Farmhouse spicy lady has space

Chapter 121 The First Pot of Gold

Chapter 121 The First Pot of Gold
The price of sweet potatoes is 150 million yuan per catty.

This is still a conservative estimate. In some places, sweet potatoes cost two yuan per catty.

If so, there will be 300 million in revenue.

No matter how conservative it is, 150 million is safe.

If they all turn into baked sweet potatoes, it will be an even bigger income.

Dong Yue walked, thinking, and began to calculate various precautions for sweet potatoes in her mind.

Liu Sanqiang walked behind the woman for a while, saw her frown, and comforted her, "Yue'er, we are still..."

"This piece of land is very good and well managed. It brought us at least 3000 taels of silver a year ago."

"3000 taels?" Liu Sanqiang felt that the woman must have been mad with anger.

Dong Yue thought that she cheated Han Lei of 1000 taels of silver several times, and then looked at this mountain, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Only people like Han Lei are willing to be tricked without blinking an eye.

"This is still the most conservative estimate." Dong Yue is confident that their first pot of gold in the capital will start here.

Dong Yue did as soon as she thought of it.

She walked around the entire mountain and looked at the soil in every place.

I started thinking about how to start?
There are some weeds growing on this mountain.

There are also many wild vegetables.

Dong Yue doesn't plan to mine all of them, she plans to grow sweet potatoes in terraced fields.

At the edge of the terrace, some weeds will better consolidate the soil.

Even if there is heavy rain, it will not be washed away.

Also, some wild vegetables can be delicious in places where there are not many varieties eaten.

Liu Sanqiang has been following the woman, and seeing her in a great mood, he couldn't understand.

Are these weeds the 2000 taels of silver in the eyes of women?

Feeling more and more guilty.

It was all because of him that he was not favored by others, so he was humiliated like this.

Just as she was about to say something, Dong Yue spoke again, "With such a large area, there is no one to work on it, so maybe it won't work."

"It's easy." Liu Sanqiang promised.

Dong Yue glanced at him, "Do you have someone?"


"That's great. In the future, we can take care of them as long-term workers all year round, and we will pay them every month. As long as they are in need, they will all come to work." Well, some people are jealous. When it’s harvest time, no one is working. It’s like being pinched by the neck. It’s a bad feeling.

Liu Sanqiang originally planned to second people from the general camp, but listening to the woman, it seemed that it was not the case.

"What do you want here?"

"Make it a farm."


"I'm going to plant all the sweet potatoes on this mountain first." There are new plans for next year.

This year's sweet potato harvest is bumper. Seeing so much money, others follow suit one by one. I believe that the sweet potatoes that will be produced next year will not have this year's price. She has new plans for next year.

Planting sweet potatoes this time is also considered opportunistic.

If others don't like it, they will make a fortune silently.

the next day.

Dong Yue led people to get busy.

Originally planned to send Ru'er to school, but Ru'er heard about today's incident and clamored to be together.

Dong Yue felt that since Ru'er was still young, there was nothing wrong with going a few days late.

Simply take the child to the top of the mountain in a carriage.

The six maids and two women in the family, under the leadership of Butler Li, prepared for today's lunch.

Liu Sanqiang left early today, saying that he would temporarily ask people from the military camp to help.

Dong Yue felt that the people in the military camp were all good hands, they would work faster and would not delay planting sweet potatoes.

When she came to the field, Dong Yue was about to go up the mountain, but when she was not halfway up the mountain, she saw a group of people coming in a mighty manner in the distance.

Seeing that scene, Dong Yue thought it was spectacular.

Liu Sanqiang rode on horseback and ran faster.

He saw the carriage from a distance, and it was coming at a fast speed.

Liu Sanqiang quickly caught up with Dong Yue, and asked proudly, "Yue'er, what do you think?"

Dong Yue looked at the man, she thought more.

Just bring a dozen people, there should be no problem, now, there should be more than 1000 people by visual inspection.

It is not good for Liu Sanqiang that so many people leave the barracks collectively.

Opening the mouth, the words changed again, "They don't need to train?"

"The training is over."


"It's okay, don't worry, they are all good workers."

Dong Yue nodded, "I know this, I was wondering if it would bring you trouble?"

Liu Sanqiang was taken aback by these words. He didn't think about it so much, and quickly assured him, "It's okay."

Dong Yue thought for a while and asked, "How many people do you bring?"

"More than 200 people." Liu Sanqiang felt a little proud at first, but now he feels a little guilty.

"Well, after today's work is over, we will pay for twenty shi of grain and let them take it back."

According to Dong Yue's calculations, twenty shi of grain is two thousand catties, which is 20 copper plates at the current market price, and [-] taels of silver when converted into silver.

So many people pay 20 taels of silver a day, which is not too much. If this is used as an excuse, Liu Sanqiang will have something to say if someone finds out afterwards.

"No, no need." Liu Sanqiang was very upset by the way he drew a clear line with women.

Originally, he intended to show off in front of women, but now he was completely cold.

"Listen to me, don't let people catch your pigtails when you just took office." Dong Yue was more sure of the idea of ​​hiring some people.

Seeing that the woman was thinking of himself, Liu Sanqiang scratched his head and giggled.

Soon, more than 1000 people came to the front.

Dong Yue said it to Liu Sanqiang, and he started to work with his soldiers.

Seeing so many people, Dong Yue wondered how many farm tools they needed.

At this time, Butler Li arrived, and she paid for him to buy farm tools immediately.

After everyone had farm tools in their hands, half an hour passed.

At this time, under the leadership of Liu Sanqiang, the first step of mining began, terraced fields.

Dong Yue and Ru'er also got busy.

Soon, the movement here attracted the attention of nearby farmers.

When Dong Yue took a tired breath, seeing this scene, she immediately came up with an idea.

This is the best time to hire.

She waited for a while until Steward Li brought the maids to deliver the meal.

While eating, Dong Yue distributed the steamed buns in her hand to the surrounding peasant households watching the excitement.

Steamed bun.

It's not a rare thing. When you can't eat enough, you can eat delicious steamed buns just out of the pan. Everyone is happy.

Dong Yue also showed a bold side, holding a steamed bun, took a big bite, and talked to these farmers.

"I plan to mine this piece of land and grow some food."

Dong Yue spoke down-to-earth, and the people around ate steamed buns and chatted with Dong Yue one by one.

"Ma'am, your land is not good, what do you plan to plant?"

"Even if no one wants this piece of land, isn't Madam afraid that there will be no harvest?"

"Yeah, it's too late to plant anything at this time."

Dong Yue smiled, "Don't worry, dig out the land first, and then there is still time to plant anything."

Seeing his wife's optimism, the surrounding farmers shook their heads beside her.

Dong Yue said her purpose silently, "Why are you guys still idle at this time?"

"I'm not busy at home now. Seeing so many people here, come and have a look."

"Not busy?" Dong Yue regained her spirits immediately, "If you are free, you can come to my side to help, don't worry, I will give you wages."

(End of this chapter)

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