Poor family mother and son

Chapter 930 "Planting a grain of millet in spring"

Chapter 930 "Planting a Grain of Millet in Spring" ([-])

Finally, before the beginning of summer, they confirmed the location of the mining area, but they failed to expand it. No one is a fool. The fourth prince tried to fool the people of Voss with his cleverness, but it didn't work.

The first thing they did when they arrived at the mining area was to paint out the boundary sign "Baoqingsheng" that Chu Qing had drawn on the mountain at that time, and change it into the word "Xuan".

The second thing is...

"Your Majesty, I believe that you should use gunpowder first, and then plant seeds after the explosion reaches a place where it cannot be blown." Zheng Chunqiu suggested.

The Fourth Prince brought a large bag of moso bamboo seeds, and he was looking for a gap where he could plant the seeds, and was going to use the "life force" of the seeds to mine jade just like the "homework" he had done in advance.

My father said, if we talk about the strength of the seeds, the moso bamboo is the strongest.

Because once the moso bamboo is drilled out, no matter whether it is a bed board, a roof, or a courtyard wall, the roof will be loosened and broken, and the growth rate is extremely fast, and it can grow about a foot in a day.

But Zheng Chunqiu's suggestion is also correct, because after sowing the seeds, it will take a few days to germinate, so it is better to blast them with gunpowder first.

The discussion and dialogue between the two made the workers extremely anxious——

"Brother, you are from the south, you should know how long it takes for moso bamboo to germinate, right? I am from the north, so I don't understand, but no matter how you think about it, it doesn't look like it can be planted casually."

"Brother, you are right, it takes half a month for the moso bamboo to emerge..."

"That's not too slow, can the seedlings grow into big bamboos?"

"How is that possible! It takes five or six years from the emergence of a seedling to the growth of a large bamboo! We all use the method of transplanting bamboo roots. It takes two years to produce bamboo shoots. The bamboo shoots will be fine, and they will become mature in two months." .”

"Hush...you two keep your voice down, can the prince be wrong?"

"The prince can't be wrong... Oh oh oh, I understand, I understand!"

"Hey, just do whatever you want, I just hope that I can go back alive."

"Oh, if I knew what they were doing, I wouldn't have come!"

"I heard that the Chu family opened mines back then, but they weren't so out of tune."

"I didn't hear what the guys from 'Bao Qing Sheng' said. They were a bit tired from work, but they ate well and collected a lot of jade. They have something to look forward to every day!"

"Tell me, why didn't I think about going when their family recruited workers that year."

"That's not bad for us. The county magistrate didn't tell you, you can go if you want to, but there was a locust plague the previous year, so you have to plant the food first, otherwise what will you eat?"

"That's what our county told us too, alas, I should have known..."

"Come on, I knew it earlier. I haven't heard that sentence. Money is hard to buy, I knew it earlier!"

"Hush! Courting death, you guys!"

The foreman gave him the task of digging holes and stuffing the gunpowder packs into them.

Gouging holes is a painful process.

Because the rock of the mountain is extremely hard, and the hammer can only be used to dig bit by bit. In the past, Xiaobao and the others could only dig less than three feet deep in a day.

The laborers' jaws were shattered and they dared not speak.

In this way, after five days, several holes were drilled, and the laborers complained more.

Working in the country, they also complain constantly, but no matter how hard and tired they are, they can go home at least once every few days and get the love and comfort of their relatives.

Nowadays, in a foreign country, there is no sustenance for the soul, and little comfort for sorrow, and all the hardships are magnified ten times or a hundred times.

But even with such efforts, the results are extremely low.

Their gunpowder is either difficult to ignite when it is damp, or it cannot loosen hard rocks when fried.

Nowadays, the country of Voss has extremely strict entry checks, and it is extremely difficult to smuggle gunpowder in, so they have no room to waste.

The gunpowder that was damp and agglomerated had to be taken back. First, it was put into a pot and baked on a low heat, then it was taken out to dry, and it was also beaten with a hammer to loosen it.

Just look at the dead and injured laborers to see how dangerous this is. Let’s not talk about those who died, but those who didn’t die, with broken hands and arms, and lack of medical treatment, how long can they live on?
"Trash! Your Ministry of Industry is trash!" the fourth prince shouted angrily.

Mountain jade is mined for only about four months a year, and wasting one day is a huge loss.

The fury of the fourth prince seemed to burn Zheng Chunqiu to the ground: "Don't explode when it should explode! These things you make are more conscienceless than that cannon! They only bomb places that shouldn't be bombed!"

Fortunately, this method is not the only way to mine jade. The fourth prince, who was angry but still not lost his mind, decisively chose to scatter moso bamboo seeds into the cracks in the rocks and fill them with soil from his hometown.

If the east is not bright and the west is bright, this trick will not work and that trick will work.

The fourth prince hopes that if one seed is planted, thousands of bamboo seedlings will grow.

At this time, the laborers did not feel that this move was speechless.

They had to wait for the seeds to germinate after sowing, so they finally had less suffering and rested for a few days.

Linyang County.

Starting from this year, Linyang County has added a festival - "May [-]st Linyang Working Children's Day".

This festival was initiated and carried out by the County Orphanage. At the same time, the Orphanage officially changed its name to "Hope Primary School".

This matter was inspired by Xu Guangze's activity of sweeping the tombs of the martyrs during the Ching Ming Festival. To be precise, it was inspired by the people who came to pay respects and made a quick decision.

This year's Qingming festival was held quite successfully.

On the jujube trees on both sides of the flat "Xuanhua Road", many placards were hung by the county government, such as "Martyr's Chronicle Wrapped in Horse Leather, Good News Passes on Parents' Hearts", "Green mountains and green waters, long-lasting grandeur in life; green cypresses and green pines , can comfort the spirits of the dead", etc.

There are also many paintings of these heroes fighting their enemies.

Although the people who painted these paintings did not witness the battle scenes at that time, they could not paint the gunfire that was said in the street, but the paintings were all about the bravery of the people holding farm tools against the enemies of Voss, or the determination in hand-to-hand combat, but they The spirit of being indomitable and swearing to defend the country to the death is fully reflected.

Every other text slogan, there is a poster, so that the hearts of the people walking along the road are always agitated with an indescribable sigh and sense of responsibility.

Xu Guangze also invited all the "publicity guides" who had just built Xuanhua Road to explain the slogans and pictures along the way.

The road is drawn longitudinally with white lines as lane boundaries, with arrows leading to the monument on the right, and arrows returning on the left, instructing people to keep to the right.

On both sides of the road, there are street stalls selling joss sticks, paper money, food and gadgets. The prices are not expensive, but loud selling is not allowed.

People who are willing to burn incense can buy incense, and those who are willing to burn paper money can also buy it now.

There are also some snacks and snacks. The common people can go shopping here after going down the mountain after worshiping. Even on weekdays, this will be a good place for shopping.

Regardless of whether it's up or down the mountain, except for the cotton field of the Chu family, it used to be barren hills and wasteland, and there was a natural scenery in the barren hills and wasteland.

Now Xuanhua Road is smooth and open, and the surrounding land that has been bombarded has also leveled off, making it a good sight for sightseeing.

(End of this chapter)

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