Hyper-real detective and reasoning game

Chapter 87 Testing for Selection

Chapter 87 Testing for Selection (7)

For the next case, Lu Lin planned to go to Qunli's Home, because from the map, it happened to be a straight line. For Lu Lin, who just got her driver's license, she would automatically prefer a straight line in her heart.

When she arrived at Qunli's home, she happened to meet Wu Jie, who had just parked the car, and they got out of the car almost at the same time.

"What a coincidence, you're here too?" Wu Yu was taken aback when he saw Lu Lin, and then greeted Lu Lin with a smile.

"Yes, let's go in together." After meeting Yao Liu, Lu Lin actually thought that she might meet other people.

So she wasn't that surprised when she saw Wu Yu, but she was curious about Wu Yu's score now.

You must know that she is running the third case, but the first one has not found a breakthrough yet, so she only has one point now.

Of course, Wu Yu was also curious about Lu Lin's points. He wasted too much time on his last case, so he didn't know if he was the last one.

"How many points do you have now? I was stuck just now, but a case was delayed for a long time, and now I only have one point." Wu Yu asked directly, and at the same time said his own points.

"I also only have one point. The first case was a bit delayed, but it's okay, take your time, at least one point." When Lu Lin mentioned points, she remembered that Ning Liu had three points.

"Hahaha, indeed, take your time, as long as it's not the last one." Wu Chen didn't know whether he was relieved to hear that Lu Lin had the same score as him, or because he was naturally fond of laughing. Lu Lin's previous pressure from Ning Liu's three points was relieved a lot in an instant.

Of course, it may also be because the two of them only have one point, and this feeling of brotherhood makes each other very comfortable.

During the conversation, the two arrived at the scene of the crime.

The reporter was the mother of the deceased. Because she was too sad now, she couldn't ask anything at all, so they could only go to the scene of the crime first.

"You first?" Wu Yu was about to enter the scene of the crime, and then remembered that Lu Lin had arrived with him, so he asked to see who was first.

"Let's go together. If you look at the corpse, I'll look at the scene. If you look at the scene, I'll look at the corpse. This way, you won't disturb each other, and you can save some time." Lu Lin felt that it didn't matter who saw the scene first. , As long as you don't express your thoughts, it shouldn't be considered cheating.

"Okay, then I'll look at the corpse first." Wu Yu said and came to the corpse, and then found the autopsy report that had already been placed here.

Lu Lin saw that he had already started watching, so she naturally got into the mood.

Although she didn't read the autopsy report, she could confirm that the deceased was very young just by looking at the corpse.

It fits well with the girly atmosphere that fills this room.

It is no wonder that the mother of the deceased was crying so hard.

[Immortal Banban, this selection test case is a bit too much. It was a juvenile delinquency just now, and now this is a girl who died. How can I have trouble with this teenage child.

Thinking about it now, the deceased in the first case seemed to be only 19 years old.

This is a bit exaggerated, I hope it is my own overthinking. 】

After Lu Lin complained a lot in her heart, she still observed the scene seriously.

Regardless of the age of the victim, the case that should be solved still needs to be solved.

The scene looked messy, with obvious signs of fighting, and a large groove was smashed into the host of the computer in the room.

This is obviously a tool.

There was also blood splattered at the scene. Although I haven't read the autopsy report, I can guess that the blood should belong to the deceased.

Using a tool to kill people, and still being able to smash a groove into the mainframe of the computer, is obviously a blunt weapon.

He showed up at the scene of the crime with a blunt weapon. Could it be that he met a criminal?
Look at the door, well, there is no sign of damage.

Today is the third time, and it seems that an acquaintance committed the crime again.

Looking at the mother of the deceased who was still crying, there was no way to ask anyone who had the possibility.

Just to see if there are any other clues.

Although the scene was chaotic, it was all caused by the fighting, and there was no trace of rummaging for items.

In other words, this case is for killing people, not for money.

But what did such a girl do that would make people want to kill her.

And judging from the state of the scene, there should still be a deep hatred and killing intent.

"My side is almost done, how about you?" Wu Yu saw Lu Lin frowning, curious about what Lu Lin found, of course, his side also saw the same, so he was going to exchange it with Lu Lin.

"Okay, I'll read the autopsy report first." Lu Lin didn't say what she didn't finish reading. Anyway, even if she didn't finish reading it, it's the same if she read it after reading the autopsy report.

Wu Jie stepped aside, gave the autopsy report to Lu Lin, and wandered around the room by herself.

Lu Lin came to the corpse. Although she said that she was not a forensic doctor and the autopsy report was written in great detail, it was much more intuitive to read the corpse and the autopsy report together than to read the text directly.

The name of the deceased was Yan Shiliu, female, 13 years old, and the cause of death was a blunt instrument blow to the head.

There were additional marks of blunt force blows on the body, which resulted in additional fractures.

The corpse was placed in the closet, to be precise, it was hidden in the closet. It seems that the murderer hid the corpse in a hurry after the murder.

There is no trace of violation, ruling out the possibility of rape.

Of course, with the body being smashed like this, there is really no other possibility except killing Lu Lin.

The autopsy report can only give so much, but Lu Lin still looked at the corpse for a long time.

In addition to looking at the corpse, there is also the closet where the corpse is hidden. Wu Yu also looked at the closet for a long time just now.

Regardless of whether there are clues in this closet, since it is the place where the corpse is hidden, it cannot be missed casually.

In addition to Yan Shiliu's clothes in the closet, there are also many girls' toys and puppets.

I don't know whether these puppets were originally in the closet, or were put in by the murderer to suck blood.

If the murderer let it go, it would prove once again that the murderer was really calm when hiding the body.

Remove the puppet, and the closet is full of clothes.

There didn't seem to be anything special about these clothes. If there was anything strange, it was that there was a pack of brand new men's underwear in the underwear drawer.

I don't know if Yan Shiliu bought it wrong, or if there is actually a boy in her family.

It's just that Yan Shiliu's mother hasn't calmed down yet, so these problems can only be temporarily put aside.

The next step is to find the murder weapon. She didn't see it just now, but looking at Wu Chen's state now, it seems that she didn't find the murder weapon. Could it be that the murder weapon was taken away by the murderer?

(End of this chapter)

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