Daming: I help my wife be the empress

Chapter 646 The deeds of heroes and heroes are true and false, Liu Rushi sent a group of reporters

Chapter 646 The deeds of heroes and heroes are true and false, Liu Rushi sent a group of reporters
"May I ask what your name is?" A young man in ordinary clothes asked.

The young scholar felt that the young man's tone was not kind, but he still raised his head slightly and replied: "My name is Luo Xuzhang, what advice do you have?"

Although the young man was angry with Luo Xuzhang's remarks, he did not lose his basic manners, he said: "Cheng Song, I don't agree with what your Excellency said just now.

Since the Daming Newspaper published the newspaper in October of the first year of Zhaowu, there has not been a single case of falsehood in its reports.

This time the Gansu garrison soldiers guarding the pier is so important, how could the Ming Pao lie about it?Don't you find it ridiculous that you make such an assertion? "

Luo Xuzhang snorted and said, "Just because a person has never made a mistake before, doesn't mean he will never make a mistake. Similarly, just because the Da Ming Daily has never had false reports before, doesn't mean that what is reported this time must be true.

Besides, isn't my inference just now unreasonable?This newspaper said that the Gansu garrison sacrificed more than 100 people, and none of them surrendered. How is it possible? "

Although many people around were angry with Luo Xuzhang for questioning the deeds of the sacrificed soldiers of the Gansu garrison, no one could refute his words for a while.

Some people even nodded slightly after thinking about it, and followed suit: "What Luo Xuzhang said is not unreasonable. According to the situation mentioned in the newspapers, none of the garrison troops distributed on various piers surrendered." , it's incredible."

Seeing more and more followers, Cheng Song couldn't help saying angrily: "Even if what you say is reasonable, but without evidence, you can't say that the deeds of those sacrificed soldiers of the Gansu garrison are fake! "

"I didn't say it was completely false." Luo Xuzhang saw that his remarks were recognized by many people, and his face became more smug, "I just said that it is impossible for no one to surrender—maybe one or two people, or Several people surrendered to the Oirats, but the court said that they all died dead in order to cover up their ugliness.

Of course, it is also possible that they all sacrificed, but it is not because they are willing to do so, but because the Oirats never persuaded them to surrender, or they did not want to take prisoners.

Ants are greedy for life, let alone people?You can put yourself in the situation and think about it. In that desperate situation, if you have a glimmer of hope of surviving, can you not be tempted? "

Here, Luo Xuzhang is actually changing the concept secretly-what people think in their hearts and their final behavior are two different things, and there is no good person in everything.

But at this moment, most of the people on the floor of the restaurant didn't notice it, and instead fell into the trap of speaking skills, thinking that what Luo Xuzhang said made sense.

Cheng Song was only seventeen years old, and he had been reading Ming Pao for the past two or three years. He was deeply influenced by the new culture and new thoughts brought by the newspapers. As a young man, he had a sincere heart and enthusiasm.

Therefore, even though he couldn't refute Luo Xuzhang, he still didn't want to believe it. Instead, he insisted with a blushing face: "I never believe that Da Ming Daily will falsify this report! Just wait, I will go to Nanjing tomorrow and find People from Da Ming Pao should ask clearly!"

Luo Xuzhang asked with an educational tone: "Cheng Song, right? Even if you go to Nanjing to ask people from the Daming Newspaper office, how can they admit that they lied about this matter? I advise you, don't be too Innocent."

Cheng Song was so angry that he trembled, and said loudly: "If I can't find out the truth of this matter in Nanjing, I will go outside the border wall in Gansu to investigate, and I will definitely find out the matter!"

After speaking, Cheng Song left with anger and passion.

Luo Xuzhang sat down and continued drinking and eating meat, enjoying the singing and dancing, and listening to the recognition of some people around him for what he just said, intoxicated with himself...
In fact, not only Luo Xuzhang, but a very small group of people questioned the deeds of the Gansu garrison sacrificed soldiers reported by the Daming Daily.

Some of them even boldly submitted commentary articles on this matter to some private newspapers, even semi-official newspapers.

Nowadays, editors of private newspapers also measure the political correctness of articles when reviewing manuscripts.

The Information Department manages the Tianxia Newspaper. Although not all articles that oppose the political views of the imperial court are banned, if the article is too politically problematic and the impact after publication is too bad, the newspaper and its relevant editors will most likely be invited to drink tea by the Secretary.

Therefore, most editors will choose to ignore this kind of articles aimed at Daming Daily, or even the imperial court and the army, that is, they will treat it as if they have never seen it and not publish it.

However, a small number of editors and newspaper offices chose to take a gamble and boldly publish such articles.

Publishing articles that are contrary to official newspapers and mainstream views will definitely increase the sales of newspapers, and even become popular in one fell swoop.

The dangers that need to be faced are that they will be invited to drink tea by the boss, the newspaper office will be ordered to rectify, and in serious cases, the newspaper office will even be closed, and the people involved will be sent to prison.

It's just that the News Department of the Propaganda Department has been established for a long time, and the newspapers have a little understanding of the tolerance of the News Department for private newspapers, so they are still willing to give it a go.

What's more, before the Zhaowu Dynasty, there was a trend in Daming that officials dared to remonstrate and invite criminals to be named.

Some non-governmental newspapers and their editors have also inherited this trend, thinking that if they can become famous in one fell swoop because of this incident, it is worthwhile for it to happen.

So, a few days after the Daming News reported on the sacrificed soldiers of the Gansu garrison, another wave of public opinion appeared under the guidance of a few private newspapers, which actually aroused the approval of many people——

"Could it be that the imperial court deliberately said that all the soldiers of the Gansu Garrison died in battle for the sake of looking good?"

"If it follows the court's ethos three years ago, it is indeed very possible to do so, but now, it's hard to say."

"Let me just say, in that case, more than 100 garrison troops were stationed on more than a dozen piers separately instead of together. How could it be possible that all of them were killed in battle and none of them surrendered?

If it is said that they stayed together and were restrained by a general loyal to the court, they all died in battle, that would be more or less the same.

The soldiers of the garrison are, in the final analysis, some former officers, rebels and even bandits. Personally speaking, how can they have any sense of loyalty? "


Daming Newspaper office, promoted office.

As a newspaper editor, Liu Rushi now reads many other newspapers every day.Because she knew that even with His Majesty's guidance, it would be difficult to maintain "Da Ming Pao"'s leading position in the newspaper industry behind closed doors.

Therefore, she does not underestimate other newspapers and periodicals, and reads them frequently to learn something beneficial to Da Ming Pao.

At the same time, reading other newspapers can also monitor public opinion.After all, when His Majesty asked her to run Da Ming Pao, she hoped to guide public opinion and assist state affairs.

In the past two days, she saw some non-governmental newspapers publishing a lot of questions about the sacrifice of soldiers of the Gansu garrison. She went to restaurants and teahouses secretly to listen to some people's discussions, and immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

She didn't immediately report the matter to Aimee Zhu to know - this is the responsibility of the Information Department and Jin Yiwei, not hers.

As a nominee of the Ming Pao, her responsibility is to guide public opinion in the direction that Aimee Zhu wants and contributes to state affairs.

After thinking about it, she recruited a few subordinates and arranged for people to carry cameras to conduct field interviews outside the Gansu border wall, preparing to face those who questioned the deeds of the sacrificed soldiers of the Gansu garrison with facts.

While we were making arrangements, we suddenly heard noises coming from outside.

She said to a small official in the office: "Go and see what is so noisy outside."

The little official came back after going out for a while, and said: "Report to Tiju, a young man named Cheng Song came from Hangzhou, and said that he wanted to ask our newspaper office to find out the truth of 'the deeds of the sacrificed soldiers of the Gansu Garrison'."

Liu Rushi was slightly stunned when he heard this, and then his beautiful eyes flashed, and he smiled and said, "Go and tell him that everything reported by our Da Ming Daily is true. If he doesn't believe it, he can go to Gansu with our reporter team to investigate .”

 Second more.

  Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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