Poor family mother and son

Chapter 947 Come quickly, I can't bear it alone

The letter sent by "Come on" is the news from Wei Chengyi: The emperor sent a patrol censor to go to various places to inspect salt affairs, inspect customs defenses, clean up military service, and check the situation of farming in various places. The first stop may be Chu Qing Dynasty established a salt field in Ganzhou.

An accident happened at the Cao Shipyard in Ganzhou Prefecture. Chao Liu, the chief foreman, died on the job, and the thief came ashore by sea. This incident caused a lot of turmoil. The emperor took this incident as the trigger. Coastal Defense Construction Affairs.

Chu Qing extracted refined salt from seawater, which not only allowed the emperor to have a more precise control over the salt affairs, but also indirectly served as a garrison. Although it was a strategy that killed two birds with one stone, the emperor needed to have a detailed understanding of it.

Alas, the island exploration here has just made progress, but he has to go back to Ganzhou to receive the inspector censor, so Chu Qing has no choice but to end the trip immediately.

"Son, the next thing has to be left to you again, don't be too hasty, first mobilize the manpower." Chu Qing said to Xiaobao.

This island is very big, and exploring the island is not something that can be accomplished overnight. It is still necessary to defend the existing territory first, and then gradually map it.

Xiaobao took the "artillery battalion" to escort Chu Qing back to the Sweet Potato Base. Before leaving, the local natives were reluctant, especially the dog.

It followed Chu Qing for a few steps, stopped, and walked a few more steps. When Chu Qing looked down at it, it backed away again and again in shock, but when Chu Qing walked again, it followed again.

After the dog's owner got the clear Artemisia annua, he immediately boiled water for the patient to drink. It has been more than an hour since then, and the patient's body temperature has dropped a lot.

The local aborigines are very open about life, old age, sickness and death. Their life proverbs are "the death of an old man is like a bamboo shoot peeling off its shell, like a vegetable leaf withering", "the only thing that is immortal is the sun and the moon, and the only thing that is neither sick nor painful is the earth."

But after all, the death of a loved one always makes people sad, so when the herbal medicine Chu Qing gave them improved their condition, their attitude towards Chu Qing became more flattering.

The personal test was effective, so he was naturally very grateful, so he even said that he would give the dog to Chu Qing.

The aborigines here regard dogs and eagles as totems, and they will hang a carving of an eagle on the door, thinking that it can ward off evil spirits.

They don't eat dog meat. After the dog dies, they will take off the dog's teeth, thread them together with red vine pieces, and hang them on their chests as amulets.

In short, whether it is an eagle or a dog, in their view, they are the carriers that support the gods.

And Chu Qing, the eagle delivered her messages, the dogs were close to her and respected her, and she could cure malaria, and she also had the ability to overthrow a large group of wild boars at once, she was like a god.

Therefore, giving Chu Qing his dog is not only a thank you to the natives, but also a bribe to the gods—you can come often and give more wild boars.

The hostess of this family also gave Chu Qing a lot of containers made of white rattan, rattan baskets, waist baskets, including fishing baskets, which contained rolls of brightly colored brocade, as a thank you for their life-saving grace— —In their family alone, five of them, old and young, fell ill.

They don't have cotton, but they have kapok trees. They use kapok to spin thread, supplemented by hemp thread and silk thread, and weave cloth that is as bright as clouds.

When the natives gave Chu Qing gifts, some even gave two beautiful tiger-striped shells, just because Chu Qing took a second look.

This kind of shells exists as currency in the local area, and they need to use them to buy hatchets and other items.

To put it another way, Chu Qing gave them a bunch of silver ingots now, it might be useless.

So Chu Qing left them a few small ginseng, two iron pots, and some bean cakes.As if they bought it with money.

Chu Qing led the crowd to evacuate, as abruptly as they came.

Perhaps, the gods are so erratic?Indigenous people think so.

After Chu Qing returned to his sweet potato base, he packed his bags and prepared to return. After thinking about it, he asked someone to find a big stone and said that he wanted to erect a boundary marker.

In any case, Chu Qing just wanted to occupy this island, so he had to enclose the land first.

As for what is written on the boundary marker?
"MY WORLD!" Chu Qing replied.

Everyone: "Bury what?"

Chu Qing: "..."

Chu Qing wrote "MY WORLD" on the paper, and Xiao Bao hugged his stomach happily.

Chu Yuan pointed to the string of letters and asked, "Boss, what is this? What is buried?"

"Sell mine! It's not buried, it's sold!" Xiaobao said: "Sell our things!"

MY WORLD, sell me, this is not nonsense!

Just call it the "Bullshit Monument", and engrave on the back: Don't betray the Three Lights and don't betray the people, don't bully the gods and don't bully the poor.

The voyage back to Ganzhou was not smooth, and there was a thunderstorm on the way.

Encountering thunderstorms at sea is different from that on land, and it feels even more terrifying, because it is inevitable, and human beings are not fish, and they will feel like rootless duckweed when they leave land.

The boys said it was light, and told Chu Qing not to worry, they could handle it.

It took eleven days to return in this way.

Therefore, when Chu Qing arrived at the Haiyan Field in Ganzhou Prefecture, the patrol censor had already been here for three days.

The patrol censor was very impatient.

When a northerner ran to the south, he was not acclimatized to the climate and came to such a difficult place by the sea. Although he lived in the accommodation provided by the local county government, the food did not meet his requirements at all.

He wanted to finish the work quickly and leave. He had already seen the salt farm, and it had been prepared and put into production, but what he saw was sun-dried salt and the process of how to turn it into refined salt. No one was allowed to see it .

He came to see this for the emperor!

In Chu Qing's absence, even if he showed his authority, the foreman of the saltworks would not buy it: "My lord, why don't you just take the villain to prison?
Otherwise, even if you beat the boy to death, the boy would not dare to disobey what Marquis Linyang ordered;

But Linyang Hou said that salt is related to the people's livelihood, it is an important weapon of the country, and it is one of the most important things for the emperor. The emperor has always asked Linyang Hou to make a good salt formula and not to leak it;
Marquis Linyang also asks the villains in the same way, so don't embarrass the villains! "

The patrolling censor is angry.

What is a patrol censor?That is the person who inspects the hunting for the emperor, that is to say, the inspector censor wants to see the production process of refined salt, and it is for the emperor.

The inspector censor said this frankly, but the foreman said: "My lord, if you tell the villain this, the villain doesn't understand;
A villain knows that, except for the emperor, everyone has to be on guard, and you are no exception;
The villain said something disrespectful, the villain really let you enter the workshop, you saw it, and then someone imitated it and produced refined salt, and if you don’t admit that you leaked the secret, then the villain will not be punished by Linyanghou?

Anyway, let's put it this way, if the villain lets you see it, Lin Yanghou will definitely chop off the villain's head when he turns around;
If the villain does not let you see, you may not kill the villain, but at most put the villain in prison, so the villain would rather let you arrest the villain;

Otherwise, you can simply take the emperor's imperial decree and read it here. If you don't let you see it, the emperor can chop off his head. Linyang Hou is no exception, and the villain doesn't have to bear the responsibility! "

The Chu family are all hob meat.

The patrol censor was too angry to say anything.

The emperor only made this request vaguely, and did not say that he must understand the formula and process of Linyang Hou's salt production, so of course there is no imperial decree.

However, if you can't do something, isn't it tantamount to reporting your incompetence to the emperor?

Then Marquis Linyang is still not here, no one can tell where he went, only that Marquis Linyang went to patrol the coast, looking for a place suitable for drying salt.

The patrol censor was depressed, feeling that his heart had been blasted out of a big hole by the "conscientious cannon".

What's even more exasperating is that the inspector censor wanted to fill his trauma with good food and accommodation, but Huang Zhong, the former minister of the Ministry of Industry, was still touring the counties here.

If Huang Zhong participated in the book, saying that he used his business trips abroad to make a big show and extravagant, wouldn't it make the trip even worse?

Sure enough, those who have anything to do with Chu Qing will have no good things!

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