Daming: I help my wife be the empress

Chapter 445 Dorgon's Arrangement

Weihui Mansion, Xinxiang.

Azig was ordered to set up the headquarters camp here—as far as he knew, this was Hong Chengchou's suggestion to Dorgon.

As the commander-in-chief of the middle line of the battle between the Qing and Ming armies, Azig was enlisted to enlist the seal of General Nan Da, and he was in charge of the military affairs of Henan and North Zhili Daming Mansions.

However, the Qing Dynasty has abandoned the territory south of the Yellow River, so Azig is actually the commander-in-chief of the military affairs of the four prefectures of Huaiqing, Weihui, Zhangde, and Daming.

Although Xinxiang is not governed by Weihui Mansion, its geographical location is quite crucial.

It is located on the banks of the Wei River, and the upper reaches of the Wei River are connected to Qingshui and Danshui in the west, and the upper reaches of the Danshui pass through Huaiqing and Zezhou in Shanxi. It is also connected to another big river, Qinshui, in Huaiqing Prefecture.

Qinshui is a big river that flows into the Yellow River from Shanxi.

The lower reaches of the Danshui River are connected to the Qishui River and the Weihe River in the east, and the Weihe River is connected to the Guangji Canal, which can directly enter the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

The upper reaches of the Qi River are within the territory of Zhangde Mansion.

The most important thing is that Xinxiang's position in Weihui Mansion is relatively forward, and it is quite close to the four counties of Yuanwu, Yangwu, Yanjin, and Fengqiu in the Hebei area of ​​Kaifeng Mansion.

Therefore, Xinxiang can not only use the water system extending in all directions to transport food, grass and military equipment, but also support the four counties in Hebei, Kaifeng, which are most likely to fight the Ming army. Therefore, it was recommended by Hong Chengchou as the center of the central army.

Although Azig was the general who conquered the South, he did not monopolize power.

For one thing, the Qing Court has always been on guard against the leading generals, which is not much different from that of the Ming Dynasty.Second, Dorgon knew that his compatriot brother lacked wisdom and had a rough personality, so he was not a suitable candidate for a commander.

It's just that he has no other more trustworthy and suitable candidates for this position, so he has to reuse Azig.

In order to fight this battle well, Dorgon arranged for Azig to have two assistants, one was Tan Tai, and the other was Luck Dehun.

Tan Tai comes from Zhenghuang Banner, Manchuria. He is the younger brother of the late first-class minister Yang Guli. He fought in the battlefield during the Nurhachi period. He is 53 years old this year.

Before the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, even if the generals did not die in battle, because of the perennial battles and the harsh environment outside the customs, they had a relatively short lifespan. Many people died of illness at the age of 50 or [-]. Therefore, Tan Tai is not only a famous general, but also a veteran.

In comparison, Azig is only 41 years old and has a rough personality, so mistakes and omissions are inevitable in his actions.

With the veteran Tan Tai watching, Dorgon can rest assured.

In addition, Dorgon has another thought in this arrangement.

Tan Tai was originally an important general of Huang Taiji's credit. After Huang Tianji's death, he first supported Hauge, and then vaguely became an important figure in the Fulin faction.

Dorgon transferred him to Azig's side just in case.

As for Luck Dehun, although he is the grandson of Daishan, he is older than Man Dahai and other Daishan's later sons, and he is good at fighting. The most important thing is that he chose Dorgon in the political team.

If it weren't for Luc Dehun's lack of qualifications after all, and the previous defeat in Runing Mansion, Dorgon would have wanted to arrange Luc Dehun as the center line coach.

It is customary for the Qing Dynasty to assign a clan deputy to a coach, so Dorgon chose Luck Dehun without hesitation.

As for the coach in charge of the southern front, that is, the Shandong battlefield, Dorgon hesitated and chose Hauge.

When Hauge went to Shandong to quell the chaos, he had already resumed his status as King of Purging. Although he was the same as Azig and had a rougher personality, his wisdom on the battlefield was much higher than Azig.

And the most important point between him and Azig is the status of the prince - at this time of great crisis for the Qing Dynasty, only the prince as the coach of one side can stabilize the morale of the army and not drop morale.

Dorgon also took great pains to arrange two assistants for Hauge, the clan Boluo and the veteran Ye Chen.

Ye Chen belonged to Manchuria with yellow banners. Although he was once very trusted by Huang Taiji, he was not a diehard loyalist to Huang Taiji.After Huang Taiji's death, Ye Chen also did not choose the team Hauge.

He is 59 years old this year, which is considered a long life among the generals of the Qing Dynasty.In the early years, when Nurhachi attacked Tieling, Ye Chen fought with the army and made great achievements.

Therefore, strictly speaking, Ye Chen is considered to be a member of Nurhachi.

Such a veteran must have given priority to everything in the Qing Dynasty, so using him as the deputy commander of the southern front can not only assist Hauge, but also reassure Dorgon.

Boluo is Abate's third son and the best one.

At present, Abate is seriously ill and may die at any time.Abate himself had little influence, and it was even less likely that he would give Boluo much political inheritance after his death. It is estimated that there were only a few records that could be left behind.

In this case, Boluo can be said to have become rootless duckweed.

In addition, although Dorgon went south in his previous campaign, he had no merit in the defeat of Yangzhou, and he could only be exonerated by Dorgon's protection.

Therefore, Boluo is now completely invested in Dorgon's camp.

With Bo Luo and Ye Chen present, Dorgon is not afraid of threatening his status, and Bo Luo is a general who knows the new army of Ming Dynasty quite well, so he can definitely help Hauge.

It can be said that Dorgon really spent a lot of time thinking about the candidates for the coach and deputy coach of the center line and south line...

Du Yinxi was in Zhongmou. In order to avoid the army officers and soldiers from harassing the people living in the city, he deliberately set up the camp outside the city, and he himself lived in the camp.

Azig was different. All the troops he led directly lived in Xinxiang County, and he even chose the best house in the city as his "commander tent".

On this day, Azig called several generals under his command in the hall of the main house of his residence to discuss important military matters.

"Greetings to the General!"

Several generals entered the hall, knelt down on one knee, and saluted Azig—this is a military salute in the army. If it was outside, all of these people, except the clan, would bow to Azig Kowtow ceremony.

"Get up."

As Azig waved his hand, all the generals stood up, and subconsciously wanted to stand on both sides, but found that although the hall was well furnished, the space became much smaller, making it impossible for all the generals to stand apart.

The generals looked left and right, tried to move, and finally found that it was best to stand still.

Azig looked at the group of people under him, and was not very satisfied.

Compared with his last southern expedition to Huguang, the quality of the generals under his command this time is obviously worse, and next year will not be as good as before.

The clans that favor civil servants include Gong Adai, Minister of the Ministry of Officials; and Huang Taiji's fifth son, Wang Shuosai of Chengze County.

Among the Manchurian generals of the Eight Banners, Aobai, Ebilong, Sukesaha, and Xiergen could catch his eyes.

As for the Eight Banners Han Army, there are Wang Zhishun Shang Kexi, Meile Zhangjing Jinli, and Meile Zhangjingzu Kefa.

None of the green battalion generals—because of this level of military aircraft meeting, the green battalion generals are not qualified to participate at all, and they are not even qualified to know the content of the meeting...
Although Azig has many shortcomings, he has a lot of experience as a commander, and he doesn't like red tape and empty-headed things.

After everyone saluted, he said: "I called everyone here this time to discuss how to deal with the Ming army. The above means to defend, but in my king's opinion, my Eight Banners Army of the Qing Dynasty has never been able to Defensively, but offensively, and field battles!"

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