Poor family mother and son

Chapter 978 Strange Slowness

From this day on, Xiaobao personally felt what everyone called "the earthquake continued".

This is not an earthquake, but people can't describe this kind of change. They think that everything around them is vibrating, causing them to vibrate, which is why they are so abnormal.

Since it is considered to be a kind of shock, in people's limited cognition, it can only be explained as the earth shaking.

Xiao Bao carefully felt his body. In addition to his slow movement, his breathing and heartbeat also slowed down, but it wasn't uncomfortable, he just wasn't used to it.

Then he asked Li Hu, "What happened to those pregnant women?"

Li Hu said: "Those were three expectant mothers. At that time, they felt that the serious illness was because the fetal movement slowed down, which made them breathless. But half a day later, everything returned to normal, and the childbirth was safe, and nothing happened. Accident."

The abnormal hysteresis phenomenon slows down the uterine contractions of pregnant women, prolongs the antepartum pains, and makes women feel more difficult, but no one concluded this point at the time.

Hearing Li Hu say that pregnant women are safe, combined with his current state, Xiaobao feels that there should be no danger in a short time, but this feeling needs to get used to.

Everything happens for a reason, Xiaobao decided to find out the reason, thinking that only by finding the reason can he come up with a solution.

Xiaobao said: "Let's do this, we have enough manpower now, Lao Jia, you stay and get used to life on the island first;

The rest were divided into two teams, and we searched in two directions along the island to see if we could find anything wrong;

As for what's wrong... I don't know, anyway, it's something we haven't encountered before, so I will write it down. "

During the two months when Chu Qing and Xiao Bao were away, the boys had actually explored the northern half of the island and made a sketch of the terrain.

It's just that some places in this part of the territory are mountainous and forested, and they haven't gone deep into it.

In the following days, Xiaobao led the "Federation" to divide into two groups to explore again, and "Come" was responsible for helping to communicate with the two groups of people.

This island, to be honest, is really a good place, no one will die of hunger.Even if you don't grow food, you can still live comfortably by fishing, hunting, gathering, etc.

It's just that the slowness of the action is very bad. They are obviously a group of young men in the prime of life, but no matter what they do, it seems to be in slow motion.

It's okay to be slow, but the most exasperating thing is that the joints often feel like they are rusted, and the movements can't be "silky" and smooth.

It is said that no matter how inconvenient the elderly are, they are not like them.

This situation does not happen every day, sometimes one day, sometimes two days, for a while, sometimes three or five days are normal, and then suddenly there are a few days that are not normal.

As a result, their speed of exploring the island also slowed down. Just imagine, a day that was not considered hunting and other time, and they could walk forty or fifty miles a day, is now less than twenty miles.

Fortunately, they are dull, and everything around them is dull.

For example, if they encountered a boa constrictor, in line with the principle of not missing it when passing by, any animal they encountered was considered a "additional meal", and Li Hu stretched out his hand to reach the snake seven inches.

People just watched that arm and that hand stretched out like a marionette, so slow that everyone was worried, for fear that the snake would bite them.

But what about the snake?He even "cooperated" very well, and every time he couldn't bite Li Hu, his body twisted so much that everyone couldn't bear to look directly at him.

Snakes, I don’t think their movements are disgusting after seeing them too much, but once they become very slow, I feel quite nauseated.

Then Li Hu, who is in slow motion, can always successfully capture the python in slow motion within a few strokes. Please have a little meal.

People's movements are slow, and everything around them is slow, even golden eagles and other flying birds are the same, but time is not limited by this, the sun rises and sets, day and night.

In this way, a month passed, and another half month passed, and the two teams finally joined forces.

This is only a circle around the island, and the drawing of the topographic map is roughly completed, but the mountainous and forested areas are still not entered.

But it's not without gains.

Because of the foundation laid by Chu Qing's previous contact with the local aborigines, the village's witch doctor gave them a wooden carving token, and the boys also learned a few words of greeting in the native language, so there was no major conflict with the locals.

And after walking this circle, I realized that this island is actually larger than Linyang County, and the southwest is full of high mountains, and the climate is much drier, not as humid as the northeast.

There are also quite a few villages in the mountainous areas, but the number of people is not large. Because of the language barrier, the information they have learned is not comprehensive, but one thing is certain: people in mountainous areas also experience "slowness" from time to time.

The four seasons on the island are not distinct, just like now, it will be December in a few days, Xiaobao and the others are warm enough to wear only one layer of long-sleeved clothes.

"It turns out that this is a low-lying island with four circles and a high-rise island in the middle, like a salted duck egg!" Xiaobao looked at the topographic map in his hand and made a comprehensive analysis: "The central part goes all the way to the southwest, and this half of the island is actually a large mountain range..."

The kid asked, "Why salted duck eggs instead of duck eggs?"

Xiaobao: "This side is not surrounded by the sea, the ones soaked in salt water, aren't they salted duck eggs?"

The boy stretched out his thumb: "The president is wise!"

"President, look here," another boy pointed to the map: "We are in this place, we found this thing, can you see if it is glass?"

The kid was holding a few pieces of gravel the size of pigeon eggs, irregular in shape, black and blue.

Xiaobao marked the location on the map and said, "Only our family has glass. This is definitely not glass. I don't know what it is. I will ask later."

That's when you can see the difference.

The sketch in Xiaobao's hand was as big as the table top of the Eight Immortals, with an island in the shape of a "salted duck egg" drawn on it, and the island was divided into several blocks.

Some blocks are marked with circles, indicating coconuts; some blocks are marked with the word "Tian", indicating that there are fields there; A dog's head!
"What does this dog head mean?" Xiaobao asked.

"This! Is it dog's head gold?" The boy replied, and took out a palm-sized piece of clear dog's head gold. The gold nugget weighing three to four catties was covered with dense honeycomb-shaped holes, and...several tooth marks. !
There are this group of people, some like digging to find minerals, some like to grow food, and some like to find people. The hobbies are really wide.

There are so many icons marked on a map, this is still a map, this is a treasure map!
"We found several things, and nothing weird or weird," said the boys.

Xiaobao is not worried at all that they are all going to grab the dog's head gold. On this island, no one buys the dog's head gold. If they want to turn it into money or other things, they need to be transported to Daxuan.

Xiaobao: "Are there people in those places?"

Boys: "There are no mines where there are people, and there are no people where there are mines; we have marked them there, and we can find them next time we go."

Now one and a half months have passed, Xiaobao has adapted to this kind of slow life from time to time, apart from being impatient, there is no physical discomfort.

Xiaobao: "Let's go to the place where there are mines first. We need to leave people to collect them. I still have half a month to go. I have to go back no matter what, otherwise my mother will be anxious."

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