Chapter 26: Do You Want To Eat In The Space?

It wasn't until she watched Gu Yunxian go away with Gu Yunli that Yin Ziying touched her hair and found that it was almost dry, so she arranged for Gu Yunrui and Gu Yunxuan to go back to bed.

After enjoying the cool in the yard for a long time, their hair is almost dry, and they are almost ready to sleep.

Originally, she thought that when the hair was dry, she would send the brothers and sisters back to sleep, and then she could go to the kitchen and put those rabbits into the space for a night.

This way, it will be easier to sell tomorrow when it becomes bigger.

But now Gu Yunxian went out to catch frogs, if he caught them, he would definitely go to the kitchen to watch at night.

Then of course she can't take the rabbit back to the space so early now, she can only wait for Gu Yunxian to come back and put the frog away before she goes to the kitchen to take the rabbit back to the space.

Thinking of the frog, her heart skipped a beat again.

If Gu Yunxian catches more frogs, she can also throw one into the space to raise, and a new species will be added.

That stuff looks scary, but it actually tastes good.

In the previous life, Yin Ziying was not afraid because she grew up in the countryside.

She lay on the bed and entered the space.

At this time, the space is full of joy.

The seven chickens stayed together, and there were seven or eight small loofahs growing on the loofah vines, which were obviously ready to be eaten in a few days.

The fish and shrimp in the Lingquan are very big, and the rabbit that was just thrown in at noon today is also shiny.

On the other hand, the vegetables, wild vegetables, and sweet potatoes she planted before have grown quite large, and they will be ready to eat in a few days.

Now there are more than 20 square meters in her space, and she probably figured out the rules.

On average, every time she adds a new species, the space can unlock about one square meter for her.

In the past few days, she has added all kinds of seeds and things that can be planted at home, as well as those that can be planted on the mountain.

Of course, most of the things she has added so far are edible and usable, rather than unusable plants.

And she discovered one thing, that there seems to be no distinction between day and night in the space, and it will always be gray when entering.

Every time she came in, the chickens and other animals were normal.Never seen a chick sleeping or anything.

She was a child of a farm family in her previous life, so she naturally knew that chickens would sleep at night, and would crow at the third and fourth watch.

I didn't expect that everything would be disrupted in this space, but since she doesn't live here anyway, it doesn't affect her anything.

The rabbit she let in during the day saw her at this moment, and stepped forward to rub her leg, as if it liked her very much.

Yin Ziying smiled and said, "Little rabbit, are you hungry? Do you want me to find something to eat for you?"

It is true, after entering this space, she has never fed these chickens, and they have grown so big.

Therefore, she guessed that these animals can grow up without eating as long as they are in space.

But it was just a guess before, now this little rabbit is obviously more spiritual than those pheasants, if she can ask, she would like to ask.

What she didn't expect was that the little rabbit shook its head, as if to say that it was not hungry.

Yin Ziying was stunned for a moment: "You mean you're not hungry?"

The little rabbit didn't move any more this time.

Yin Ziying was not disappointed either, she was thinking about going to the mountains tomorrow to find some grass, and then she would put it in the space and see if the little rabbit ate or not.

If the little rabbit eats it, it proves that the little rabbit needs to eat inside. If it doesn't, it proves that these animals don't need to take in other nutrients as long as they live in the space.

At this time, she vaguely heard some noise outside, and she jumped out of the space in a hurry.

Sure enough, she heard a door knocking outside, presumably it was Gu Yunxian who came back.

In fact, before I knew it, it should have been an hour or two since Gu Yunxian went out to catch frogs, and it was normal for him to come back.

She opened a crack in the door and looked out. A half-grown boy walked in slowly with something in his hands. His footsteps were very light, as if he was worried about waking them up.

Seeing Gu Yunxian's face under the moonlight, Yin Ziying breathed a sigh of relief, she opened the door and looked at Gu Yunxian and said:

"Are you back? Do you want to take another bath? The water is already boiled in the house."

This was just now when she thought that Gu Yunxian went to catch frogs, and when he came back, he would definitely get his feet dirty, so he specially boiled some hot water.

Gu Yunxian was taken aback by Yin Ziying's sudden opening of the door. When he saw that it was Yin Ziying, he patted his chest: "Sister-in-law, you scared me to death."

Yin Ziying pursed her lips and smiled:
"I'm not worried that you went out too late and didn't come back! There is hot water in the kitchen, you can fetch it to take a shower! By the way, did you catch frogs today?"

There are three reasons why she is waiting for Gu Yunxian to come back here. One is that she is worried that Gu Yunxian will be bitten by snakes and insects so that he can drink spiritual spring water in time.

Another reason is to see if he has caught a frog, and if she catches one, she will put one into the space.

Another reason is that she wanted to put the four rabbits in the kitchen into the space after Gu Yunxian fell asleep.

Besides, if there are frogs, she also wants to put all the frogs in tonight.

As long as she gets up early tomorrow morning, they won't find out about it. She believes that the frogs kept in the space for the first night will be much bigger than those raised outside.

Seeing her talking like this, Gu Yunxian heaved a sigh of relief, and a feeling of warmth flowed through his heart.

He knew that the new sister-in-law must also be worried that he would be bitten by some snake or insect outside, so she just waited for him.

He nodded, lifted the small bamboo basket in his hand and said:

"Yes! There should be more than a dozen caught. I'll take it back and put it away, and then I'll take a shower. Go to bed, sister-in-law!"

Yin Ziying was overjoyed, and followed him to the kitchen: "Then let me close the door after you pour out the water in the pot!"

Seeing Gu Yunxian carrying the bucket into the bathroom, she put the small bamboo basket with the frogs and a few rabbits in the corner of the kitchen into the space, and then she locked the kitchen door, and then went back to the house.

Gu Yunxian would not go back to the kitchen even after taking a shower, because their wooden barrels are usually placed in the bathroom or outside in the corridor.

After returning to the room, Yin Ziying entered the space first, released one of the frogs, and closed the button of the bamboo basket, and then went back outside to lie down and sleep.

A night without dreams.

In the early morning of the next day, Yin Ziying got up very early, and she got up quickly when the sky was just getting dark.

She went to the kitchen first, released the small bamboo basket containing the frogs and the four rabbits, and then began to wash and cook.

(End of this chapter)

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