Another world boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 729 Mu Tianlin VS Yuange

Chapter 729 Mu Tianlin VS Yuange
"Anyway, judging by your performance, it is definitely not a good thing."

Shi Mo said awkwardly: "Boss Guan, you're too close."

The body moved a little sideways consciously.

Guan Xuan had a thick skin and moved aside without blushing at all.

Just when he was about to chase after Shi Mo to ask again, he found a gust of wind passing by, and a figure blocked Shi Mo's side.

Looking up, it was the petite and imposing Yang Li.

Yang Li put on a cute doll Nian, and looked at Guan Xuan with a smile on her face, "The leader of my family has a family member. If the leader is so close, isn't she afraid that her family members will be jealous and angry?"

Guan Xuan saw a strong aura of threat from this smiling face.

He originally wanted to send Yang Li to continue asking, but suddenly he thought of the family member Yang Li deliberately reminded—Gu Zixiu.

Suddenly fell silent.

He said silently in his heart: "You are ruthless! You still use that devil-like man to suppress him."

He turned his head and followed everyone to watch the big ring as if nothing had happened.

Both Cheng Kai and the leader of the Lincheng base heard the whole story, Cheng Kai sighed slightly, and the leader of the Lincheng base felt a little regretful.

No, it should mean that the people around are sorry.

They really wanted to know why this conference was held.

After Shi Mo expressed his intention to refuse, everyone's eyes were focused on the big arena downstairs.

All the followers looked down, and Shi Mo's eyes fell on Yuan Ge.

The way he looks now is really too familiar.

Even though Shi Mo's memory of her previous life is somewhat blurred, she clearly remembers Yuan Ge's appearance back then.

With a smile on his face and high spirits, he took the heads of hundreds of zombies with a wave of his hand.

It seems that the face is full of sunshine, but it is actually covered with blood.

The current him is almost exactly the same as Yuan Ge in his previous life.

Seemingly sensing Shi Mo's gaze, Yuan Ge's first reaction when he raised his head was to look at Shi Mo's position.

Shi Mo didn't dodge or dodge, and there was no ripple in his pair of jet-black eyes.

The eyes of the two met in the air.

Yuan Ge suddenly outlined a sunny smile, his eyes filled with starlight.

Her lips twitched slightly, and the smile on her face was obviously much happier.

Shi Mo doesn't understand lip language, but he can still understand it, he just called his sister...

Closing his eyes, Shi Mo sighed softly.

She thought she had made it very clear... But obviously, she underestimated Yuan Ge's persistence.

Mu Tianlin, who was standing opposite Yuan Ge, also saw Shi Mo's figure.

He waved to her generously and showed a bright smile.

Shi Mo nodded slightly, taking it as a response.

The interaction between the two of them made Yuan Ge's eyes sink, and there was a hint of gloom on his smiling face.

The two people who were still smiling one second, put on a vigilant posture the next second, and the smiles on their faces converged at the same time.

As the referee whistled, the two disappeared from everyone's sight at the same time.

Shi Mo vaguely heard the sound of gasping in the air.

Then there were all kinds of noisy discussions.

"The speed of these two people is so fast... It's unimaginable. When you watched the battle between the leader and the man from country A yesterday, can you see the figure clearly?"

The person who was asked said in a proud tone: "Of course I can't see clearly. You don't know... The leader of the time is a real person who doesn't show his face. He looks thin and weak, and he can't stand the fist of that country A. Who Knowing that she won in the end, and won so quickly..."

Followed by a lot of praise for Shi Mo, the people around him are still echoing.

Shi Mo himself felt that it was too unreal when he heard it, and he couldn't listen anymore because he was not thick-skinned.

At this moment, Cheng Kai tilted his head slightly and asked Shi Mo: "Let's see, Chief Yishi, who will win this battle?"

Yuan Ge is the number one at the capital base, and Mu Tianlin is the leader of the Lincheng base. No matter who wins or loses between these two, one of the bases will suffer heavy losses in the end.

Such a fight should never have happened.

It's just that the arrow is on the string now, and it must be launched, and they cannot be stopped.

Then I can only cheer for my own people in my heart, hoping that they can win.

After all, winning or losing this game is not just winning or losing, but also life and death.

Shi Mo's eyes lingered on the two of them.

Looking at the arena covered in ice and snow for an instant, she slowly shook her head.

"The battle has just begun, and nothing can be seen."

Ability users at their stage have their own special hole cards.

It is far from being able to see through the result with two hits.

An exclamation brought Shi Mo back to his senses.

Seeing Yuan Ge's move, she couldn't help frowning.

There were some exclamations in his ears one after another.

"Isn't this the move the leader used yesterday?"

"That's right, that's right. I just said why it looks so familiar. Isn't this move exactly the same as what the leader used to deal with that country A man yesterday?"

"It's not just this move, there are several moves before. At first I thought it would be used by all ice-type supernatural beings. But the more I looked at it, the more wrong it became. The people at the Syracuse base had never used so many of the same moves before. ah."

"You said...the Yuan Ge of the capital base and the leader of the Nirvana base, is there any relationship that everyone doesn't know?"

After a few simple discussions, countless pairs of eyes gathered vaguely towards Shi Mo from bottom to top.

The people around the hall were probably thinking about the relationship between Yuan Ge and Shi Mo.

Shi Mo knew that such a day would come, and his mood didn't change in the slightest because of the arguments he heard.

When she dug Yuan Ge out of the ruins, she brought a little bit of his ability to practice.

90.00% of Yuangehui's supernatural moves overlap with hers.

Because these moves are taught by her.

It will be a matter of time before someone notices that something is wrong.

When she taught Yuan Ge back then, she joked that Yuan Ge would not use these moves to deal with herself one day.

Now it seems that it is fast.

The snow and ice in the sky were swept by the strong wind, covering Mu Tianlin's head overwhelmingly.

No matter from which position you look at it, Mu Tianlin has no escape, no escape.

Facing this blow head-on would consume a lot of his abilities and cause indelible damage to his body.

Shi Mo's eyes flashed with Baixue Glacier, but his mind didn't know where it went.

When everyone was worried about Mu Tianlin, a red and golden light suddenly appeared on the ground.

The light is like a red sun rising, gradually swallowing up from the ground.

The mountains and rivers of ice and snow melt and disappear instantly when they touch them.

A small semicircle is gradually drawn by the golden-red light.

The snowy tornado crazily collided with the mask. Although the area occupied by the mask was small, it was unbreakable.

When it was hit, it didn't even vibrate.

(End of this chapter)

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