Poor family mother and son

Chapter 643 "Aftershock"

Chapter 643 "Aftershock"

What Xiaomu said made the young people serious.

Yes, the boss has to leave sooner or later, it is impossible to accompany them every day, what about their safety?
"What are you afraid of?" A young man said, "We can also martial arts!"

Immediately, many people echoed: "That's right! Who wouldn't be doing something wrong?"

But how can there be so many martial arts masters?Most people still don't have kung fu, but now they think of the scene last night, and their blood comes up again: "If you don't know, you won't be afraid, just pick up the shovel and do it!"

This attracted another voice of approval: "Yes, it's a job!"

"As long as we can't be beaten to death, we will beat them to death!"

"Just do it! Whose life didn't come from flesh and blood? I don't believe that they can still live if they are cut into flesh and blood!"

Xiaomu echoed with a "huh": "Huh! We still have strength if we don't know how to fight!"

Xiaomu's side became more and more lively, and the young people in the front section were curious and ran to this side, and more and more people gathered.

Thousands of people spoke, the scene was grand, but gradually they also unified their views: "Just do it!"

The hot water on the trolley that Xiaomu pushed over was all gone, and more people hadn't had water yet, but Xiaomu was squeezed among them and couldn't go back.

What happened last night was like an earthquake. The epicenter was calmed down, but the aftershocks returned.

This group of second-year youths, some even second-year uncles—all 30-year-old bachelors, began to talk about the battle last night, and some people boasted about their bravery:

"Although I don't know martial arts, but last night we used a pickaxe to kill one!"

There is also "Versailles": "If you don't know martial arts, you can't do it. My pickaxe got stuck in that barbarian's back, and I couldn't pull it out for a long time. In the end, I had to step on the barbarian to pull it out. I can't use it if I have strength!"

Some people were disturbed: "My shovel is about to split the barbarian's head, and no one's shovel is as small as it is. It just happens to hit it too, and put it next to mine!"

More people lamented that "time doesn't wait for me": "Damn! I hurry up, the guys have copied it, and it's over for you!"

It attracted ridicule from everyone: "You can't keep up with the hot ones when you eat shit!"

And depressed back: "Fuck! Let you catch up, okay?"

There were a lot of people talking, Xiaomu's little male duck's voice in the period of changing his voice looked at his kung fu and interjected: "Then let the big brother who knows martial arts teach kung fu to those who don't know martial arts?"

This is Xiaobao's eyesight.

Xiaomu is relatively weak in all aspects: his craftsmanship is not outstanding, and he is not the fastest at learning crafts. He is serious about literacy, but his writing is not very good-looking. In short, his overall quality is mediocre in all aspects, but he has a good mouth.

He seems dull and seldom speaks, but he is a good topic leader, good at listening, and good at grasping the rhythm.

It's not unreasonable for Xiaobao to bring him out.

"That's right! I think they also get up early to practice every day."

"I still have to shout, what about 'Left Left Left Left'!"

"How do you practice? Who will? Let's do the same!"

"What's wrong with this? I'll come!"

"Are you okay? You! You don't even know kung fu!"

"I know kung fu, I will train you!"

"Why, I can also martial arts!"

"I will too! My kung fu is better than all of you!"

"Bragging about not paying taxes, isn't it?"

"If you don't believe me, let's make gestures!"

"Give and gesture, whoever is afraid of whom!"

Everyone wants to be the trainer, the boss who manages people, just like being an official, who doesn't want to!
Xiao Mu saw that they were arguing happily, and there were waves of noise, and they seemed to be fighting immediately, so he put up his finger and "hush" on his lips.

The voice was not loud, but it made the people around to quiet down first, and then poked each other: "Don't make noise, what do you want to hear from Xiaomu?"

Soon everyone was quiet, all staring at Xiaomu, Xiaomu still looked timid: "Brothers, I think Chu Dong's family's kung fu seems to be the weakest among them."

"That's natural!" Someone echoed, "My boss is a woman!"

"The gang leader's mother is a woman?"

"Are you sick? Who is not a woman?"

"Well... I mean, is Dong Chu's family really a girl?"


Xiao Mu said: "Our young master's kung fu is not the best either."

Someone else echoed: "The gang leader is still young, no, Xiaomu, what are you going to say?"

Xiaomu: "I mean, the best kung fu doesn't necessarily mean you can drill a good team... I think the ones around the boss don't train them with kung fu."

"Hiss! That's right!" The young people began to use their brains. Although they don't usually use them very much, they have them anyway. They are there when they want to use them.

"If you know it yourself, it doesn't count as knowing it. Let everyone know it. That's the real skill!"

"If you want me to say, let's not argue, how about asking Mr. Chu to give someone to practice with us?"

"No way! What can they do? Besides, when they leave, no one cares about us? Besides, we are dignified beggars, begging others to practice us? We can't afford to lose face!"

"Don't talk nonsense, what a beggar gang! Now we are all under the sect of the little gang leader!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Just say that there is no shame or shame in this? Let me tell you, last night we dared to rush forward in a swarm because of our large number of people. Scatter and run for your life? Does that count as shame?"

As soon as this was said, everyone fell silent.

Especially the group of people that Xiaobao notified first, how they retreated in their hearts when they saw the real chapter, and how they dared to rush forward later, I understand.

After a long time, someone hesitated and said, "I have an idea...you can see if it works: let's start early tomorrow morning and follow them, and we will learn as they practice;
Everyone, be careful and memorize the steps of others' exercises. Even if they leave later, we can still continue to practice;
We have 1000 people following behind 80 or [-] of them, there is nothing shameful, just learn your skills, if you don't learn, you will be eaten sooner or later on the barbarian territory!
We don't ask for any kung fu or no kung fu, first learn from others to train the body to be great, and the courage is also trained to be strong!
Think about it, what are you fighting for in the end?It's physical strength, it's reaction!

You have the vision to avoid the opponent's attack, and you have the strength to persevere in order to survive to the end. Do you think this is the case? "

Everyone listened carefully, thought carefully, and no longer crowded, Xiao Mu quietly slipped out from the crowd, and pushed the cart back.

After listening to Xiaomu's report, Xiaobao said, "When spring comes, bring the Yan Gang!"

It is clear that there are people waiting there—someone is looking for these Voss robbers.

Don't look at people who grit their teeth and don't say who they are, but that's useless.

According to Xiangzi's report, the cavalry team of more than a hundred people has only captured 80 to [-] people, and naturally some people have gone to find horses and report letters.

More than a hundred people are not a small number in Voss, which is sparsely populated.

Every adult Voss is a reservist for their country, a resource.

Losing more than a hundred people at once, unless they are all dead, it is impossible to ignore them.

(End of this chapter)

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