Daming: I help my wife be the empress

Chapter 462 The masters of the Qing Dynasty are about to escape!

Leng Sengji only had more than 1000 people guarding the small Tianjin Acropolis, and being watched by soldiers from Yang Keqing's battalion, he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

On the other side, the soldiers and horses of the various towns and battalions led by Huang Deli quickly arrived at the Acropolis of Tianjin on boats capable of navigating inland rivers after finishing off all the Qing troops on both sides of the Dagukou.

After that, only dozens of cannons were used to blast away the Tianjin Acropolis.

Leng Sengji, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Puppet Qing Dynasty, was seriously injured by shells and committed suicide, unwilling to be humiliated.

All the Eight Banners Manchurian Army under his command were killed in battle, and most of the Green Battalion soldiers surrendered.

As for the nearly thousand and eight banner troops led by Tuntai, most of them died in battle, and a small part fled without a trace.

Tianjin Wei was the transfer place of grain, grass and military equipment of the Qing Dynasty on the canal. Because the Qing army was defeated so quickly, the materials in the warehouse outside the Wei City were too late to be destroyed, but the Ming army seized a lot of materials.

Huang Degong did not delay in Weiduo, Tianjin. Immediately after he landed, according to the order of the Military Affairs Council, he gathered more than 3000 cavalry from the soldiers and horses of the towns under his command, and handed them over to Ainengqi, who led the more than 3000 cavalry directly to Changping, In Huairou area, play by ear.

After that, Huang Degong asked Huang Ming to lead the garrison to guard Tianjin.

Because this place will not only become a transshipment place for food, grass and armaments of his soldiers and horses, but also a military important place to intercept the Qing captives who fled north through the canal.

In addition, he asked Tian Xiong's department to take Baoding County (in Shuntian Prefecture) and Bazhou, and Chen Xiance's department to take Gu'an and Yongqing via the Lugou River.

The purpose is to intercept the Qing captives who fled north as much as possible in the territory of Shuntian Prefecture—if it is said that taking the capital directly and taking down Fulin, Dorgon and other important officials of the Qing court is the first goal of Huang Degong and Yang Zhanbu; then intercepting the Qing captives The defeated soldiers fleeing northward from Henan and Shandong were their second goal.

Whether the first goal can be achieved depends not only on how fast they move, but also on whether the Qing court will escape the capital in time.The initiative is actually in the hands of Dorgon.

However, for the second purpose, as long as Huang Degong and the others try their best to do it, there will always be some gains.

Therefore, this division of troops can be regarded as a guaranteed result for their direct attack on the army of Shuntian Prefecture in Beizhili.


Since the Qing Dynasty entered the capital, not only did the capital fail to restore its former prosperity, but it became even more desolate.

Almost all the Han people who originally lived in the city were driven out of the city, and their houses were occupied by the families of the Eight Banners Army.

However, in order to fight this battle with the Ming army, the Qing court overdrafted the recruitment of men in the clan.

All males between the ages of 14 and 60, whether they are Manchu masters or slaves in coats, must be conscripted into the army, and even the old martial arts exams are exempted.

The great defeat in Yangzhou almost caused the families of the Eight Banners Manchurian Army to hold funerals. Therefore, although the ordinary Jurchens do not know whether the rumors about the miraculous Goddess of Daming Emperor Zhaowu are true or not, they know that Daming has come back to life.

And the Ming army became stronger than before. After the Battle of Yangzhou, they successively won victories against the Qing army in Luzhou, Runing and Shaanxi.

Therefore, ordinary Jurchens did not have much confidence in the battles with the Ming army in Shaanxi, Henan, and Shandong. Even because most of the men in the family were in the army, the women were worried.


Because of the widespread existence of this kind of worry, the entire capital was shrouded in a dull and worrying atmosphere.

On this day, several fast horses rushed into the city from the direction of Tongzhou.

It didn't take long for news to spread from the Forbidden City: Tens of thousands of Ming troops landed in Tianjin Wei and are attacking the capital!
At first, some people were skeptical about this news, and did not believe that the Ming army could transport tens of thousands of troops to land from Tianjin Wei.

But there were also some people who believed the news, packed up their belongings in a hurry, and wanted to leave the capital.

All of a sudden, panic quickly spread throughout the capital, and the people who left the city rushed to be the first to block the gates to the west and north on the same day, and even trampled to death.

In the Prince Regent's Mansion, Dorgon learned of the situation outside, and was so angry that he broke a beloved Ruci into pieces.

"My king strictly orders the news to be blocked. Which dog slave leaked it? Immediately investigate this matter thoroughly, and after finding out, we will punish you severely!"

Dorgon wanted to block the news that the Ming army had landed in Tianjin Wei, not because he still wanted to stand firm in the capital, but because he knew very well that the news must be blocked so that they could evacuate in an orderly manner.

At least let them all the nobles of the Eight Banners be able to leave the capital as soon as possible.

But now, they are still packing up their belongings, and the news has spread outside. Even the gates to the west and north of the city are blocked. How can this make him angry?
Feng Quan, who had become Dorgon's confidant, heard the news that the Ming army had landed in Tianjin Wei, and guessed that the Qing court was going to escape from the pass.Because there are less than [-] people in the Eight Banners Army in the capital, and many young and old people who have been newly selected as the Eight Banners Army are unbearable to fight at all.

He was worried about being abandoned by the Qing court, so he came to Dorgon's house early in the morning.

It turned out that Ganglin and Qi Chongge, two other Dorgon's henchmen and advisers, were also there.

Seeing this, he knew that his position in Dorgon's heart was inferior to that of Dorgon's confidant after all because of his Han nationality.

But he didn't reveal anything.

Hearing the words at this time, he immediately persuaded: "My lord, now is not the time to pursue this matter. You should dispatch the army as soon as possible to clear the gates in the west and north, so that everyone can leave the city as soon as possible."

A ruthless look flashed in Gang Lin's eyes, and he said: "My lord, most of the masters in the city are old and weak, women and children, if we take them out of the customs, we will definitely not go fast.

So don't worry about them, first clear the gates of the city, and take the emperor and queen mother northward hunting as soon as possible, so as to keep our Daqing country and society. "

In fact, whether it is the previous Jurchen tribes or the Eight Banners system established by Nurhachi later, they are all slavery dominated by military aristocrats.

Only those big and small nobles who led their people to Nurhachi, or were forced to join them, were the real masters.

The cattle records made up of ordinary Jurchens are the property of the nobles.

It's like a shepherd and a flock of sheep on the grassland.

Now that the catastrophe is imminent, even if the shepherd cares more about the flock, he can't use his life to fight for the flock's chance of survival. He must run first as a respect.

So, after listening to Ganglin's persuasion, Dorgon only hesitated a little, and then sighed: "That's the only way - after all, we are the main target of the Ming army. They must know that we are leaving, and the Ming army will not chase and kill these people." Ordinary clansmen. In the end, it may be easier for them to return to the outside of the pass than us.”

Qi Chongge, another Manchu confidant of Dorgon, immediately praised after hearing the words: "What the prince said is very true - we must go first, so as not to hurt those ordinary people."

"Then you guys should make arrangements as soon as possible." Dorgon said, "In addition, the family members of the accompanying soldiers must also bring them with them, otherwise, I am afraid that they will worry about the safety of their families."

Gang Lin and Qi Chongge looked at each other, and they both understood that Dorgon had to do this because he was worried that the soldiers accompanying him would be alienated.

Immediately they responded together: "Hey!"

Seeing that Dorgon seemed to be going out, Feng Quan hurriedly bowed his waist and said: "My lord, I am loyal to the Qing Dynasty and never want to be a hypocrite again. Please allow my family to go outside the customs with me and continue to work together." Serving the prince, the emperor, and the masters of the Eight Banners."

Dorgon glanced at Feng Quan, the look of disdain in his eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: "Master Feng, why worry, as you are a loyal minister of the Qing Dynasty, I will naturally take you out of the customs with me." .

Just go back and tell the family to pack up your things, just gather at the Prince's Mansion before dawn.But don't bring too many things - if it slows down the speed of exiting the level, the king will not be polite. "

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