Chapter 293 West Tour
Zuo Zuo looked at his mother unexpectedly: "You just agree with us to go out and travel? Don't you worry about us?"

Jiang Ning: "Children must be independent when they grow up. I can't keep you by my side all the time. Besides, if you are four together, most people are not your opponents. And I will definitely arrange someone to protect you in the dark. But these People are only responsible for protecting your personal safety, that is to say, as long as your lives are not in danger, they will not appear, and if you encounter any problems during your travels, you have to find a way to solve them yourself."

Jiang Ning looked at the children with the eyes that I believe you can do it, and moved them to tears, wishing to pack up their things and leave immediately.

It is impossible to start immediately.

Jiang Ning and Qin Xiao gave a safety lesson to the four children. In fact, they usually teach their children these things, but as parents, they always worry more than others.

After the safety class, Jiang Ning asked the four children to pack their things by themselves.

Looking at the four children's big bags, Jiang Ning asked them if they were traveling or moving?
Qin Xiao reminded the four of them: "Going out, of course, is easy to travel with light vehicles. The big bags and small bags you carry are not suitable, they are all burdens. You should organize them yourself, and try not to bring what you can."

The quadruplets followed Qin Xiao's suggestion and only brought a change of clothes and necessary toiletries, so that each of them only had to carry a backpack.

Zuo Zuo and Er Er are medical students, and they each brought a few medical books.

As for travel expenses, the four decided to bring 500 taels each after their parents' advice and mutual discussion.

The 500 taels came from their own private treasury.

Although they are still children now, the wealth they possess is beyond the reach of many people in their lifetime.

Jiang Ning reminded the four people: "When you go out, don't reveal your wealth, or you will be targeted by bad guys. Also, don't put your money in one place, put it in several places, so that if something happens, you won't be penniless. Have you ever heard that a penny can't beat a hero? If you are penniless outside, it's very likely that a penny can't beat a hero."

Qin Xiao also warned: "You are still children, and you are easy to be targeted by bad guys, so you have to be careful when you go out. You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must be defensive. If you really can't persist, you can ask The guards call for help, and the guards will show up and take you home when the time comes."

The quadruplets nodded: "Got it."

Since it is a light car and easy to travel, then set off as soon as the package is packed.

Before departure, the quadruplets went to their uncle's house to say goodbye to everyone.

According to their plan, this trip will not come back until the end of the year at the earliest.

Because there are many places they want to go.

Jiang He and Ning's reaction to knowing that the quadruplets were going to travel alone was quite calm, but Su Shu was shocked: "Why do your parents let the four of you go out alone? At any rate, they also sent a few guards to accompany them. Why do you bring such a small package with you when you go out?"

These are all children who were born with golden keys in their mouths. How can they be allowed to take risks alone?

Zuo Zuo smiled and said: "We just want to exercise ourselves before we choose to go out alone. Although we are young, it is not a problem for one to hit ten, and our parents will send guards to protect us secretly. If something threatens our lives Things, the guards who secretly protect us will show up."

Youyou continued to speak: "Father said that we should travel lightly when we go out. Although we don't bring many things, we have enough money. We can just buy whatever we need."

Hearing what the two sisters said, Su Shu talked about Jiang Ning and Qin Xiao's big heart, and asked the four of them how much money they brought with them?

After learning that the four of them each brought 500 taels of silver, Su Shu asked for 2000 taels of silver to be added to their travel expenses.

The four of them shook their heads repeatedly and refused: "2000 taels is enough for a family of four for many years. We only go out for a year or two to travel, so we don't need to bring so much money."

They are not without money.

If they want to bring more money, they can bring it themselves, why do they need to get it from their aunt?
Su Shu forcibly handed them the money: "This is Auntie's wish, please accept it obediently, otherwise Auntie won't worry about you going out and traveling alone, so take it as your auntie's peace of mind."

Hearing what Su Shu said, the quadruplets had no choice but to accept them.

After thanking my aunt and letting her say hello to my uncle who was away at work, the quadruplets left with their bags on their backs.

For this trip, the quadruplets used horses as their means of transportation.

After riding out of the city on horseback, the quadruplets immediately galloped happily along the official road like birds out of the cage.

When Changsheng came back from the court, he learned that his four nephews and nieces had gone on a trip, so he went to his sister and asked where they went for a trip?

Knowing that the four wanted to travel around the country, Chang Sheng worriedly asked his sister and brother-in-law why they didn't come together?
No matter how powerful the four nephews and nieces are, they are still children. How can they be allowed to travel around the country alone?
Jiang Ning looked at his younger brother with a smile and said: "The reason why we didn't leave is to wait for you to come back. Your brother-in-law and I have packed up, and we will follow their whereabouts later. When we are away, you are free at the palace Help me to see..."

Originally, Jiang Ning and Qin Xiao didn't intend to follow the four children, but after all, they were a little worried. In addition, they might not have traveled far for a long time, so they might as well go for a walk after discussing it. He is a rich and idle person, and usually has nothing to do.

Changsheng did not know that his sister and brother-in-law were worried about the four nephews and nieces, but after knowing the plan of his sister and brother-in-law, he felt sad:
"Then how long are you going to go out to play? When will you come back?"

Jiang Ning: "This mainly depends on them, and we will follow behind them."

After bidding farewell to his younger brother, Jiang Ning and Qin Xiao set off on horseback.

Before leaving, he did not forget to ask Chang Sheng to tell the emperor about his life.

Changsheng told the emperor about it when he entered the palace to discuss matters the next day.

The emperor showed envy when he heard the words: "I also want to be as free as them."

No wonder the regent always looks like he is afraid of being reused. Now it seems that he is really smart. He is not like himself. He is the emperor in name. He seems to have a bright future, but in fact he is not as chic as the regent.

Because Jiang Ning's family went out to play, the emperor couldn't help but feel a little restless, so he discussed with the ministers whether this year would be the east tour or the west tour, or whether it would be the north tour or the south tour?

After a discussion among the ministers, the emperor finally decided to tour the west in March. First, there are grasslands in the west with magnificent scenery. Second, many tribes in the west have been making troubles frequently recently. It is time to deter and deter...

(End of this chapter)

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