Chapter 340 Lost
Shi Mo frowned, reached out and rubbed his temples, his tone became helpless and cold: "Don't talk nonsense, just talk about things directly!"

Yang Li was bluffed by Shi Mo's voice, so she hurriedly yelled, and continued: "We were about to catch up with you, and the back was right in front of us, but Xinlin suddenly fell off the car.

That's fine, the problem is that after we help him up... the road conditions here have changed, and we can't find our way. "

"Can't find the way?" Shi Mo couldn't help raising his voice in confusion.

She felt that Yang Li was joking with her.

They took the road.

Such a wide and straight avenue, she told her that she couldn't find the way?
"Are you sure you're not joking with me?"

Yang Li's bewilderment could be felt through the screen, she took a big breath, "I don't know either."

Before Shi Mo continued to ask, she poured out the hidden one like beans.

"As soon as I helped Xinlin up, the sky became foggy. After we got in the car and drove for a while, the fog became heavier and heavier, and we couldn't see the distant scenery clearly.

We suspect that this is a ghost hitting the wall... Otherwise, how could we get lost if we walked well. "

After listening to her words, Shi Mo held his breath and said helplessly, "Why didn't you say that before?"

Yang Li seemed to have finally realized that she seemed to have made a small mistake, and her voice was a little softer, with a bit of grievance, and she said through the black crystal watch: "Didn't you ask me to talk about the main points before? I think things like fog, It's not the point~"

Shi Mo was speechless...

"Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Is there any outstanding scenery around you? Or did you divert to another path?"

While talking, he gestured for Gu Zixiu to drive back and have a look.

As a result, Yang Li over there suddenly let out a scream.

Jiang Shimo was taken aback, and quickly asked, "What's going on with you?!"

Yang Li came back to her senses after screaming, and was taken aback by Shi Mo's question, "Ah... well, I just learned from Xin Lin that we seem to have entered a desert oasis..."

Having said that, the voice couldn't help but rise.

"We've entered the desert?! So those gerbils won't dig us?!"

Listening to the voice, it seemed to be asking Xinlin two.

Shi Mo's car just stopped at the same spot, and she asked in surprise, "You ran into the desert?"


Just at that time, Yang Li couldn't even go to the edge of the Yamala Desert, so how could she enter the oasis in the desert.

Unless...someone or a ghost.

"What do you think?" Gu Zixiu was teased and asked for his opinion.

Gu Zixiu had listened to the entire conversation between the two.

"Do you remember Ruan Wenfeng, the zombie king?"

Shi Mo immediately understood, "You mean, there is a certain mutated plant and animal in this area that also has the ability to transform space? Then why are we fine all the way?"

Gu Zixiu shook his head, "I don't know, it may be that Yang Li and the others accidentally triggered a certain point in the mutated plant or animal to activate that ability."

Seeing Shi Mo's distrustful gaze, Gu Zixiu explained with a helpless smile: "Not all mutant animals and plants are aggressive, and even if they are aggressive, they will not all attack indiscriminately.

Even ferocious beasts can pick and choose when hunting, let alone such powerful mutant animals and plants? "

These words successfully convinced Shi Mo.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket and rewards for the pain that I can’t bear~ and the little cute little wine

(End of this chapter)

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