Chapter 483 Time to run
Unexpectedly, there would be an ore delivered to the door automatically, and it was the black ore that Gu Zixiu had been thinking about.

Agreeing: "It is indeed a surprise."

"Since this is the case, there is no need for Axiu to go to the mountain to search for ores first. First research and analyze this part of the ore, and then use it to build the base. But let Fu Feng take them up the mountain to search for some wood and stone.

Even if we can't build a house today, at least we can make a few tents. "

It so happened that Zhu Ziqing and Yang Li also came over at this time.

They knew that there were many things going on in the village, so they rushed over to help after resting.

"Yang Li, go and tell the news, call Axiu over. Ziqing, take Mianmian and Huahua to see the injured person yesterday, and help if necessary.

Mr. Zhu, you and Yang Li go to find Axiu, he needs a professional helper.Xinwu, just follow me. "

In just a few words, Shi Mo arranged a group of people.

It's just that everyone buried them one by one, and only Hou Chao and Nan Xin were left.

To be precise, Shi Mo really had nothing to do with these two people until he directly expressed his sincerity to Shi Mo.

So now the situation is very delicate.

For some reason, this time Nam Shin, who has always been eloquent, did not stand in front of the tide.

Hou Chao had to face the embarrassment, and gradually understood the multiple-choice questions Shi Mo gave him.

No, it should be said that this is a judgment question.

It's okay if the judgment is right, but if the judgment is wrong, it will be a bloody storm to welcome the waiting tide.

Hou Chao is not stupid.

Before, it was just Nam Shin standing in front of him, and he had been refusing to face it because of his pride.

But he himself already understood very well that even if he didn't say anything, all his actions were led by Shimo.

After taking a few deep breaths, suppressing the embarrassment and uneasiness in his heart, Hou Chao rarely smiled at Shi Mo, "I don't know what we can do to help?"

Shi Mo's beautiful and cold phoenix eyes swept across his face, showing a hint of imperceptible admiration.

"You haven't visited your brothers yet, have you? Go visit them first, and then follow Yunyin's arrangement and participate in the rebuilding of the base."

This arrangement gave Houchao a new position, and he could not surpass Yunyin in terms of power.He also expressed his intention to accept Hou Chao and was willing to let Hou Chao continue to manage him.

Yunyin is Shi Mo who is going to be trained as a deputy. If it is not necessary, Shi Mo will not easily let some people have more rights than she has.

Even Yang Li and Zhu Ziqing had to follow Yunyin's instructions when dealing with matters at the base.

Only in this way can the smooth operation of the base be maintained to the greatest extent.

Both Hou Chao and Nan Xin are smart people. After receiving Shi Mo's reply, no matter what they thought in their hearts, they still smiled instantly.

"In that case, let's go first."

Shi Mo nodded calmly.

When Gu Zixiu came and heard the news, he was not as happy as Shi Mo imagined.

After staring at his face for three seconds, Shi Mo suddenly realized.

What this guy is interested in is not mineral energy at all, but the underground palace.

There were many people in the daytime, so Shi Mo didn't ask him directly.

"Do you know how to use this ore to build a wall?" Shi Mo asked in a very flat tone.

Gu Zixiu's smile became stronger and stronger, and a hot smile surged in his phoenix eyes.

"Speaking of which, is this what we call time turning?"

While talking, he handed Shi Mo a ball of green slime.

The slime was contained in a transparent box, and it seemed to be alive, and it was still rolling in the box.

It looked a bit like the liquid moss I had seen in the ferry base.

Shi Mo's slightly suspicious eyes fell on Gu Zixiu.

"This is what Ban Hui gave me. They said it was something they found on some mutated plants."

"It's somewhat similar to liquid moss..."

"The appearance is similar, but the effect is very different. These green slime are also a kind of liquid plant, but unlike liquid moss, which is highly corrosive, this thing will have a strong adhesion after being roasted by flames. It is suitable for Used as an adhesive for black crystal ore."

Shi Mo didn't expect this level of surprise.

"It's really... the time has come. It's just that the amount required to build the base defense wall must be huge. Can we collect so much adhesive under the current situation? Even if we can collect it, how do we calculate the time and manpower spent? ?”

Yunyin has participated in the whole process of extracting the adhesive, so he has a great say in this matter.

"Sister Shimo, don't worry about this. After the fog disappears, half of the plants growing in the forest on the back mountain can produce this slime. The extraction method is also very simple, and it can be used as an adhesive for the foundation wall.

When you went to the mountains to search for edible plants before, you have already extracted a batch of slime and stored it in the base. I will arrange a team to look for the slime later, so that the material problem can be solved soon. "

Shi Mo didn't expect that things would go so smoothly.

It seems that God is promoting the completion of the Nirvana base.

At this time, there is no chance for Momo to be lazy.

"Now that all the materials are collected, can we start working?"

Gu Zixiu pretended to be profound and shook his head, "There is still one thing missing."

Shi Mo turned his head to think, his eyes brightened slightly, "Drawings?"

Gu Zixiu took advantage of the situation and stuffed a stack of blueprints into Shi Mo's hands.

Shi Mo was very surprised, "When did you prepare?"

From yesterday back to now, Gu Zixiu doesn't have much time alone. Even if he works overtime all night, it's impossible to draw the blueprint so quickly, right?
Gu Zixiu reached out his hand in time to stop Shi Mo's thinking from diverging.

Although he doesn't mind his image being taller in Shi Mo's eyes, it's still not appropriate to go beyond the scope of ordinary people.

He boasted that he was too omnipotent, and it would hurt to slap him in the face in the future.

He's a down-to-earth guy.

"As early as when you decided to manage Fengpo Village and Xiaoyun Village together, I was planning it. It's just that I haven't had a chance to show it before, and now it just happens..."

Yunyin said in a low voice: "Everything is ready now, only the east wind is owed."

Shi Mo was also very happy, "In this case, let's officially start work."

The blueprint given by Gu Zixiu is actually very complicated, because in his vision, the Nirvana base is to be built into a large base that is not inferior to the capital base and Lincheng base.

With Xiaoyun Village's current manpower and financial resources, it's hard to know if half of it can be completed in ten years.

But what Shi Mo was looking at was not the core building, the main goal was to build the city wall first.

There is no rush to get the buildings inside.

Under the guidance of Gu Zixiu, the defensive wall of the Nirvana base began to be built.

(End of this chapter)

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