Daming: I help my wife be the empress

Chapter 476 Scholars and Juren, Examination of Physical Sources

Chapter 476 Scholars and Juren, Examination of Physical Sources

Although the liberal arts inherited from the old imperial examinations accounted for the majority of candidates, the newly added sciences accounted for only one-third, but it was already a considerable proportion.

It should be noted that, after all, this is the first reform of the imperial examination and the provincial examination. If it is effective, the reform will inevitably be deepened in the future.

If it is not obvious that the imperial court has a preference for science in terms of the number of applicants, then it is a great preference to delegate the qualifications for the provincial examination of science to Tongsheng.

Think about it, to be admitted to the Liberal Arts Examination, you need to pass the county examination, government examination, and college examination to become a scholar before you can participate in the Qiuwei (township examination).As for science, you only need to pass the county examination and government examination and become a child student to participate in Qiuwei.

Waiver of an exam means that there are many more opportunities to get a place.

In this way, many people must think that this road is a shortcut, so they choose to take the science test.

However, it was also mentioned in the Ming Pao that the eligibility to participate in the science provincial examination is only temporary for Tongsheng, mainly to select more science talents from the scholars, so after three or five years, it may be cancelled.

Seeing this, Song Xiance couldn't help laughing and began to comment, "Don't say that it will be canceled only after three or five sessions, even one or two sessions, and those scholars below will fight for their heads."

In the past, Song Xiance traveled all over the world as a warlock, saw the customs and customs of many places, and deeply understood the attitude of the people of Ming Dynasty towards the imperial examination.

In the imperial examinations, what attracts the most attention of the common people is not the general examination for Jinshi, but the provincial examination for juren.

This can be seen from the other names of the two major examinations-the general examination is generally held in February every year, called Chunwei; the rural examination is held in August every year, called Qiuwei.

The reason why the common people pay more attention to Qiuwei is that only when scholars become Juren can they be regarded as ordinary people leaping to the privileged class in one fell swoop.

Over the past 200 years, the Ming Dynasty has changed the treatment of scholars and juren. In recent decades, because there are more and more scholars, the treatment has not been as good as before.

The first rank among the third ranks of Ming Dynasty scholars (Lin Shan Sheng, Zeng Guang Sheng, and Fu Sheng) can only be exempted from corvee, and receive six buckets of rice and four taels of silver every month.

In addition, you don't kneel when you see an official, you can submit a complaint directly to the county magistrate without going through the county magistrate, you can run private schools, order slaves and other privileges.

The most important thing is that it can exempt the tax of four mu to twenty mu of land.

The treatment and privileges sounded pretty good. As long as the family had a little income, they could support the whole family and provide them with education.

The problem is that at the end of the Ming Dynasty, due to problems such as lack of money in the government, it was difficult to implement the treatment of scholars in many places.

But it will be very different if you are admitted to Juren.

First of all, becoming a Juren is qualified to be an official, and therefore he is called a master.

Secondly, Juren can be exempted from more than a dozen corvees and taxes on one or two hundred acres of land.In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, almost all Juren used this privilege to exempt landlords from taxes and bring goods to merchants to avoid taxes, making a fortune.

Finally, Juren has all the privileges of a scholar, and can even directly intervene in local cases, government affairs, and so on.

Therefore, scholars can only realize the "ideal" of being an official and making a fortune only by becoming a juren.

If you choose science, it will be easier to pass the provincial examination and become a Juren. Presumably most scholars will consider this path.

However, what is the new science subject in the rural examination?

Song Xiance continued to look at it with curiosity.

The main test is six subjects, namely: literature, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy and geography.

Seeing this, Song Xiance frowned into a knot.

He can understand literature, mathematics, astronomy and geography, but what kind of knowledge is this physics, chemistry, and biology?
After this issue of Da Ming Pao came out, it immediately aroused the attention and heated discussions of all readers.

For example, Nanjing City, as long as there are scholars, you can hear talk about the reform of the rural examination.

"The imperial court reduced the requirements for stereotyped essays and increased examinations for historiography and practice. I agree with this. In the past few decades, the imperial court declined because many officials could not learn from history and practice.

But why add a science department and take one-third of the quota for candidates? "

In a refreshment shop, several not-so-wealthy scholars were talking loudly.

At this time, a man in his 30s dressed as a traveling businessman came in, asked for a pot of tea and a refreshment, and sat down.

Hearing the discussion of several scholars, he looked slightly sideways.

Knowing that he was talking about the contents of the Ming Pao, he asked the owner of the tea shop, "Do you sell the Da Ming Pao here?"

"Yes." The owner of the tea shop laughed, "The Ming Pao is now a bestseller throughout South Zhili, and anyone in Nanjing who can read will like to read it.

Our tea shop couldn't afford storytellers, so we bought more than a dozen copies of the current issue of Da Ming Pao.The government does not allow us to resell them, but we can watch them for entertainment while drinking tea. "

While talking, the boss took out a copy of the current ten-day issue of the Daming News, which was all worn out, and gave it to You Shang.

So the traveler read the newspaper and listened to the discussion of several scholars in the shop, drinking tea and eating snacks, quite at ease.

"As far as science is concerned, we all know what literature, mathematics, astronomy and geography are and what they are useful for.

But what about physics, chemistry, and biology?The Ming Pao only said that there would be a special issue in the future, but they didn’t know what they were trying to tell. Wouldn’t it be better to just tell me in this ten-day issue? "

"Why, brother Liangchen intends to take the science provincial examination?" One person asked after hearing something.

The middle-aged scholar known as Brother Liangchen said: "Compared with the four books, five classics, and stereotyped essays, I am not outstanding compared with other students, but I have studied mathematics and astronomy. So, if the physics, chemistry, and biology are not good enough If it’s difficult, I do intend to take science.”

Another person said: "This science is newly established. All students in the world must be the only ones who understand this aspect of knowledge. The competition in the exam is indeed smaller. But if I don't know what physics, chemistry, and biology are, I will have a hard time. determined to learn."

Hearing this, Youshang got up and bowed his hands, saying: "My friends, although I don't know what chemistry and biology are, I do know a thing or two about physics."

When the few scholars heard this, their eyes lit up immediately.

They all returned their salutes to the traveling merchants, and then Yan Liangchen, the leader, said, "I don't know what to call my friend? Could you tell us a little bit about the physics problem?"

Youshang smiled and said: "My lord, Wu Shi, as far as I know, the earliest reference to the word 'physics' should be Huainanzi compiled by Liu An, king of Huainan in the Western Han Dynasty.

In the sixth volume of this book, "Lan Ming Xun", there is a saying: "The husband's flint draws fire from the sun, the kind stone draws iron, and the sunflower turns to the sun. Although it is wise, it is impossible to do so."Therefore, the observation of ears and eyes is not enough to distinguish physics; the theory of mind is not enough to determine right from wrong.

Later, there was "Theory of Things" written by Yang Quan, a native of Wu during the Three Kingdoms period, which recorded the miscellaneous subjects such as astronomy, geography, various industries, agriculture, and medicine at that time.

Later literati in the past dynasties also mentioned the term "physics" in their writings, either as a collective name for miscellaneous subjects, or as a theory of physical properties.

As far as this dynasty is concerned, in recent decades, the sixth volume and second volume of "Moaning Language" written by Lu Kun is dedicated to "Physics", and Wang Xuan, a senior in Jiangxi, also wrote the book "Institute of Physics".

In addition, some missionaries from abroad brought some books from Xiyi, which also involved some physics.

Therefore, I speculate that the physics tested in the imperial court and rural examinations is either a general term for miscellaneous subjects, or the study of physical properties.

But speaking of it, the two, as well as Xiyi's physics, actually have a lot in common.If you can learn at the same time and get a thorough understanding, it should not be difficult to deal with the physics questions in the science provincial examination. "

The traveling merchant Wu Shi stopped at this point, but saw that Yan Liangchen and other scholars were already stunned.

 Second more.

  There is a lot of information to check, and the update is late.

  Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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