Another world boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 600 Touching 'Lively' Again

Chapter 600 Touching 'Lively' Again

"Ahem, isn't that what happened in Banshan Village?"

Min Ru: "...I don't know. But looking at him like that, he shouldn't have nightmares."

Zhu Ziqing didn't expect Min Ru to answer him in a serious manner, and suddenly he couldn't laugh or cry.

The original joking mood has also faded a lot.

It is also rare to take the initiative to help Min Ru open the topic.

"I don't know what Leader Min wants our leader to do? You can just say something directly. Shi Mo has always been a character who doesn't like chatter."

Seeing that Shi Mo, who was being represented, didn't say anything against him, Min Ru didn't hesitate anymore, and slowly expressed his intentions to Shi Mo.


The results of the hospital examination came out soon, and Lin Yu was fine.

The doctor probably used an excuse of malnutrition to get Min Cheng to stop being a monster and sent him out.

Min Cheng returned to work the next day.

After all, Min Ru is the leader of a city, and he is busy with things, so it is impossible to lead Shi Mo and his group all day long.

After the receptionist was replaced by Min Cheng, Shi Mo immediately proposed to see the Bo Lin sisters.

When Shi Mo temporarily entrusted her to Min Xin, he planned to take them with him when he went back.

Now that they have come to the Fengcheng base, it is natural to notify them first.

"By the way, it's been so long since I came to the base, why haven't I seen your elder brother? What is he up to recently?" Yang Li leaned beside Min Cheng to inquire about the news.

Min Cheng explained: "Do you still remember the valley where you rescued my brother?"

Yang Li nodded, "Is there something wrong with this valley again?" "It's not... It's just that my mother seems to have other plans after hearing some things in the valley. So I asked my elder brother to take a look. I actually don't I know what my mother wants to do..." As he spoke, Min Cheng couldn't help complaining: "My mother is always so strong, she says everything the same, and never cares about what others think..."

Regarding his complaints about Min Ru, even Yang Li felt something was wrong, so she didn't answer his words.

Halfway there, a person who claimed to be Lin Yu called to send a message.

Said that Lin Yu suddenly fainted at the base today, how could Min Cheng, who was concerned about Lin Yu, not be worried.

Seeing his absent-minded look, Shi Mo waved him to see Lin Yu first, and there was no need to stay here with them.

Anyway, Shi Mo and the others also knew where Bolin and the others lived.

After several struggles, Min Cheng chose to take a look at Lin Yu first.

Shi Mo took Zhu Ziqing and Yang Li to Bai Lin's original home.

Just after walking to the market, the familiar lively scene was staged again.

Even Zhu Ziqing couldn't help complaining: "What kind of luck is this for us? We can bump into something exciting to watch twice? Then again, aren't these neighbors too 'enthusiastic'?"

When Yang Li thought of her "enthusiasm" last time, she immediately looked up at the sky and the earth, but she didn't look at Zhu Ziqing's pointed eyes.

But Shi Mo broke her idea of ​​pretending to be stupid.

"Yang Li, go and ask, what happened again?" Yang Li was deliberately pulled out, and she was thick-skinned as if nothing had happened, nodded calmly, and got into the crowd.

About 2 minutes later, she came back from the crowd.

This time, there was a little anxiety and anger on his face.

"Boss, it's Zhang Jun again!" As Shi Mo and the others approached, Yang Li subconsciously opened a way for them.

While pulling the people on both sides away, he said the 'information' he had just inquired about, "That Mr. Zhang is really alive and dead. This time he is causing trouble again." He said a word in one breath , Yang Li was breathing hard.

Suddenly, someone inside heard a loud shout: "Come on, someone killed someone! Call the patrol team, someone killed someone with a knife.!" As soon as this sentence came out, the scene suddenly became noisy.

The people who were originally surrounded continued to make various small movements. Some tried to stay away from this area, while others tried to approach the center of the accident.

In a blink of an eye, there was a crowd of people.

Some people rushed to help find the patrol team, but the patrol team that was everywhere in the past, no matter how everyone shouted today, there was no sign of it.

Yang Li has a short temper, and when she heard this, she was worried about the safety of Sister Bai Lin.

For her, Shi Mo's people, even if they are just a random person, cannot be bullied by others.

The superhumans were already very strong, but after Yang Li didn't hold back, she pushed down all the teams in front of her with all her strength.

The black crowd fell to the ground one by one like a set of cards.

Some people fell on their backs, and just happened to see Yang Li who was pushing someone, and their expressions were dumbfounded.

Obviously, he didn't expect why he suddenly lay down on the ground.

The field of view also changed instantly.

Thanks to Yang Li's push, the space in front of her was instantly emptier.

Now, all eyes are on Yang Li.

Yang Li was also polite, clapped her hands, and released the aura of the supernatural being. The people who were originally full of anger suddenly didn't dare to say anything.

Yang Li raised her foot and walked forward in such an imposing manner.

If there is someone in the place to stay, that person will subconsciously move to give Yang Li room.

Then he quickly got up and slipped away in a hurry.

Moving his gaze forward, he saw the pale-faced Sister Bolin.

Yang Li breathed a sigh of relief, and sighed: "Fortunately, both of them are still alive." After that, she had time to look at the people and things around her.

His eyes froze when he saw Zhang Jun.

Sure enough, it was this person again.

Anger suddenly filled his face.

What makes Yang Li even more angry is that Zhang Jun is holding a dagger in his hand at the moment, and bright red blood is flowing on the dagger.

All this blood came from the man who was lying on the ground, dead or alive.

The Berlin sisters were shivering behind the man.

The scene was tragic and chaotic.

In just a few seconds, the neighbors who were watching the show were all captured by Yang Li's aura, and they all got up from the ground and ran away.

Yang Li was able to step forward smoothly.

She glanced at Zhang Jun, and then at the person lying on the ground, "Why does this person look familiar to me?" But she couldn't remember where she had seen him before.

Maybe there was a relationship once?Yang Li didn't expect that Zhang Jun in front of him suddenly changed his face, probably holding a dagger in his hand and rushing towards Yang Li's front with the idea that he had already killed one person and would still make money if he killed another one.

Yang Li was able to beat Zhang Jun violently for the first time, and rescued the Bo Lin sisters from Zhang Jun's hands, so naturally she would not be afraid of him this time.

With a sneer, he raised his hand and was about to use his abilities to teach Zhang Jun a lesson.

Who knows when Zhu Ziqing came behind her and suddenly shouted worriedly: "Be careful!"

(End of this chapter)

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