Daming: I help my wife be the empress

Chapter 623 Dutch debate, villagers suspect dreaming

Chapter 623 Dutch debate, villagers suspect dreaming

Connor is not a reckless man who only knows how to shout, and he does have certain talents in the military.

Hearing this, he said: "It's very simple, let the Ming people attack here, Zeelandia City will make their heads broken.

When they were exhausted and lost their morale, our fleet outside and the warships in the inner harbor flanked the fleet of the Ming people.

As long as the fleet of the Ming people is destroyed, those who landed on the island will lose follow-up supplies. Under the attack of our heroic army soldiers and natives, they will soon collapse and become yellow pigs worthy of being captured! "

Owald looked at Gerd again.

Although Gerd is not a military commander, Overward trusts his calm and rational head more than Connor, who looks like a military madman.

Gerd pushed down the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said: "Theoretically speaking, even if tens of thousands of Ming troops besiege, with their simple weapons and equipment, Zeelandia City can hold on for more than half a year."

Owald reminded: "Don't forget that the Ming army has a kind of continuous fire gun, which shows that their weapons may not be simple."

Gerd said indifferently: "Your Excellency, I have also asked the soldiers on the pier at that time. The envoy of the Ming Dynasty used short-shot guns, while the other soldiers of the Ming Dynasty used normal flintlock guns.

As far as I know, flintlock guns are not used by many armies in Europe-not only because flintlock guns are not as stable as matchlock guns, but also because they are much more expensive than matchlock guns.

The equipment of the Ming army has always been simple, so I speculate that this Ming army is only equipped with a small number of flintlock guns.

As for the short burst guns, they may be handicrafts, and the price is probably ridiculously high. Only officials like the envoys of the Ming Dynasty who are interested in firearms will get one for self-defense, and it is impossible to equip the army on a large scale. "

Speaking of this, Gerd paused for a moment before continuing: "In addition, Your Excellency the Governor should know that if the Ming army wants to break through Zeelandia City, no matter how many muskets and powerful guns they need, it is useless. What they need is artillery.

As for artillery, is there anyone in the world today who is better at making artillery than us Dutch?
I heard that until a few years ago, the Ming people were buying artillery from us one after another to fight the barbarians in the north.Therefore, even if the military industry of the Ming Dynasty has developed in the past few years, it is absolutely impossible to surpass us in artillery casting technology. "

Gerd's analysis is undoubtedly well-founded and convincing, and most members of the board of judges can't help but nod their heads in agreement.

Even Overward had a lot of confidence in this battle, so he stood up and said, "In this case, let's follow Colonel Connor's battle plan. Is there any objection? If so, please raise your hand."

No hands were raised.

The members of the jury rarely agreed to this matter unanimously.

So the city of Zeelandia and even the city of Chikan and other Dutch artillery towers, bastions, and strongholds were all prepared for the upcoming battle...
Daming's side is also proceeding in an orderly manner according to the pre-negotiated battle plan.

On May 21, the ships of the Nanyang Navy first escorted a town of Fujian garrison troops to land in Shuangxi, north of Dayuan.

The Dutch also established a stronghold here.

However, the Ming army had a large number of landing troops, supported by ships and artillery, but there were less than a hundred Dutch soldiers in the Shuangxi stronghold.After a little blocking, they saw that they could not prevent the Ming army from landing, so they decisively gave up their stronghold and evacuated.

Therefore, the Ming army successfully landed in Shuangxi that day.

In the following day or two, the garrisons of the other three towns also landed in Shuangxi and established logistics camps.

At the same time, the Han people near Shuangxi, under the leadership of the martyrs whom He Yanbin had contacted in advance, came to contact the military and political department and military intelligence department personnel in the garrison, and expressed their willingness to help the Ming army lead the way and fight the Dutch.

Changlin is a very ordinary household in Qingxi Village.

He was originally from Zhangzhou, Fujian. When he was [-] or [-] years old, the fields in his hometown couldn't support so many people, so he ventured across the sea with his fellow villagers to Dongfan Island to farm for a living.

Now he has been farming on Dongfan Island for nearly ten years.

In recent years, as he heard many things about Dongfan Island's past from some old households, Chang Lin often couldn't help feeling that he came to Dongfan Island too late.

As early as [-] years ago, before the Dutch set foot on Dongfan Island, the Han people who farmed on the island were the most free. They did not need to pay heavy taxes to the government, nor did they have to be oppressed by the landlords. reward.

Of course, it is said that that time was also the most dangerous, because at that time the Fan people were very hostile to the Han people, and they often came to plunder, not to mention headhunting.

Moreover, the raw fans in the deep mountains are said to eat human flesh.

Therefore, although many Han people who came here to farm at that time made a fortune, many Han people died at the hands of Fan people.

Later, the Dutch set foot on Dongfan Island, established a stronghold on the island, farmed and traded with Han people and Fan people.

In the early days when the Dutch had not yet established their dominion over Dongfan Island, it was the time when the Han people were most comfortable and easy to make a fortune.

Because at that time the Dutch would not only please the Fan people, but also try their best to win over the Han people.At that time, the Han people paid good wages for building cities and farming for the Dutch, which gave the Han people an extra source of extra income besides farming.

But when the Dutch built a castle on the island and gained a firm foothold, things changed.

Relying on their force, the Dutch declared that all the fields and forests on the island belonged to the Netherlands and were called "king land".

Since then, people on the island, regardless of Fan Han, have to pay not only land rent but also poll tax for farmers; hunters, if they use nets, pay one riel per month, and those who set traps have to pay fifteen riels.

Of course, Fan people also have to pay poll tax.

Building houses, doing business, etc. have to pay taxes, even if you don’t go to the Dutch school or believe in their teachings, you have to pay taxes!

Up to now, Lin Lin feels that all the taxes paid to the Dutch for farming in Dongfan Island are not much less than the taxes paid in Daming ten years ago.

In recent years, many people felt that farming in Dongfan Island could not make any money, and they left their hometowns, and some of them went back across the sea.

The reason why Zhang Lin is still persisting is entirely because he built a house on the island and has land to grow.In his hometown, he has no land, no house, and nothing.

Therefore, he planned to work hard for a few more years, save enough money to get a daughter-in-law, and live a down-to-earth life—anyway, he would suffer, so he might as well stay on Dongfan Island and survive.

He also heard that there have been many good changes in the Ming Dynasty in the past two years. It seems that the daughter of Long Live Chongzhen became the empress. The people live a good life.

Those villagers who have come to Dongfan Island in the past year have said so well that Chang Lin doesn't want to believe it.

The world is as black as crows, so how could it be possible for Daming to change to a new emperor and the common people would live better?
What's more, she is still a female emperor, speaking like a drama.

How can it be?

Changlin originally planned to spend his whole life on Dongfan Island, to carry on the family line and have nothing to do with Daming.

Unexpectedly, Daming sent troops to recover Dongfan Island!

According to Lin Dazhuang in the village, Dongfan Island belonged to Daming in the first place, and it was the shameless Dutch who occupied Dongfan Island [-] years ago when Daming dealt with the Qing captives and bandits and had no time to look south.

Now that the Holy Son of Heaven is in power, he knows that many Ming people on the island have been oppressed and humiliated by the Dutch, so he decides to send troops to drive away the Dutch and take back Dongfan Island.

The memories of Zhang Lin's childhood and youth in Daming made him distrust the officials and soldiers of Daming.

But he believed in Lin Dazhuang.

Lin Dazhuang is his fellow villager. He is not only capable, but also a fighter. He dares to seek justice from the Dutch. He is the backbone of the villagers.

Therefore, even though he was full of mistrust of the Ming government and officers and soldiers in his memory, when Lin Dazhuang called the men in the village to help the Ming officials and soldiers fight the Dutch, Lin Lin, like everyone else, was carrying a hatchet and bamboo The gun followed.

If the Dutch could really be driven away, Lin Lin felt that it would be fine to pay taxes like he did in Daming ten years ago. Anyway, the land here is fertile, and there are three crops a year, and it is enough to live after paying the government's taxes.

And if Dongfan Island really came under the rule of Ming Dynasty, he would not be buried in a foreign land if he died here in the future.

Just as Zhang Lin was walking with his head down, thinking silently, Lin Dazhuang, who was walking in the front, saw that he was about to arrive at the Ming army camp, so he gave a loud order——

"Later, we will do whatever Master Guan tells us to do. Well done, maybe the officers and soldiers will be rewarded, you know?"

Not all the men in the village were convinced by Lin Dazhuang. Hearing this, some people couldn't help but groaned: "Then what if the officers and soldiers let us use Dutch guns as human shields?"

Lin Dazhuang did not say that this is impossible, because in everyone's inherent concept, it is common for the officers and soldiers to chop off the heads of innocent people and become bandit leaders to claim credit, and it is even more normal for the people to serve as human shields.

He knew that today's officers and soldiers are different from those in the past, but he couldn't explain it for a while, so he blushed and said, "If that's the case, I, Lin Dazhuang, will take the lead and rush forward to block the gunshots for everyone!"

Hearing such words, no one said strange things anymore, but many people were impressed by Lin Dazhuang's character.

"Lin Dazhuang is reliable, we all listen to him."

"Yes, listen to Lin Dazhuang, and we in Qingxi Village are all in groups, and the officers and soldiers may not dare to bully them."

"Follow Lin Dazhuang!"


In this way, under the leadership of Lin Dazhuang, hundreds of men from Qingxi Village arrived outside the Ming army camp.

Then they discovered that there were quite a lot of people here, and they all knew people from the nearby villages, which immediately made Zhang Lin and the others feel more secure.

I thought to myself, there are probably thousands of strong men here, the officers and soldiers will not bully us casually, right?

At this time, some soldiers of the Ming army came out of the camp and began to communicate with Lin Dazhuang and other village leaders.

One of them, who looked like a general, stood on a high place, and the moment he opened his mouth, many villagers were at ease.

The general spoke with a rather weird trumpet, and his voice was very loud. Fortunately, he spoke Hokkien, which the villagers could not only understand, but also feel kind.

"Most of you are folks from Fujian, and we are very grateful for coming to help our army deal with the Dutch this time.

However, fighting the Dutch is something that I wait for the soldiers in the army-after all, this is what we eat, and everyone can't take our jobs, can they? "

Such a humorous and easy-going speech directly stunned Chang Lin and other nearby Han villagers, who did not expect the officer and army to say such a thing.

Is this the Ming Dynasty official army who likes to chop off the heads of innocent people for military merits, and robs people's property when they have nothing to do?

The villagers were stunned, and did not laugh because of the "general's" humor.

"General" laughed awkwardly before continuing to speak.

"Of course, we are not familiar with the place, and we do need everyone's help to deal with the Dutch.

Not much, just two things.

The first thing is to invite brave and righteous men from the villagers who are familiar with the road to the army and who are not afraid of danger to lead the way and guide the army.

After the Dutch were driven away, the righteous men who led the way could be rewarded for their military exploits, public offices, or money.

The second thing is to ask most of you folks to help us open up the road from the army to the officers.

We will not let everyone work for nothing, but will hire according to the market price.

I heard that the Dutch now hire folks to build forts and castles, and pay five cents a day for a meal.

Our officers and soldiers must not be stingier than the Dutch, so we pay ten cents a day and take care of two meals! "

"General" stopped here, but the crowd of thousands of villagers was still quiet, even quieter than before, almost a needle could be heard.

Because many villagers suspected that they had heard it wrong.

When did the Ming government let the people work and pay back their wages?Shouldn't they all be whipped by petty officials and military masters, taking the opportunity to exploit and blackmail?
According to the general, not only wages have to be paid now, but the amount of wages is twice that of the Dutch!
In addition, there are two meals to be taken care of!

Are they dreaming? !

 First more.

  Thank you [Mu Xingzhi] for the 100 starting point reward!
  Thanks for the 100 starting point coin reward from [Zhengfengfeng]!
(End of this chapter)

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