem to pirate a fried rice.

Regardless of whether it is eggs, butter, mutton, or leather teeth, they are all thrown into the pot, and then the rice left by Lu Chuan and the others on the road is returned to the pot, and the fragrant cottage pilaf is served to the children steaming hot.

Lu Chuan and the others know how to live. They rely on rough pancakes all the way to satisfy their hunger. They only cook rice once a few days. The leftover rice is packed in a cloth bag. They don’t even waste the crispy rice. Pickled pickled cabbage is boiled into porridge, which is the next day's breakfast.

In the weather of the grassland, the leftovers are stored in cloth bags, except for a little dryness, and they will not deteriorate after a few days of storage.

Baptized with mutton juice and soaked in mutton oil, the rice grains are wrapped in yellowish fat, which not only has the distinct grains of fried rice, but also returns to the moistness of stewed rice.

Although Xiaobao didn't like Chuqing's motherly love everywhere, he also gave some of his fried rice to the younger children.

The only ones who could eat in the yurt were Chu Qing, Xiao Bao, Huang Zhong, and Master Lu. They were accompanied by two herdsmen who were also aged, and several children under the age of ten.

Under the leadership of Zhuo Yao and Lu Chuan, the rest of the people set up a bonfire around the transit warehouse. The herdsmen and women helped to provide some water or tableware. The sky made the curtain, the ground served as a mat, and they ate barbecue in the north wind.

*Note: Piyazi: Onion
(End of this chapter)

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