Poor family mother and son

Chapter 943 Indigenous People

Chu Qing hurried over to stop him - don't bring someone who bullies the patient's family like this!

Look at them, they are not like a rich family. There is only one pig in the pigsty, and it has to be slaughtered. This is too deceitful!

Chu Qing's blocking was a bad thing, not only did the family chase Chu Qing away with sticks, but they also yelled loudly, and Chu Qing was immediately surrounded by dozens of aborigines.

They yelled something, their faces were very angry, while yelling and gesticulating with sticks, the stick almost touched Chu Qing.

Xiaobao rushed over with one stride, grabbing the black and thin man by the throat!
With whom? !
This black and thin man seems to have a high status, otherwise the people here would not be so protective, so Xiaobao's sudden movement made them suddenly lose their voices.

The woman leading the way had to stand in front of Chu Qing, talking loudly to the aborigines, probably to persuade them to leave, and at the same time gestured to Chu Qing with a reproachful expression.

Isn't this dog biting Lu Dongbin!
I help you stop that black and thin man from defrauding you of money, but you stick to me?

The movement here suddenly enraged the boys waiting not far away, and they shouted "Go!" They all showed their weapons, rushed away from the crowd surrounding Chu Qing and the others, and escorted to Chu Qing's side.

The language barrier made it impossible to reason with them, so Chu Qing simply waved his hand: "Take control of these people! Uncle Tiger, go and show me!"

Although the aborigines were tough, their weapons were not as good as those of the Chu family, and their combat effectiveness was also inferior.

And the experienced Chu family, even Xiaobao's helpers, had accumulated enough experience from countless times of fighting with weapons, so the scene was controlled almost without much effort.

Li Hu calmly climbed onto the shelf houseboat, and came out after a preliminary examination of the patients inside, and said, "This house is also suffering from malaria. They seem to be infected with malaria here."

Malaria is an extremely ancient and widespread disease. In the ancient world of Chuqing, the death rate was extremely high, and it was also in Daxuan.

Right now, it appears the same is true here.

The woman who led the way was very anxious when she saw that many villagers were hung around their necks with sharp knives and spears by outsiders.

She herself was also put on the neck with a knife, but she approached Chu Qing regardless of her own safety, and wanted to hold Chu Qing's hand, so the Chu family boy had to loosen the knife to avoid hurting her.

Chu Qing ordered the knife to be removed, and the woman pointed at the black and thin man for a while, and pointed at the pig for a while, and finally dragged Chu Qing into the boat house, pointing at the rice bowls, sharp knives and other objects on the ground. Wow to explain.

This gesticulation and talking made Chu Qing exhausted, she had to guess the meaning of her gesticulations, but also endured her sharp and high-pitched voice, which made her headache.

But I probably understood what she meant.

That black and thin man should be a witch doctor in their area. He is very famous and can cure many diseases.

The operation just now was divination. He needed to use the hexagrams to determine what ghost caused the disease, and what kind of animal he needed to sacrifice to exchange the patient's soul.

The woman gestured and said that under normal circumstances, anyone who suffers from stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea will be considered to be caused by "wind ghosts" and need to kill chickens for sacrifice.

Acute wind disease is caused by the "Fenghuo ghost", and it is urgent to kill the cattle for sacrifice.

Women's dystocia caused troubles for "headless ghosts" and sacrificed sheep and chickens.

Sudden fainting and unconsciousness, causing trouble for the "dragon water ghost", a white chicken and a water snake were sacrificed, and hexagrams were also posted on the door and surrounding trees.

Their divination usually uses rice or chicken bones. Just now the man stood a sharp knife in the middle of the rice and then chanted a spell. Pig sacrifice.

Ouch I'm going!

With the skill of believing in evil, can all diseases be cured?

The woman grabbed Chu Qing's hand and hurriedly pointed in one direction. The terrain over there was low, and through the coconut grove, one could see a field over there, where someone was harvesting.

The woman grabbed another handful of things and handed them to Chu Qing. Chu Qing looked down and saw that it was a handful of old ears of rice, and the husks on them were actually red!

The woman pointed to the sun and waved the ears of rice for a while, and even gestured and said that there were too many people who fell ill and there were not enough people to take care of the rice.

And such a sunny day will soon pass, if the rice fields are not weeded, a large number of them will grow wildly after the rain, then it will be too late to weed, and the rice seedlings will not grow because of the weeds robbing them of nutrients.

It means please be clear and don't interfere with their treatment of patients, it must make people have the strength to go to the fields.

Indeed, farming requires weeding and catching insects from time to time, otherwise the yield cannot be guaranteed.

But Chu Qing was completely out of shape now, she stared blankly at the ears of rice, which turned out to be red, and the rice fields in the distance were dry fields.

Daxuan also has upland rice, which is yellow when ripe.

The woman squeezed Chu Qing's hand with great strength, this woman's hand was quite strong, and finally pulled Chu Qing's thoughts back to her eyes.

Regarding the treatment of malaria, although Li Hu looked serious, Chu Qing was not worried, because Artemisia annua was in the regular medicine of the Chu family.

In Chuqing's world, there is an outstanding woman with a very poetic name - Tu Youyou.

Yoyo Luming, the artemisia that eats the wild, this outstanding woman has spent her whole life researching wormwood and creating "artemisinin", which has saved countless lives.

Artemisinin is extracted from Artemisia annua.

As a woman, Chu Qing has always paid attention to those outstanding female figures, especially scientists.

Because of Tu Youyou, Chu Qing learned about artemisinin, and then learned about Artemisia annua, and by the way, also learned about prescriptions such as "Chaihu Jiemao Decoction".

For this reason, in this world, Artemisia annua, which is not uncommon, is often called "stinky Artemisia" by the common people, and is collected together with mugwort to "stuff" soybean paste, and is included in Chu Qing's standing medicine.

Artemisinin cannot be prepared, but it is always possible to boil some wormwood water to drink.

""Rescue the Soldiers from the Back of the Elbow," Chu Qing said to Li Hu: "Pick Artemisia annua in one hand, soak it in two liters of water, wring it out to get the juice, and drink it thoroughly."

Li Hu: "!!!"

"You even read medical books?" Li Hu looked like a ghost.

Chu Qing: "I also know about 'Bupleurum Jiema Drink', don't you believe it? Xiaochaihu soup with Changshan, betel nut, ebony plum, peach kernel..."

Li Hu: "Slow down! Let me remember...why haven't I heard of this recipe?"

If you can know Tu Youyou, you are guaranteed to know more prescriptions!

Chu Qing didn't intend to take people out to look for Artemisia annua.

Although that thing is relatively common, Li Hu said, don't be bitten by mosquitoes. There are so many mosquitoes here, it's better not to take the risk.

Chu Qing showed the woman the dried Artemisia annua, and told her that it could cure their illnesses, just decoct it and eat it, and there was no need to sacrifice pigs, the pigs should be kept and raised for meat.

If you have malignant sores and scabies on your body, or you are bitten by poisonous insects, you can also use the juice of this thing to smear, or decoct the dried herbs and wash the affected parts.

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