Chapter 21

The moonlight, the jungle, the tiger carcass, the sound of the wind, and the roar of the tiger made the already dark environment a bit weird.

"Is there no sunshine beyond the Great Wall?"

Holding a rapier and an oil-paper umbrella, Wang Ce hid his body in the jungle.

From the moment he stepped into the gate of the Nanming Pavilion, he wondered whether there was darkness beyond the Great Wall, and he was even more certain of this point of view after entering the secret realm.

It's a pity that the night watchman's intelligence system was destroyed 10 years ago, and a lot of information was lost. Now it is almost impossible to find any useful information about the outside of the city.

Of course, it may also be because he does not have enough authority to access more intelligence information.

Hidden behind a thick and nameless ancient tree, Wang Ce couldn't help feeling emotional.

Ever since he met Qingxiu in Yunhai City, he felt that his luck had suddenly become worse. Although his strength had been increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, the gap with his opponent hadn't narrowed at all, but was getting bigger and bigger. It was as if that woman Qingxiu forcibly brought herself out of Novice Village when she was still a novice.

As a result, he has to find a place to hide before every battle recently, which can be described as very embarrassing and embarrassing to the vast number of senior traversers.

Suddenly, Wang Ce found that there was a golden light flashing in front of him all the time.

After hesitating for a moment, he waved the tip of his sword and tapped it lightly on the golden spot of light.

In the next second, the golden light spots unfolded, and a message was displayed in front of him.

【Name: Xiaoli】

【Position: Patrol】

[Level: Level 1]

[Type: Tiger Demon]

[Witchcraft: light body, floating in the air]

[Introduction: Lord of the Black Cloud, one of the Mountain Patrol Demon Tigers under the command of the Gravity Tiger King, responsible for inspecting all information on and above the Nine Layers of Black Cloud. (The king asked me to patrol the mountain, I turned Heiyun Mountain around, played my gong, and beat my drum...)]

[Remarks: As an ordinary mountain demon, killing me will only make the mountain owner angry, and will not do any good! ! ! 】

Looking at the information in front of him, Wang Ce opened his mouth silently.

"Shouldn't such important information pop up earlier! I've killed it now! What's the use of popping it up again?"

With a long sigh, Wang Ce sat helplessly behind the tree, thinking about his next move.

"Judging from the current situation, the first thing I have to do is to avoid the search of the tiger group, and the second is to explore this Black Cloud Mountain, find the mountain owner, the Tiger King, and kill him. Only by doing this can I ensure myself You can complete the main task within 10 hours and pass this so-called assessment."

Wang Ce is very clear that once he stays in this virtual secret realm for more than 10 hours, no matter what his final clearance score is, it will be meaningless to him.

Even for him, as long as the main task is completed, other tasks are dispensable.

Thinking of this, Wang Ce clenched the oil-paper umbrella and stabbing sword in his hands, and turned slightly to look at the corpse of the mountain-patrolling gravity tiger demon in the distance.

What puzzled him was that there were no other tiger demons around the mountain patrolling tiger demon at this time, only the roar of countless tigers in the mountains and forests, which made him unable to judge the degree of danger there.

Therefore, it is not right for him to go up the mountain now, and it is not appropriate to go to investigate.

However, things in this world are never something you don't want to do, so you don't have to do it.

He can clearly feel the changes in his body. After a long time, he will definitely decline due to hunger, sleepiness, thirst and other reasons.

At that time, if you go up the mountain to explore again, then the only way to wait for you is failure.

"It's a knife to stretch your head and shrink your head, you can only fight!"

Taking a few deep breaths, Wang Ce gritted his teeth and walked quietly up the mountain with his cat bent.

He wanted to see how many demon tigers there were on this mountain, and he vaguely doubted the number of demon tigers on this mountain.

The black mist filled the air, and the moonlight was like water.

Wang Ce bowed his waist like a civet cat and leaped along the forest path, climbing up the mountain continuously.

In the night without insects and birds, the silence is scary.

But the silence also made Wang Ce's concentration unprecedented, and he could even hear the sound of blood flowing.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

The sound of heavy breathing gradually intensified in the jungle at night.


With the sound of a broken branch, Wang Ce suddenly stopped walking.

"No, the physical exertion is increasing, the speed is slowing down, and the gravity on this mountain is increasing..."

Wang Ce once again hid his body behind a big tree, and gently waved the oil-paper umbrella in his hand, feeling the changes in his body.

"Gravity doubles, physical energy consumption increases, and speed drops. Doesn't Qingya mean that the real danger is not just monsters in the secret realm?"

"It seems that the moment the secret realm was opened, the danger had already arrived."

Before he could finish adapting to the change in gravity, he suddenly heard a violent roar of a tiger and a gust of warm air.

Wang Ce gasped, his whole body tensed up.

At this time, he heard a roar behind him, like the sound of a tree being forcibly broken and smashed to the ground.

Instantly, Wang Ce's scalp exploded, and Wang Ce listened attentively like a smart civet.

Feel the sound of breathing getting closer.

Wang Ce couldn't help but clenched the oil-paper umbrella in his hand, and tried his best to resist the increase of gravity around him. At the same time, he carefully bent over and leaned towards the unknown creature behind him.

Hiding behind a tree, he poked his head out cautiously, and looked at the huge creature that came into view.

The moonlight, as cold as frost, was extraordinarily bright under the black mist.

Seeing the whole picture of the huge creature, Wang Ce's heart skipped a beat.

In the dark and silent jungle, there is nothing but the sound of terrifying breathing and the sound of falling trees.

It was a huge black tiger, with wisps of black smoke floating around its body.

A picture appeared in his mind for no reason, a fierce tiger perched on a huge mountain peak, looking down at the invaders who entered the mountain to hunt for treasure, roaring like a tiger.


The angry roar came again, so Wang Ce had to move his eyes to look at the huge tree that had been broken off.

He is worried that if he looks at the back of the other party, it will arouse the other party's vigilance

Suddenly, the black tiger raised its head and took a sharp breath through the layers of fog toward the moonlight above its head.

Black mist and moonlight poured into its mouth like flowing water.

"??? Am I transmigrating into the world of immortal cultivators? Why do weird things like swallowing moonlight appear? Hey, hey? System, shouldn't you stand up and explain at this time?"

Just as Wang Ce was complaining in his heart about the very discordant movements of the giant demon tiger, an accident happened.

The tiger suddenly turned around and looked back in Wang Ce's direction.

boom! boom! boom!
The mountains trembled constantly, and the trees fell one by one.

Wang Ce's body sank suddenly, only to feel the surrounding gravity increased again.

This demon tiger is the master of the Nine Layers Black Cloud Mountain, the gravity tiger demon king.

But why did this guy appear here? Shouldn't he be honestly waiting on the mountain to find it?

After all, this virtual secret realm was developed, so why didn’t you follow the routine at all? If you let yourself meet the designer of this secret realm in the future, you must greet him with a stabbing sword in your hand.

Nanming Hall, the third basement floor, conference room.

"Hahaha, second son Wang, I'm now really sure that this kid is your seed. Look at this surprised and angry face, it's exactly the same as when you were young."

"Fatty Sun, you are right this time. It is this expression. We haven't met for many years. It really makes me laugh."

"However, what I'm curious about is, Wang Laoer, haven't you told this kid that the master of the elves in the secret realm never stays at the finish line honestly, waiting for the "warrior" to hunt and kill him? "

"It's not too late for him to experience it for himself. Outside the Great Wall, the degree of danger in the secret realm is just that simple."

Facing the ridicule of the crowd, under the red and blue skull mask, Wang Lao Er just responded with a calm face and a cold tone.

"Cut! It's really boring. In comparison, I still like you before."

"However, in this way, the result will be known soon!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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