Chapter 396 Inside Story
Hou Chao subconsciously reached out to Fu Nanxin.

After laying Nan Xin on his back, he realized that when he chatted with Gu Zixiu just now, his emotions completely followed Gu Zixiu's, and he didn't have any consciousness to restrain himself.

A chill instantly spread in my heart.

When I spoke again, I was much more cautious.

"Since you know the information about our Houji team, you must also know something about the Forward team, right?"

Forward squad?

When Gu Zixiu heard the name, he quickly turned around in his mind and captured some relevant information.

But as smart as Gu Zixiu, he has already sensed Hou Chao's fear, so naturally he can't just throw out everything he knows, so he just smiled subtly: "I have a vague impression that the captain's name is Feihu."

Seeing that Gu Zixiu didn't want to say more, Hou Chao didn't ask too much.

Just continued: "It seems that you also know the specific situation of the village next door? Also, there are hundreds of corpses, and you are next door, so how can you not know."

"We just settled down in the next village, and the people brought by Feihu over there also came together. Our two teams have always been at odds. We all know why we came to Qingcheng..."

But this is not enough to cause trouble directly.

At most, living together is more angry.

If the boss above has a bad temper, the younger brothers below will be full of anger, and troubles will arise at night.

When Gu Zixiu heard the word evening, his eyelids twitched subconsciously.

His eyes fell on Hou Chao, feeling inexplicably cool.

"You two groups had a conflict and opened the door to the basement?"

When the people of Xiaoyun Village left Fengpo Village, although the time was a bit rushed, they still sealed several entrances to the basement.

Otherwise, it wouldn't look good if the pile of corpses just piled up like that.

At that time, the soil was dug, the opening was sealed, and it was considered a serious burial...

Hearing Gu Zixiu's words, Hou Chao had a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Not at all."

It seems that because of embarrassment, even the voice was subconsciously lowered.

It's a pity that Nan Xin can't stand in front of him now, no matter how embarrassing he is, the words will come out of his mouth.

"Someone in our team found something abnormal in that villa, Feihu thought we were trying to trick them, so he went to the villa first and found the blocked basement.

You also know, people, they are cheap... The more secretive they are, the more weird he feels.

We got your reminders, and we didn't dare to make trouble everywhere, so we only left Feihu and a group of people in the basement.

After about half an hour, screams came from the villa area, and there was no gunfire at that time... Before we had time to ask someone to go and see, those bloody corpses appeared.

I knew it was bad at the time, and Feihu and the others probably made a big mess.So I took my brothers to touch Xiaoyun Village while fighting... But I didn't expect that the situation on your side is not very good. "

Having said that, Hou Chao felt a little ashamed.

Fortunately, there was a special ability user in their team who directly opened a door on the protective fence of Xiaoyun Village, allowing them to enter in time.

Otherwise, just because of the matter of not opening the door, both sides will forge a big enmity.

Fortunately, a lot of casualties were avoided.

"So it's like this... What about the people in the forward team? I don't seem to see them?"

Hou Chao's original embarrassment was swept away in an instant, and he changed into a look of disdain and sarcasm.

"They thought there was some secret treasure hidden in our basement, and they led the whole team to drill there. The moment the blood corpses ran out, most of the people in the forward team died.

He ran out for a part of the time, but was chased by the blood corpse, and he was unfamiliar with the place, so he fled around and subconsciously walked back.

It is estimated that he is almost dead. "

Gu Zixiu frowned and thought for a few seconds, and didn't ask Hou Chao about Fengpo Village and the blood corpse.

Instead, they asked about their plans, "Do you have any plans recently? Are you planning to continue heading towards Qingcheng?"

Hou Chao frowned, turned to look at Nan Xin who was lying on the bed, and wanted to ask for his opinion.

Nan Xin gave Hou Chao a look, beckoning him to come over and help him up.

Taking over the right to speak from Hou Chao, "Mr. Gu, do you have any suggestions?"

Gu Zixiu's attitude towards Shang Nanxin has not changed at all, with a gentle smile on his face as always.

"The situation in Qingcheng, I should have told a few of you. Now there are more blood corpses... I'm afraid that the danger will be unpredictable for a while."

Nan Xin nodded with a pale face, expressing his agreement with Gu Zixiu's words.

"Now is really not a good time to enter Qingcheng."

"Why don't you just rest in Xiaoyun Village for a few days?"

When Hou Chao heard his words, his face was full of vigilance.

From Xiaoyun Village to now, many things have happened.

The relationship between the people of Xiaoyun Village and Hou Chao has also become more and more complicated, but overall it is not good.

Gu Zixiu must have a conspiracy to keep them in Xiaoyun Village.

Naturally, Gu Zixiu did not ignore Hou Chao's guarded eyes, he naturally stated his purpose generously, "It will take at least three to five days for your brothers to recover from their injuries.

During this time, staying in Xiaoyun Village is the best choice.But is it like this... I'm afraid that Mr. Hou Chao has nothing to do, so I want to ask Mr. Hou Chao for a favor with the cheek. "

Hou Chao was invited instead of Nan Xin, Nan Xin's eyes turned, and he vaguely guessed Gu Zixiu's purpose.

Hou Chao was half vigilant and half puzzled, "Ask me? What can I do for you?"

Gu Zixiu lowered his head and smiled, "Mr. Hou Chao, don't underestimate yourself..."

Hou Chao: When did he belittle himself?But being polite...

"Now Xiaoyun Village is silent, so I naturally have to make plans for our future."

Both Hou Chao and Nan Xin felt that they had been fed a mouthful of dog food unknowingly, and felt a little bloated...

And Gu Zixiu's seemingly modest and innocent face, isn't there a ray of pride flooding it?
"So what do you want me to do for you?" Hou Chao's face turned dark.

"Mr. Hou Chao seemed to have been in the team before he became a mercenary? I would like to ask you to help train the people in Xiaoyun Village. Although there are a lot of supernatural beings in Xiaoyun Village, they are not good at all. Unable to exert their own strength.

The reason...Mr. Hou Chao must be able to see it at a glance. "

Hou Chao knew he was going to fall when he heard Gu Zixiu's first sentence.

In the Houji team, only Nan Xin knew that Hou Chao had been in the team.

If the past that has been deliberately hidden, if it is not deliberately discovered, it can only show that the identity of the man in front of him is very special...

She looked at Gu Zixiu with sharp eyes, as if she had peeled off the fake skin on his face to see whether it was a human or a ghost under the skin.

But after looking at it for a long time, I still didn't see a trace of familiarity.

He was sure that he really didn't know Gu Zixiu.

 The [-]-word update is completed today (some chapters are [-]-word chapters), and it is estimated that [-]-word chapters will appear frequently in the future, because it is too difficult to divide chapters into a thousand-word chapter. Friends, don’t think I am lazy, the number of words is sufficient.

  And don’t think it’s too expensive, the whole reading system is charged according to the number of words. It’s expensive because the number of words is large, and it’s cheap because the number of words is small. I hope you understand.


(End of this chapter)

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