Chapter 847
Back then, Ma Da and his uncle Hong Liang had jointly defended against the Voss cavalry, and they knew how powerful their combat power was, which could almost be described as "destroying".

So this time, as soon as he got the news of King Vos's "personal conquest", Ma Da borrowed [-] troops from the south to support him, but this also became an excuse for the fall of Linyang County.

So when he learned that Chu Qing invited him to be a vanguard officer and even issued a military order, Ma Da was actually very happy.

Because in his impression, Chu Qing has always been a person with more solutions than difficulties, who can turn decay into a miracle. He even thought about it. Turn the situation around.

But, but but, but but!

It's clear what the hell this is!Pocket caltrops?Toys for children?
Ma Da began to doubt the correctness of the decision to cooperate with Chu Qing.

Tribulus terrestris is an iron barricade with spikes invented by imitating the herb "tribulus terrestris", which is used in military affairs.

This thing is about four inches in diameter, and has four protruding iron thorns, and when it hits the ground, one of the thorns always faces upwards.

In war, in order to cause damage to the enemy, barbed terriers are often scattered on the ground to delay the enemy's actions.

For the convenience of collection, holes are often left in the middle of the caltrops, which can be connected in series with ropes, and the strings of caltrops are indeed like clear barbed wire.

The barbed wire made by Chu Qing, to be precise, should be called "barbed wire", which is made by twisting sections of iron wire into twists and twisting them into twists, and then connecting them together, just like knotting the ends of threads.

It's just that these knots are not as small as possible, but made very large, and the sharp corners are clamped out of the ends with pliers.

Originally, due to the limitation of tools, the process of drawing iron wire could not be drawn to any length as desired, but it was done crookedly, and at Chu Qing's request, the iron wire was directly made into barbed wire.

When Ma Da said "barbed wire", Chu Qing felt that he had found a theoretical basis for his barbed wire in this world.

It's just that the spikes of real barbed wire are more than two inches long and can pierce a horse's hoof; while the knots on Chuqing's barbed wire are only one inch long, not to mention they can't pierce a horse's hoof, they may be crushed flat.

No wonder Ma Da was worried.

Because he wanted the boys of the Chu family to have a good rest and replenish their strength, Chu Qing did not bring any of his own people with him at this time, so he demonstrated by himself, and asked Wu Baiqiang to lead his subordinates to follow the gourd.

Chu Qing put on his gloves and swung the pickaxe to dig the hole, then inserted the wooden stakes brought from the cooker's camp, like planting a tree, after filling the soil, let Wu Baiqiang smash it into the ground.

After the stakes were inserted deep into the ground, they were wrapped with barbed wire one by one.

Quickly smashed five one-person-high piles, and pulled three barbed wires in the middle, Chu Qing bumped into them, but couldn't move, and his clothes were scratched.

"Come on, let's see, is this okay?" Chu Qing asked the motor to check and accept it.

The motor, which had preconceived that this thing was useless, did not hit the barbed wire like Chu Qing did, but took two steps back, then jumped forward with a run-up, and kicked the wooden stake with a whirlwind!
Really worthy of its name, motor, power is strong!

The wooden stake was kicked down immediately, and the motor snorted heavily: "Huh! That's it? The speed of the horse is no faster than mine, who can this thing stop? You are the sheep pen!"

To be honest, Chu Qing couldn't kick this wooden stake down, at most it could crook it a bit.

But is that the point?

"Motor, you don't have a bar! Think about it, if you were a horse, would you run against a stake or a barbed wire?" Chu Qing asked.

Regardless of the motor, they can ride horses to fend off the enemy, but they really don't understand some knowledge.

First of all, horses are near-sighted. Unless they wear [-]-degree myopia glasses, they will see things with a hazy effect.

From a distance, the barbed wire does not block the line of sight, but the wooden stakes are more obvious, so the horse cannot see the barbed wire from a long distance.

Secondly, if the horse is sprinting, it will not be able to slow down when it can see the barbed wire clearly.

Moreover, the barbed wire net looks so thin, and it is not as dense as a fishing net. There is a high probability that the riders will not slow down their horses and wait and see, but will directly rush over.

Then the sharp thorns on the wire will scratch the horse. If the impact is stronger, the barbed wire will be deformed and entangled on the horse.

When a horse is hindered and suffers pain, it will naturally slow down.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the horse will hit the wooden pile. After all, the horse's eyes are on both sides, and its blind spot is directly in front of the head.

"They're not blind!" Ma Da was annoyed.

Although Ma Da gets along with horses every day, he really doesn't understand the truth about horses' eyesight.

It is people's habitual way of thinking to judge others by oneself and judge others by oneself, so people in this world usually think that horses not only have good eyesight, but also have super night vision.

Night vision is really better than humans, but myopia is also real.

"If you don't believe me, you will go to the camp to be tested by a horse later." After Chu Qing told him that the horse couldn't see clearly, he had to say a way for him to prove it himself:
"When you approach your horse from a distance, see if the horse will look up at you first, and if it will slowly lower its head to look at you when you approach;
Or when you drive a horse to jump over an obstacle, will the horse look up at the obstacle in the distance first, and when it is close to the obstacle, it will look down before it is ready to jump;
Also, when you're on a horse, if you restrict the horse's natural head movement, does the horse keep shaking its head?This is it telling you that it can't see things in front of you clearly;

Do horses sometimes stop suddenly?That's because it can't see how far the obstacles are from it, so it will feel afraid of the ditches and railings and refuse to jump to protect itself. "

Ma Ma's expression gradually became less irritable.

Because what Chu Qing said had happened to his own war horse, but he never understood it, thinking that the horse might be sick or afraid.

What Chu Qing said, in fact, older than them, they have also summed up similar theories over the years, but they didn't say as much as Chu Qing.

"But what's the use of that?" Ma Da was still worried: "How long can this thing be intercepted? Slowing down that little bit won't help!
Moreover, it is less than one person's height, and people can jump over it! "

"That's why we need to pull two rows of barbed wire!" Chu Qing said.

Ma Da's patience was about to run out, if he hadn't thought about his friendship over the years and being a woman with Chu Qing, he would have raised his fists to fight Chu Qing long ago.

"You forgot the mines I brought people to plant last night." Chu Qing stood a little further away from him and said.

It's one thing to be friendly, another to have a bad temper.

The better the friendship, the better the mutual understanding, so Chu Qing looked at Da Da's clenched cheeks and knew that he was suppressing his temper, so he quickly stood away.

It wasn't because he was afraid of being beaten, but because he was standing too close, Chu Qing couldn't use the power of the darts. In a fight, he couldn't just stand and just be beaten, right?
Haven't fought a motor yet.

Chatting like this, Chu Qing didn't feel disgusted at all, on the contrary, it was annoying to quarrel with those civil servants in the court hall, the anger at that time was just like the current Da Da.

(End of this chapter)

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