The strongest fire master

Chapter 26 Jade Island

Chapter 26 Jade Island
In the following period of time, Kahn often went to Kou Li's house to fight against her, and became acquainted with her after going back and forth.

Kou Li's imperial skill level is really mediocre. Although earth imperial art and fire imperial art cannot be regarded as the same, earth can restrain fire to a certain extent, but it is not enough in front of Kahn.

So the real situation of the so-called battle training is——

In the case of Kahn's water, they can draw a tie.

Kahn has no interest in abusing food. The reason why he wants to practice against Kou Li is because he is very interested in the imperial techniques used by Kou Li——

After all, it is Earth Control Art, one of the four major Imperial Arts, and it exists completely different from Fire Control Art. Of course, he wants to study it carefully.

Although Kou Li's mother is stronger as an earth master, he can't fight her mother, it's too impolite.

I had no choice but to catch Kou Li and squeeze her out.

"Ha~! Ha~! Ha~!"

Kou Li lay on the ground disregarding her image, panting heavily.

His bangs were wet with sweat and sticking to his face, and the sticky front of his clothes was very uncomfortable against his skin, and he looked very embarrassed.

Kahn also sweated a little, but it was harmless. He stood on an irregular platform, jumped down lightly, and walked towards her leisurely.

"I said, it's just a little duel practice, it's not so hard, right?"

Kahn stretched out his hand to Kou Li, but Kou Li grabbed it unceremoniously, and stood up with Kahn's strength.

She bent over and panted, her hands were pressed on her legs, and she couldn't breathe:
"Haha. Are you the one who wants to fight like this? Let me hit you once?!"

Originally, she didn't want to fight that hard, but her attack couldn't hit Kahn at all, which made her very unconvinced, and as a result, she was exhausted as soon as she got on top.

How can this person hide so well, like a monkey!
Blame me?
Kahn spread his hands innocently.

In all fairness, although it is not possible to release the sea, there is still some water to be released. Otherwise, Kou Li would not have to be so tired, because it will be over soon.

Of course, there was also a reason why he wanted to see more about the effects of the Earth Control Technique.

He thought about it again, and said, "It would be better if your attack could be more varied."

Earth Control Art is also quite a comprehensive imperial art, both offensive and defensive, and can also be taken by surprise, such as directly generating soil spikes at the enemy's feet, or burying the enemy in the ground, and turning soil into sand, changing the terrain, and even earth escape, etc.
Kahn's thoughts diverged all of a sudden.

As for Kahn's words, Kou Li also spread her hands, "I know these tricks, and I haven't learned the others yet."

"...that's all right."

This reason is very good, perfect, impeccable!

But there is nothing wrong with it, this is the progress of a normal imperial master, not to mention him and Azura, Zuko is actually already considered a very talented imperial master.

On the other side, Kou Li's mother was sitting in the gazebo and watching them. Melon and fruit desserts were placed on the stone table beside her. Seeing that they were finished, the woman stood up, clapped her hands and smiled, "Okay! I think you should Gonna want to take a break!"

As she said that, she walked to the martial arts arena, posing in the posture of imperial soil art.

Leaving aside the power of the earth control technique, it is definitely the first of the four control techniques in terms of its damage to the terrain.

After a round of practice, the entire martial arts arena was destroyed by Kou Li. There was a hole on the left, and a clod on the right. The front was concave and the back was convex. It looked as if it had gone through a fierce battle.

Under Kou Li's mother's soil control technique, the potholes that were originally destroyed by Kou Li were restored in an orderly manner. After a while, the martial arts field was restored, just like usual.

Kahn watched this scene with great interest, and the genes that belonged to the infrastructure madman rooted in the soul were ready to move.

Such a great ability should be used for construction. Isn't he good at building houses, building bases, and repairing projects?

If it's just used for fighting, it's a waste of money!
If I had to choose, I would definitely choose Fire Control.

Alas, there is no way, who made Yuhuoshu look more handsome when used.

Handsome is king!

Sitting in the gazebo, Kou Li and Kahn were eating dessert while listening to Kou Li's mother telling some anecdotes and trivia, as well as the customs and customs of Yudao, her and Kou Li's hometown.

Yudao is an interesting city.

Among them are not only the Huo Lie tribe, but also the Tuqiang tribe. The two different tribes live together in one country and one city, breaking the tradition of four-clan separatism that has been maintained for more than a thousand years.

The inheritance of imperial skills comes from blood, so marriage of the same clan is the default iron law in this world. Fire masters can only be with fire masters, and earth masters can only be with earth masters.

For thousands of years, only a few people dared to cross such an iron law.

The emergence of cities like Xiangyu Island broke this iron rule!
Kou Li is the product of the two tribes breaking the tradition. Her father is from the Fire Tribe, and her mother is from the Tuqiang tribe and is also an earth master.

Jade Island combines the common advantages of the Huo Lie and Tuqiang tribes. It is full of vitality, bustling streets, and ample life.

Kahn was a little curious about the faint sense of pride that Kou Li's mother revealed when she told the story.

After all, Yudao originally belonged to the Land of the Earth Power Nation, and Kou Li's mother was an Earth Master, but what she heard from her mouth was all praises for the Fire Nation, which made Kahn feel a little awkward.

Perhaps the thoughts in Kahn's heart were unconsciously expressed on his face, and Ko Li's mother noticed, she asked with a smile:

"Do you have anything to say?"


Kou Li ate, holding a piece of pastry in her hand, and looked at him.

"Uh, that."

Kahn hesitated, and asked cautiously:
"I do have a question, I may be a bit rude, please forgive me.

Jade Island was originally the land of the Earth Power Nation, and you are also an earth master. Don't you and the Earth Qiang people on Jade Island want to go back to the Earth Power Country? "

"What do you mean? Do we have anything to do with Earth Power?"

Kou Li tilted her head in confusion, she still can't understand this kind of problem at her age.

If the two parties are not familiar with each other, this is indeed a relatively taboo topic.

Even if you are more familiar.

But fortunately, after getting along with each other during this period, Kou Li's mother likes this polite, well-behaved, hard-working, and good-study young man very much. She talks about it every day, and she seems to be someone else's child in her eyes.

If it wasn't for Kou Li's relatively big nerves, they might have turned against each other.

And after learning of Kahn's life experience, her love for him turned into affection, and she almost treated Kahn as her own son.

So for Kahn's question, Kou Li's mother didn't feel unhappy, but was surprised. She didn't expect Kahn to think of such a question at this age.

You can tell by looking at Kou Li on the side, she can't even understand it.

It may be that Kahn's experience forced him to have such thinking at such an age.

Thinking of this, Kou Li's mother felt even more distressed for Kahn.

Kou Li's mother didn't hesitate, after thinking for a while, she replied seriously:
"Of course there are situations like what you said, but most of them are in territories that the Fire Nation has not occupied for a long time. At that time, they were still natives of the Earth Power."

"But the second generation has been receiving the education, concepts, and traditions of the Fire Nation since birth, and personally participated in the construction of the city, and the city has become prosperous in their hands. Although the concepts of the first generation are still It will have an impact on the second generation, but they are more willing to believe what they see with their own eyes than the strong country that only exists in the mouth of their parents."

"And after the third generation, it's even more so."

Kou Li's mother wiped the residue from the corners of Kou Li's mouth, and said with a smile:

"As for Kou Li's generation, it's already the fifth generation."

"Tamashima was built from nothing by our family and other Yushima residents through generations of hard work, so even though I am an earth master, there is no doubt—"

"I am a Fire Nation."

There is strong self-confidence and pride behind Kou Li's mother's words. This kind of feeling is not groundless, but based on the hard work from her ancestors to the present, which is beyond doubt.

"I'm the fifth generation, so my mother is the fourth generation!?"

"Yes, my good daughter is really smart!"

Kou Li's mother and Kou Li laughed together.

After stopping, Kouri's mother said to Kahn:
"If you have a chance in the future, you must come to Yudao and let us treat you well."

"I will definitely go."

Kahn responded, but recalled Koli's mother's explanation in his heart, and thought a lot for a while
Forget it, stop it.

Now I am not qualified to worry about these issues.

(End of this chapter)

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