Xiao Bao took another bite of the sweet potato, but his expression was not so happy: "Mother, this is my gift to you!"

Chu Qing was still excited.

Both raw and cooked sweet potatoes are edible, and the roots, stems and leaves are also delicious. Even if people don’t eat them, they can be fed to horses. The yield is high, and they don’t choose the land. If this thing is popularized, how many people will not starve to death!
"Mother, did you hear that? I said this is a gift for you!" Xiaobao reiterated, biting the word "gift" very hard.

Chu Qing was puzzled: "Very good, this gift made my mother very happy!...Um...the gift, you mean, it's only for me?"

Chu Qing and Xiao Bao have an agreed principle: the gifts given to each other will be kept carefully and not re-gifted.

Little Treasure nodded heavily: "Yes!"

"Why?" Chu Qing asked, "Did you know that sweet potatoes can be used as food, and the yield is very high. They can be grown anywhere, and can feed many people."

Xiaobao said: "I know! But, I don't want you to tell others!"

Chu Qing sat down, ready to discuss this matter with Xiaobao: "Xiaobao, this is a good thing that benefits the country and the people, just like cotton, you see, with the promotion of cotton, the common people will have a better winter, right? ?”

Xiaobao also seemed to be struggling in his heart: "Mother, who will benefit first from the promotion of cotton? It's not the common people! It's us, it's the rich! But we're not the only ones who are rich!
Also, how many people missed us because of cotton, and how many people died!

I'm sorry, mother, I shouldn't say inauspicious things when I'm on Chinese New Year, but that's the truth!

Those who own the land are rich people like us, and all the output is left after being divided up layer by layer, and our family is also divided up!

How many relatives do we have to lose if we promote it again? "

As he said, Xiaobao's chest heaved violently: "Mother, I don't want to lose anyone, especially you, nothing can happen! I only have you!"

Xiaobao's words seemed contradictory, but relatives and mothers were different.

Chu Qing calmed down.

Yes, Xiao Bao was right.

Inertial thinking made Chu Qing want to promote it as soon as she saw sweet potatoes, because the history of her world was like this, but Xiaobao reminded her of the real situation, so she had to think carefully.

Xiaobao also sat down, and said slowly: "Mother, this sweet potato was discovered by Chu Yuan and the others on a small island. There are other people who know about it, and it is unrealistic to completely block the news;
But, you have to promise me, don't tell it, just like peanuts and peppers, just let our family plant it, give me a year, you just wait for a year, and then tell it, okay? "

Chu Qing said, "What do you want to do?"

Xiao Bao thought about it for a while and said, "Anyway, if this kind of seed is planted, it will take at least a year. Don't you have to wait?"

Chu Qing felt that Xiao Bao had something on his mind but didn't want to say it, but this time she didn't want to let Xiao Bao go.

Xiaobao is getting bigger and bigger. Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, that is to say, from today, he has entered the age of 12.

At the age of 12 in a rural family, it is considered a half-worker. It is the age that can be said to be a relative, and it is the age to be treated as an adult.

But Chu Qing has always believed that Xiao Bao is precocious, and Xiao Bao's behavior has always been beyond Chu Qing's imagination. Now that he is getting bigger and bigger, if he does not control it, Chu Qing is really afraid that the child will become "anti-social".

Chu Qing said, "Xiaobao, you don't need seeds to grow sweet potatoes."

Xiao Bao suddenly raised his head: "You know this too?"

Chu Qing: "I know."

Xiaobao rolled his eyes: "Then how do you grow seedlings without seeds? There are no ready-made seedlings to use."

Chu Qing: "Xiaobao, the sweet potato in my hand, no matter it is placed in water or soil, it can grow long enough seedlings in more than 40 days, and it can be inserted into the soil for planting."

Now Xiaobao is like any child who is stubborn with adults, insisting on his stubbornness: "Then it will take more than half a year for you to grow from planting to harvesting, isn't it still the same?"

Chu Qing didn't intend to make any more detours, even though the child is young, he has a lot of eyes, Chu Qing felt that he was no match: "Xiaobao, I want to hear your real thoughts, can you tell me?"

Xiaobao thought for a while, and then said: "Mother, just follow what I said. Anyway, sweet potatoes have never been grown in Daxuan? You have to try planting before reporting."

As the saying goes, too much talk is bound to fail, Chu Qing seized an opportunity: "Didn't you grow up in Daxuan? Xiaobao, isn't the small island you mentioned just now in Daxuan?"

Xiaobao's pupils trembled, but his face was calm: "Of course it's Daxuan, I mean a small island by the sea, not Daxuan's mainland."

Chu Qing: "Which part of the map is it?"

Xiaobao: "It's not on the map, but it's a small island, either no one has ever been to it, or no one takes it seriously, anyway, it's not on the map."

Xiaobao was really calm, so Chu Qing had no choice but to let go of this question: "Mother doesn't have to promote this thing, but you also said that it's not just the two of us who know about it, it will always spread, won't it?"

Xiaobao said: "Mother, you should plant in our land first, and then check the output after planting, and then report it next year;
This thing can't be hidden anyway, someone will always know, but you have to have detailed planting methods, yields, etc. before you can report it;
My 'real' idea is that it's best if you can plant it first, and when you are convincing, let the surrounding people try to plant it first while reporting it, so that others can't take the credit, and our family can save some sweet potatoes first. Store food, isn't it? "

After all, Chu Qing felt that Xiaobao was talking back and forth, but he couldn't find fault with it. Moreover, what Xiaobao said was right, one had to be sure enough to promote it.

"Besides," Xiaobao said again: "You have got so much jade, you must have attracted people's envy. If you go to the emperor now and tell the emperor that you have found sweet potatoes that can be used as food, the good deeds will belong to you alone. Haven't we become friends again?" target?"

That's right, the limelight can't be too strong.

"But...Xiaobao, mother will tell you what's on your mind," Chu Qing didn't intend to press any more questions. A child of this age has entered puberty, so it's hard to tell. Xiaobao is still restrained. I think Meng Dao was not talking about it back then. Just leave without speculating and slamming the door?
Chu Qing didn't want to push the child too hard, "If you want to take it, you must give it first", maybe it would be better for Xiaobao to understand himself first?
Chu Qing said: "Mother, I don't want to promote sweet potatoes... When the two of us were in Wukeshu Village from the beginning, if Mr. Xie and the village chief hadn't made the decision to keep us, we don't know what kind of life we ​​would face;
But even if we stay, who knows how long we can stay?At that time, mother tried to do as much as possible, saying that she was a cook, but mother also did the repairman's work, didn't she?
Mother should show her own value more, and make them feel that it is worthwhile to stay with us, and it is not a loss;

Facts have also proved that it is right to do so, the two of us have a firm foothold in the village, right? "

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