Daming: I help my wife be the empress

Chapter 467 Burning Company Camp, Shooting 8 Banners!

If it was in the past, few Ming soldiers would support such a dangerous military operation.

But now, after hearing Ainengqi's inquiry, none of the soldiers flinched.

Everyone knows that the captive chieftain is in the big team to clear the captives ahead, so if the attack on the camp can be successful, it will be a great achievement.

Even if they die, they will become heroes, their names will be included in the monument, their bones will be placed in the cemetery of heroes, and their families will receive a lot of pensions and preferential treatment, without any worries.

All in all, it is worth it to sell this life for Daming now!
Not to mention, some of them still had blood feuds with Qinglu, and they would risk their lives for revenge.

Knowing the thoughts of all the soldiers, Ainengqi no longer had any doubts, and decided to attack at night!

Relying on the security situation of the Qing Dynasty detected by the infrared telescope, Ai Nengqi and Li Yuanyin each led more than 600 people, each with a horse's hoof wrapped, and approached within a hundred steps of the Qing prison security area before taking off the horse's hoof-wrapping cloth , got on the horse, and charged directly!


Without using those clear sentinels and dark sentries to warn, the Ming army shouted loudly to kill them, and went straight to the Qing camp without paying attention to the Qing sentries.

The two teams had already calculated, and when they charged, the two night patrol cavalrymen happened to be far away from them, so it was impossible to intercept them in the first place.

However, the sentinels of the Qing Dynasty were few, and if they dared to stop them, it would be like a mantis' arm as a chariot.

So the Ming army cavalry went straight into the Qing camp within a hundred steps quite smoothly!

Clearing up 3 or [-] captives, of course it was impossible to set up only one camp, but four.

Dorgon, Shunzhi and other Jueluo clan camps were in the middle, and outside were a camp for the Qing nobles and their families, and two camps for military families.

It is said to be a camp, but it is actually quite crudely arranged, without even a fence.After all, Qinglu only stayed here temporarily for one night, and left after breakfast at dawn, so he didn't have time to build such a strong camp.

The main thing is to set up piles of bonfires to drive away wild animals and illuminate the surroundings.

In order to protect the safety of their families, the resting Eight Banners soldiers voluntarily slept on the outskirts of the camp, with bows, knives and armor on their bodies, and they could fight when they got up.

Hearing the sound of horseshoes, shouts of killing, and warnings from sentries, the thousands of people who had been formally selected into the Eight Banners Army almost stood up, either riding horses to meet the enemy, or looking for a suitable place to shoot arrows .

Those Jurchen elders in their 50s who had served in the Eight Banners Army were also not slow to respond, only some Jurchen youths were slower to react.

However, in a short period of time, more than 100 cavalry gathered on the outskirts of the military camp that Ainengqi attacked, and hundreds of Qing captives who did not ride horses rushed towards them on their own initiative!

Seeing this, Ai Nengqi showed a sinister smile, and shouted: "Tiger squatting cannon!"

The cavalry of the Ming army who were in charge of operating the cannon dismounted, took down the tiger crouching cannon, and went to distribute the medicine kit by the way, and lit it quickly with a fire pocket. The whole process did not exceed [-] breaths.

At this time, the more than 100 Qing cavalry in the front had only rushed to a distance of fifty steps.

As the 25 tiger squatting guns lined up fired, the scattered bullets covered the sky and covered the sky, and the Qing captives suddenly turned on their backs.

Ai Nengqi led hundreds of cavalry to rush in. Dealing with these Eight Banners troops, which were not as elite as before, was like chopping melons and vegetables.


However, Ai Nengqi and other Ming soldiers did not love to fight. After killing the first wave of Eight Banners troops gathered, they went straight to the campsite inside, swept up the bonfire on the ground with their long spears, and headed for the tents.

The grass and trees were already dry in this season, and the tents of the Qing prisoners were also broken and easily ignited, so there was a tendency to set fire to the camp soon.

Inside, the families of the Eight Banners Army ran around crying and howling, either to fight the fire, or to save people, or to rush to other camps, which was already in chaos.

At this time, the two or three hundred Night Patrol Eight Banners Army closest to this camp arrived.

They went straight to the temporary position where the Ming army's tiger squatted cannons, but within a hundred steps, they saw a thick beam of light suddenly shot out from the Ming army operating the cannons, sweeping left and right, and immediately illuminated many people. Even the war horses screamed and neighed.

Then, the tiger crouching cannon fired again.

Although there were not many 25 tiger squatting guns, and the Eight Banners Army also maintained a relatively scattered formation, it still caused nearly half of the casualties in one round of shotguns!
The leading general of the Eight Banners Army was lucky enough to survive, and seeing that the military camp here was in chaos, he turned his horses and ran away!
Ai Nengqi didn't expect the night attack to be so smooth, but he didn't plan to pursue the remaining 100 or so Eight Banners troops. Instead, he shouted: "Let's go! Come with me to support Li Gueran and attack the other Qing camps!"

Although Ai Nengqi didn't know the composition of the four camps of the Qing Dynasty, he could see from the battle just now that there should be no important personnel of the Qing Dynasty in this camp, and there were fewer Eight Banners troops to protect.

It is conceivable that if they attacked the camp where the captive chiefs were located, the Eight Banners they encountered would inevitably be more elite...

Li Yuanyin was indeed in a hard fight.

Because what he attacked happened to be the camp where the Qing nobles were located.

At first, relying on the rapid advance and the tiger crouching cannon, they also defeated the Eight Banners Army gathered in the first wave.But then, two or three thousand Eight Banners appeared in and around the camp, and many of them were elite.

Not only did Li Yuanyin and others fail to break into the camp of the Qing nobles and set fire to them, they even had a faint tendency to be surrounded.

Seeing that more and more Eight Banners troops were trying to encircle the camp on both sides, which actually weakened the troops on the side of the Qing camp, Li Yuanyin's eyes flashed a ruthless look, and he shouted: "Turn on the searchlights and fire at the Qing camp!"

The portable searchlight that Li Yuanyin had been using as his trump card was turned on, and the glaring beam of light swept across the surroundings, causing many Eight Banners soldiers to close their eyes.

The 25 tiger squatting guns fired at this time, which immediately reduced the troops on the side of the Qing camp.

Li Yuanyin led the cavalry and threw another round of grenades at the Eight Banners Army in the other direction, which also blew up the Qing captives.

Fortunately, Qinglu has been standing relatively sparsely, otherwise he would have been crushed by grenades and tiger crouching guns.

However, Li Yuanyin and other Ming troops took advantage of this opportunity, abandoned the tiger squatting guns, and rushed straight into the Qing camp!
The general in charge of leading the army at the aristocratic camp is Tong Tulai, the commander of the Han army with a white banner, the second son of the late Hou Jin general Tong Yangzheng, the current head of the Tong family, and the grandfather of Kangxi in later history.

Seeing that the two or 3000 people on his side failed to deal with the hundreds of people on the other side, and instead let them rush into the camp and set fire to it, Tong Tulai was furious.

"Catch up with me and kill them! Be sure to kill them!"

There are not only families of nobles like them in this camp, but also a lot of treasures. What if it burns out?Those are all they worked hard to snatch from the pass.

Li Yuanyin and others rushed to the camp, set fire to it, and shouted: "Don't stop, keep going! Wherever there are many people, the searchlights will shine there!"

Li Yuanyin knew very well that even those of them who had been exposed to searchlights would lose their eyesight for a few breaths when they were suddenly illuminated by them at night. These Qing captives had never seen searchlights before, and while blind for a short time, they would panic and panic.

And this gave them the opportunity to further disrupt the camp.

However, when Li Yuanyin was about to pass through this large camp, he still did not see anyone similar to the captive chief...
Central camp.

More than 2000 genuine Eight Banners soldiers were waiting in formation, seeing the chaos in the surrounding camps, they had no intention of helping them at all.

In the camp, Bumbutai had already boarded the carriage with Fulin, but he couldn't help but open the curtains, poked his head out, looked at Dorgon and said, "Don't wait, the regent, let's go quickly, if we let It would be very difficult for the Ming army to leave the inner camp when they hit the inner camp."

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