Daming: I help my wife be the empress

Chapter 488 Yuanfu deceived me and didn't understand Tianzheng?

After hearing Yuan Jixian's words, Auntie Zhu remained silent for a while.

It's not that she doesn't know how to argue, but that she is listening to Hao Guangming on the other side.

"This Yuan Jixian either doesn't understand Daming's land administration, or he is bullying you for not understanding Daming's land administration." Hao Guangming smiled coldly, "He doesn't know, since you want to carry out land tax reform, you will naturally study Daming Tian Zheng."

In fact, Hao Guangming accompanied Auntie Zhu to study Daming's Tian Zheng during the few months of spare time after she ascended the throne.

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After that, by the way, you roughly studied a series of changes in the land policy in the history of China.

Therefore, now Hao Guangming and Zhu Wei are very clear about Tian Zheng's affairs, and there may even be no one in the entire Ming Dynasty who understands Tian Zheng better than the couple.

Therefore, Hao Guangming paused for a while, and then said: "I see that you, a minister in the court, whether you want to reform or secretly obstruct reform, do not have the kind of capable minister who knows Tian Zheng well.

Perhaps, you can take out some of the data we analyzed about Tianzheng before, to shock them, and broaden their horizons.

Lest they think that you, the empress, can only rely on the magic weapon of the 'immortal world' to control Daming. "

Auntie Zhu nodded slightly.

At this time, many ministers below were staring at Aimee Zhu, and seeing Aimee Zhu nodding slightly, they couldn't help being surprised and delighted: Your Majesty was persuaded by Yuan Jixian?

In fact, all the ministers subconsciously wanted to object to Auntie Zhu's proposal that "women are adults when they grow up".

Because this incident is too challenging to the tradition, and involves too many aspects, all the officials feel that it is inappropriate.

It's just that some people don't want to be the first to confront Aimee Zhu, and some people can't think of a refutation at the moment—the words that most people think of can easily be regarded as questioning Aimi Zhu's legitimacy as an empress, and they can't say it at all.

Therefore, all the ministers were quite happy to see Yuan Jixian pointed out the problem of women's discussion on Ding with two specific things.

It's just Zhu Yu's strength and stubbornness, which they have all seen in the past half a year - an empress who is loved by God, and has great supernatural powers, and now has great martial arts, how can she not be strong and stubborn?

Certainly not that easy to convince.

As a result, Auntie Zhu nodded after listening to Yuan Jixian's speech for a while. How could this surprise all the officials?
Yuan Jixian was also very pleasantly surprised, and was about to bow to Aimee Zhu, calling out "Your Majesty is holy", when Aimee Zhu looked at him and smiled coldly.

"Could it be that Yuan Fu deceived me that I don't understand Tian Zheng?"

As the emperor of the Ming Dynasty who controlled an army of more than 80 troops, Aimee Zhu's every word, deed, and even a single expression could have a great impact, and naturally carried great power.

Yuan Jixian was stared at coldly by her, he was startled immediately, and hurriedly said: "I have absolutely no such intentions!"

"Does Yuanfu understand Tian Zheng?" Aimee Zhu asked again.

"This..." Yuan Jixian sweated profusely from his forehead, "As far as I know, my court and land administration was inherited from the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and can be divided into official land and private land."

After hearing this, Auntie Zhu's face softened slightly, and she said, "It seems that Yuan Fu is not ignorant of Tian Zheng, so can you be more specific?"


more specific?
How to be more specific?He only knows a rough idea.

For a while, Yuan Jixian became dumb.

At this time, the rest of the ministers in the Hall of Martial Arts were not in the minority, because some of them didn't even know what Yuan Jixian said last.

That is to say, although we know that we are going to participate in the land tax reform meeting today, which involves the land administration, there are quite a few people who know nothing about the land administration...

"Why, Yuanfu can't answer?" Auntie Zhu showed disappointment, and her expression turned cold again, "Yuanfu couldn't even explain the specifics of Tianzheng, how could he dare to persuade me not to give women an opinion? Dividing the fields? Even if this matter is inappropriate, it’s not like Yuanfu persuaded him, right?”

In fact, the idea of ​​"distributing the land to women" is just a means for Zhu Wei to use the new land tax policy to win some rights for women.

She has studied the land administration of past dynasties with Hao Guangming a long time ago, how could she not know that there are many problems in distributing land to women?To do so is just to use the "window theory" to bargain.

All she really wanted was women's love.

In addition, it is to allocate land to women in the temporary policy of relocation and land reclamation.

She thought that when this matter was brought up, the officials would persuade her that it was not in line with Tian Zheng, but she did not expect that Yuan Jixian did not recognize what was wrong with this matter at all.

In the basic land policy of the Ming Dynasty, there is no such thing as dividing the land by individual, and the division of the world has always been based on households.Only when the local government recruits refugees to restore the abandoned fields will it temporarily issue a policy of dividing the fields by cents.

For example, to settle in a certain place, how many acres per minute.

These are all temporary policies for local governance, not the basic land administration of the Ming Dynasty.

But from what happened just now, it can be known that Yuan Jixian and most of the ministers attending the meeting, maybe even everyone, didn't even know about it.

No wonder Hao Guangming asked her to open the eyes of these people and educate them.

"Do you know the details of Tianzheng, Zhu Qing?" Zhu Yu asked, looking away from Yuan Jixian and looking at other people.

As a result, all the officials bowed their heads, and everyone who could answer.

Many people had shame on their faces.

In fact, not all the ministers are ignorant of Tian Zheng, some of them still know a little.It's just that these ministers know more than Yuan Jixian, but they don't know everything, and they are not sure that what they know and think is correct, so they dare not speak.

"Since you don't know about it, let me tell you about it."

Then, Auntie Zhu used the projector to play the rough slideshow that Hao Guangming made temporarily.

When everyone looked at the curtain, they immediately shrank, showing surprise, and then they couldn't move their eyes from the content on it.

I saw that the Tianzheng on this curtain turned out to be from the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties!
And all of a sudden listed the six systems of well field system, private land system, fake civilian public land system, village land system, land occupation system, and equal land system!

The few ministers like Lu Zhenfei and Xie Xuelong who thought they knew more about Tian Zheng than Yuan Jixian felt lucky.

Fortunately, they didn't speak up just now, otherwise it would be a shame now.

However, Aimee Zhu's understanding of Tian Zheng was so clear, it was beyond their surprise.

But soon someone thought: With the help of the emperor, what is so strange about His Majesty's land administration for thousands of years?

At this time, Auntie Zhu took out a laser pointer, shot a red line, pointed to the words on the curtain, and said, "I won't talk about the other five land systems. If you are interested, you can look up relevant classics after the meeting." learn.

Today, I will only tell you about my Daming's land system.

As Yuan Fu said before, our Ming Dynasty inherited the Song and Yuan Dynasties, so we implemented the land occupation system.Although it is officially called the 'Two Field System', it is actually more appropriate to call it the 'Occupy Field System' because the word 'Occupy' stands out in this system! "

Daming: I help my wife be the empress

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