Chapter 105 Genius and Crazy ([-] in [-])

"So, this time it's up to Mr. Ruan and Xinwu. You two take good care of the child, and we will be safe."

Xinwu rubbed his head, "Why did I somehow become a babysitter?"

Yang Li glanced over, "Why, you mean that I will take care of the children, and you will kill the zombies?"

Even if Xinwu thought so in his heart, he would definitely not say it out of his mouth.

So he hurriedly flattered Yang Li and flattered her with a smile: "It's such an easy job to take care of a child, it's a waste of my sister Lili's strength. I must do it."

Shi Hua and Ruan Mianmian couldn't help covering their mouths and giggling when Xinwu looked at him with a cowardly and smart look.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Ruan Wenxi pressed the black crystal watch in his hand a few times, and a floating virtual pattern suddenly appeared.

The outline of the pattern is exactly the miniature map of Baicheng.

There are countless red, black and green dots scattered on it, as well as some small icons.

This time even Xinwu was so shocked that he couldn't close his eyes.

"What are you?" There was a vague guess in his heart, and his tone almost changed in surprise.

Without raising her head, Ruan Wenxi explained calmly, "The map of Baicheng."

"I know it's a map of Baicheng, but what are those colorful things on it?"

Shi Mo couldn't see what was going on behind him, but he also noticed the abnormality in Xin Wu's tone, and his brows frowned involuntarily.

Who knew that Ruan Wenxi was always calm, and slowly explained to Xinwu: "The red dots represent zombies, the green dots represent supernatural beings, and the black dots represent ordinary people.

The golden sign in the middle is the shopping mall. The golden light is because it is regarded as a temporary safety zone with a high safety factor. "

When Shi Mo heard these words, his pupils subconsciously dilated in surprise, his palms were also sweating rapidly, and his heart was beating extremely fast.

Xinwu asked her doubts: "How do you know this?"

In Xinwu's eyes, this is simply the biggest cheating tool for survival in the last days!

With this watch, wouldn't they be able to go wherever they want?

"Before the end of the world, the country developed a special kind of satellite. These satellites are useless in normal times, but once the nationwide network signal is damaged, they will be able to play a role."

Xinwu asked blankly: "Is this also researched by your laboratory?"

Ruan Wenxi said modestly: "This is not the result of our laboratory, but the result of the laboratory before the construction of the central base.

However, because the research and development of these satellites took a lot of resources and there were no results visible to the naked eye, the laboratory was forced to close one month before the end of the world. "

It is not the result of the laboratory of the Watson Base, but it is also the result of research led by him.

So after the laboratory was closed, he took advantage of the opportunity to go to the ferry base.

Ruan Wenxi didn't continue to talk to Xinwu about this.

"Since the country has made so many preparations for the end of the world, why is the reaction of various places so slow after the end of the world?

As long as some of these things you invented are used, so many people will not die, and so many zombies will not appear, right? "

Yang Li was also surprised by what Ruan Wenxi brought out, but she was not Xinwu, so she just went there in surprise.

Instead, he directly asked the doubts in his heart.

"That's right, at least give me a word. When the end of the world comes, the situation will be very different."

After Ruan Wenxi heard this, the smile on her face became more gentle, but also more alienated.

The whole person seems to be wrapped in a layer of cold light, which makes people dare not touch it.

At this moment, Shi Mo's cold voice came over: "The existence of a thing itself is full of controversy.

After the apocalypse you think it is precious, but before the apocalypse it is worthless.

If someone reveals the usefulness of these things before the end of the world, you will only think that he is a lunatic, and you will not say that you trust him.

The country has a special status, but if any news about the end times is revealed from its mouth, the whole country will be stirred up, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

That's fine, it's okay if the end comes... What if it doesn't come? "

Both Xinwu and Yangli understand the truth, but there is always a bit of luck in experiencing the pain and dangers of the last days.

"But I don't think that should be the main reason."

When Shi Mo's words sounded, Ruan Wenxi's smiling complexion froze for a moment, but then his eyes became softer, with a strange light.

Quietly waiting for her next words.

"The teeth still fight with the tongue.

Even people in one region have factions and people with different opinions.

And the leaders among these people, their words have real value and will be believed by others.

When someone proposes that the end is coming, and does one incredible thing after another, consuming a lot of financial and material you think he is a lunatic, or do you think he is a genius? "

Upon hearing these words, the car fell silent.

Xin Wu and Yang Li thought carefully about Shi Mo's words.

Ruan Wenxi had a patterned smile on her face, but her icy heart trembled slightly.

A gleam of light gradually radiated from the fundus of his eyes, and gentleness poured out of that gleam.

It softened his whole person a lot.

The icy light that wrapped around him was instantly melted, and even Ruan Mianmian was sensitive to the changes in his aura.

Subconsciously turned around and looked up at him.

But he only saw his brother's chin.

After Shi Mo finished speaking, he just glanced in the rearview mirror inadvertently, and happened to meet Ruan Wenxi's eyes full of tenderness and tenderness.

Looking at each other, Ruan Wenxi's whole body seemed to be coated with a layer of gentle and beautiful light. Even through a pair of glasses, it couldn't stop the charming charm of his eyes.

Shi Mo's heart trembled subconsciously.

This strange emotion made her feel a little uncomfortable, and subconsciously frowned.

When Ruan Wenxi saw Shi Mo frowning, the smile in his eyes froze for a moment, and then became deeper, and the patterned smile on the corners of his lips became more sincere.

"Madman? Genius?" Yang Li's small eyes glanced at Shi Mo, then at Ruan Wenxi, as if she suddenly understood something.

He muttered casually: "How do you know this?"

Shi Mo looked ahead quietly, feeling unprecedentedly calm: "Listen to what others say."

In the previous life, rebirth cards, storage rings, black crystal watches, and even new human reagents could not get around the Transcendence Base.

According to the internal information of the ferry base, the names of these people are inseparable from a scientist named Gu Zixiu.

As Simi Mo said, if the end of the world comes, this person can be called a monstrous genius who has never been seen before, and who will never come again.

But if the end of the world hadn't come... everyone would think he was a lunatic.

(End of this chapter)

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