Poor family mother and son

Chapter 852 "Rush!" "Ah!"

Chapter 852 "Rush!" "Ah!" ([-])
The [-] Xuan cavalry in front were about to approach the place where the Voss army shot twice, and the leading general raised his hand and shouted: "Get in place!"

The Daxuan cavalry attacked at a 45-degree angle to the front of both sides of the Voss army, and when the distance was right, the general ordered all arrows to be fired.

Chu Qing's team quickly rushed to the center, facing King Vos's chariot across the crowd.

In front of her, three hundred iron-bodied "heartless cannons", two hundred wooden "heartless cannons", explosive packs planted on one hundred vehicles, and two thousand Chu family members armed with ten grenades The vanguard spread out in a fan shape.

Chu Qing raised the big black flag in his hand and drew a circle towards the sky, and aimed the muzzles of five hundred black cannons at the Voss army directly in front.

At the same time, in the hands of King Voss, who had just assembled his formation, the shining gold-encrusted and jade-encrusted scimitar was raised high.

The Voss cavalry with hearing problems looked at each other to confirm whether they were going to raise their bows and shoot arrows now. Their movements were chaotic and hesitant, but they couldn't see the bravery of the Voss cavalry.

Behind Chu Qing there were [-] cavalry, led by Ma Da himself, ready to support his comrades in the barbed wire area behind and Chu Qing in front at any time.

"Get ready!" Daxuan's [-] cavalry also raised their bows and set arrows under the orders of their respective officers, and their movements were uniform.

They are the cavalry team that Ma Da regards as a treasure. Although the horses are native to Daxuan, they are also the best breeds carefully selected, and some of them are descendants of mixed blood with Voss horses.

They are warriors guarding the frontier, and what they want to listen to is the order of the general Ma Da. Therefore, they plan to release a round of arrows according to the original plan.

"嚁!" There was a short and loud whistle, accompanied by Chu Qing throwing the flag to the ground, "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" Countless cannons sounded.

Chu Qing sat firmly on the horse's back, holding the flagpole tightly with one hand, and gently scratching the bun armor with the other hand to appease it, while shouting "Kill!" in a loud voice.

Fortunately, Ma Da heard what he said clearly, and asked the cavalry to block the horse's ears with cotton, because even so, he needed to keep calming the horse.

Fortunately, the Daxuan Warhorse had just experienced the sound of the explosion of landmines. At this time, he was mentally prepared, his ears were blocked tightly, and he was touched by his owner. He did not run away, but kept walking on the spot to express his anxiety .

At the same time, when Chu Qing's high-pitched shout of killing sounded, all the Daxuan people also roared "Kill!", and the momentum shook the sky.

The sound of the cannon was deafening, and the pressure on the eardrum increased, so the agreement between Chu Qing and Da Da was that when the cannon sounded, the whole army would shout together to protect the soldiers' ears and prevent the eardrum from rupturing.

The rumble of cannons, the shocking shouts of killing, the earth trembled.

King Voss' "Shoot the arrow!" order was buried in the sound of the declared army, and it was barely audible.

However, his order was issued, but few arrows were released.

The roar of artillery fire stings in the ears, tearing apart the peaceful sky mercilessly like a devil.

The ground kept trembling, and the black smoke filled the grassland, like a vengeful ghost, spreading to the distance.

The continuous artillery fire seemed to open the gates of hell on this land.

The sound of the explosion deeply tore the eardrums of the Voss people, making them dizzy, terrified, and helpless.

From time to time, they were knocked to the ground by helmets or severed limbs that fell from mid-air, and their hands were stabbed with sharp objects, and they were bloody.

When he raised his hand to look at it, he saw stubble of bones, whether it was a human or a horse, rooted in it.

The cavalry and war horses were torn apart in the violent explosion; the orange-red fireworks exploded in the air, and the billowing yellow sand disappeared, replaced by black and scorched severed limbs.

All the Voss soldiers were howling and screaming, they couldn't tell which one was coming from themselves, they could only feel the howling of countless ghosts in their ears.

All the war horses are running desperately, as if only non-stop running can prove that they are still alive and exist.

King Voss could no longer control the horses and soldiers who went mad again. He swung his sword and killed several fleeing soldiers, but he couldn't stop the army from breaking up.

Some Voss cavalry couldn't control their horses running wildly, so they simply adjusted the direction of their horses and galloped towards the Daxuan army. With the determination to die together, they vowed to kill the person who carried the "Chu" banner and made a woman's voice.

Fortunately for them, they charged just as several guns were reloading at the same time, and the shells did not stop them in time.

It was their misfortune, Xiangzi rushed to the front while loading the explosives, and threw a grenade in the past!
The boys of the Chu family followed suit, and if anyone came to kill them, they would either shoot arrows, or rush to the front and throw grenades!
Ma Da was so angry that he cursed at the back: "These grandsons, don't die!"

Chu Qing also yelled angrily: "Don't rush forward!"

That's a heartless gun, and it doesn't necessarily have a conscience for you.

What about bombing?What should I do if the throwing distance of the explosive package is too close? !

Chu Qing and her "Chu Family Army" did not rehearse in advance, only the explanations before the battle, relying on their passion and mutual understanding, they went to the battlefield like this.

Fortunately, half of the veterans are among them, able to stabilize the formation.

However, loading gunpowder and explosive packs not only requires hand speed, but also needs to grasp the weight of the gunpowder, and it is also necessary to overcome the northwest wind from time to time to blow out the fuze.

Therefore, although there are [-] cannons, they cannot be fired in an orderly manner; and because they are smoothbores, it is even more impossible to predict the trajectory of the explosive package.

The way Xiangzi and the others shuttled in front of the barrel was simply playing with their lives.

Obviously bows and arrows have a longer range, they just wait for the archers to release their arrows, but they want to charge forward, even if they are not killed by the bomb, they may be shot to death by their own arrows.

The power of artillery fire on the battlefield made everyone's blood boil, and the "Chu Family Army" who had never been strict in discipline was even more disregarded, disorganized and disciplined.

The mob is just the mob, and in a fit of anger, Chu Qing plucked out a handful of the horse's mane.

Fortunately, her horse was so focused on watching people reload the ammunition that it understood that the horse would not be afraid, so a few hairs were missing on the back of its neck, but it didn't notice.

The children of the Chu family wore ear packs to keep out the cold in winter. Today, they covered their ears tightly, so they couldn't hear their yelling clearly.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The heavy gunfire mixed with the sharp grenade explosion sounded like the death knell to wake up the Voss army, and also played a heavy metal symphony for the Daxuan army.

After three rounds of intensive artillery fire, Xiangzi no longer shouted "Kill" at the side, but pulled his neck and laughed wildly: "Hahahahaha!"

Chu Qing grabbed his reins, handed him the battle flag of the Chu family, and issued orders to him.

Xiangzi still couldn't take it back and laughed, but interjected to ask, "What did you say?"

So angry that he knocked on his helmet clearly, Xiangzi quickly pushed away the earbags inside the helmet: "Boss, what are you talking about?"

"Hurry up and find General Ma, if you don't grab the horse at this time, what are you waiting for?!" Chu Qing yelled at him.

(End of this chapter)

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